The Woke Climate Change Gender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

Climate change activists are fully revealing that their agenda is not primarily the environment, which is shown by the almost universal support for migration by the environmentalists, but also by the fact that we are now being told that female empowerment is needed to end the climate crisis. Well, following this “logic,” women in the corporate sphere and politics haver not been any different from men, so it is just special interest pleading. Women championing this thesis  include Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, and Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, so I rest my case.


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The Harms of 5G Technology By Mrs Vera West

The Harms of 5G Technology

By Mrs Vera West

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Covid Vax School Shutdown By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a sign of the times, with mass Covid vaccinations. One Michigan school had to close down, for a time, after a large number of faculty members got adverse reactions following the Covid shots.


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Merkel’s Celebration of Migration Invasion By Richard Miller (London)

Angela Merkel has celebrated the 2015 decision to allow one million migrants to enter Germany as a success.  Of course, it is by the anti-white definitions of the globalist elites who are championing the Great Replacement and White Genocide. By her accounts, bringing in one billion would have been better still! But, when the inevitable collapse of Western civilisation occurs, it will be a whole new story. Things have gone so far now that this may not be the worst prospect.

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Covid Big Pharma CEO Says, People Who Spread Misinformation about Vax are “Criminal”!!! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Let’s have a look into how the Big Pharma mind works.  People who spread misinformation about the sacred Covid vax are “criminal.” Well, what is “misinformation”? Presumably anything that is not from mainstream sources, or is controversial, my guess. That does not sound like a critical rational scientific approach to me. It indicates a desire to punish criminal misinformers, otherwise by use the term “criminal.” The criminal law is all about punishment.

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Hi, My Name is Dr Frankenstein , and I am, Not an Alcoholic, but a Covid-Inspired Toxic Psychopath! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Peter Navarro, former White House director of trade and manufacturing policy,  has said that  millions of people have died because Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, withheld information regarding his approval of funding for gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Navarro sees Fauci as a liar: ““I can’t tell you how toxic that man is,” Navarro, author of In Trump Time: My Journal of America’s Plague Year, said on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “He’s a sociopath. He’s a narcissist.” He said, “[Fauci’s] biggest lie was not to Rand Paul and Congress about gain-of-function experimentations, per se. His lie of omission was not to tell us — the president’s task force — in January that he strongly suspected, as he did, that that virus was from a lab in Wuhan, that he had funded that lab, and that he had authorized gain-of-function experiments which can turn harmless bat viruses into human killers.” “Fauci had to know,” he added. “Fauci had to friggin’ know exactly what was going on. He held it from us. Millions of people — I can’t stress how important this is, if we had known then what we know now — we could have saved millions of lives if Fauci had just come clean.”


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China’s Expanding Coal Output: Forget about the Climate Change Nonsense! By James Reed

Common sense indicates that the angst by Western New Class elites over climate change and reducing carbon emissions is totally misplaced. China does not care; it intends to rule the world, even if the worst climate apocalyptic predictions are true, which, of course, they are not. The mentality of Mao, that people are expendable for the collective, lives on. So, let’s drop these fear of coal, and get back to mining it! Dig it all up and burn it all! But not giving it at bargain prices to China for its war machine, but using it for Western industrial expansion to fight the communist threat! Better coal than red!

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A Spirited Defence of Traditional Masculinity By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Whenever a conservative who is a public figure gives a spirited defence of masculine values, it stirs up the evil Leftoid monsters. This was recently seen by the feeding frenzy generated after Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) defense of traditional masculinity and his criticism of pornography. How the Left love their porno. “We’ve got to say that spending your time not working … spending your time on video games, spending your time watching porn online … is not good for you, your family or this country,” Hawley said. That the Left want to see traditional masculinity destroyed indicates that the Left are too toxic to live with. Secession is needed, and in the New America, while there should be respected freedom of speech, there should be no Leftists or feminists permitted to live in its borders.

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Senator Ted Cruz on Texas Secession By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is significant. Senator Ted Cruz is the first major Republican outside of state secession movements to admit that while secession is not yet necessary, since he thinks America as it stands can be saved, the Democrats could still destroy it. Then he suggests, the good guys, us, take NASA, the military and the oil. I would add food, water and energy too. Let the Democrats and Left live on woke, and drink dirt.

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Dead Babies and the mRNA Covid Shots By Mrs Vera West

VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), vastly under-reports vaccine deaths and injuries, by an amount that is debated. Even so, from the official statistics as they stand, there have now been 2,433 foetal deaths recorded in VAERS from pregnant women who have been injected with one of the Covid-19 vaccines, with the majority of these have been from the Pfizer vax (1,862 deaths) and the Moderna vax (656 deaths.)

Overall, there have been more foetal deaths in the past 11 months following Covid vaccines, than there have been for the past 30+ years following ALL vaccines (2,198). That is statistically significant, and if any other vaccine was the cause, it would have been banned. But, not the politically useful Covid shots. 

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Alarm Bells Clearly Ringing; China has the World’s Largest Navy and Third Largest Air Force! By James Reed

It can be summed up in one sentence: China now has the world’s largest navy and third largest air force. How did they do it? By the West’s corporates moving off shore to build up Chinese industry, by the West foolishly pursuing woke instead of maintaining industrial and military might, and by overall national cultural pathology. In other words, the West elites, especially the decadent Left, want national suicide by China.

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Digital Vaccine Passports and the Art of Starving to Death By Brian Simpson

Childrens Health is one of the world leaders in Covid mandate critical material, giving us information, and debates that the mainstream media censor, always with reliable material, by leading critics. It is one of our go-to sources which we consult each day, to keep Australians up to date on matters, Covid. Here they cover the connections between the vaccine passports and surveillance capitalism. The risks of a vaccine passport, is that it will quickly become a form of total digital identity, which will give the state and the corporates enormous power, even over life and death, such as access to food and medical attention. Below we read how something like this has operated in India,  a test case of this, where a biometric digital ID system called Aadhaar is used  in order to access public services. People who for one reason or other fell through the cracks of the system, such as by fingerprints not being recognised, have literally starved to death., not being able to get food. That is the potential dark fate that hangs over a system that gives so much power to centralised control.

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Dr. Matthew Memoli Takes On the Covid Vaccine Mandates By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a report of one  senior bioethicist, Dr. Matthew Memoli, director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at NIH, who will be arguing against the vaccine mandates on December 1 in the debate over the ethics of COVID vaccine mandates at the NIH. Thus, it is good that such a debate is occurring, but really it should have been conducted months ago. Better late than never? Maybe.

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Covid-19 Pill Could Unleash Dangerous Mutants … What, Like Godzilla? By Brian Simpson

The following material come from a totally mainstream science source,, and to their credit they are raising questions about the first oral antiviral for treating COVID-19, Merck & Co.’s Molnupiravir, giving a balance view of the matter with points from critics and defenders. The issue of concern is according to one school of virologists, Molnupiravir could result in the creation of new, more dangerous, mutant versions of SARS-CoV-2, because the drug works by producing a viral overload of mutations in the virus, hypothetically destroying its genetic function. The concern is, what if it does not, or if, as happens all of the time in nature, some mutations are advantageous, survive, replicate, shed, and are passed on? The defenders say that is hypothetical and as always, the risk is well worth it. Guess where this one will go.

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The Sperm Apocalypse By Mrs Vera West

I have mentioned this problem before, and followed up with more recent articles: the problem of crashing human sperm fertility, both quantity and quality. Human sperm counts dropped by 59.3 percent, mainly in advanced industrial countries, from 1973 to 2011, largely due to exposure to environmental chemicals like phthalates, which are hormone disrupting chemicals.


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Medical Tragedy: The Covid Vax Injured Speak! By Mrs Vera West

The mainstream media keeps a tight lid on the misery of the Covid vax injured. That such people exist, is admitted, but their plight is dismissed, as being “rare,” and therefore basically non-existent. Yet, there stories here that should not be discounted, even if “rare,’ which evidence shows is not so.

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Why Children Should Not be Covid Vaxxed By Richard Miller (London)

The drive has been on to Covid vax children, and soon, no doubt, anything that moves. However, in the UK, while the four Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO’s) of the United Kingdom advised the UK Government to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children over the age of twelve, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) previously stating they could not support universal vaccination of children. “Is it just a coincidence that deaths among children have since increased by 62% against the five-year-average?” It apparently does not matter, all that counts in life today are needles being jabbed into shoulders; that is the meaning of life in the universe according to Covid culture.

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Covid Vaccinated Just as Likely to Spread the Delta Variant as the Unvaccinated! Now, There’s a Nasty Problem! By Brian Simpson

Australia, apart from Western Australia, is re-opening at last. But, given the Covid culture, will things go back to the normal of say, 2019, the “golden age”? Not so. The Covid vaccinated are just as likely to spread the Delta variant as the unvaccinated.  So, get ready for the next round of Covid craziness. With further variants, and maybe the Lambda vaccine resistant version, I would not be surprised to see Melbourne in permanent lockdown next time, like for 10,000 years!

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Covid Mass Psychosis By Mrs Vera West

The mental health aspects of the Covid crisis, whether you see it as a natural disease, or one cooked up by the dark wizards of the New World Order, will be profound. I do not see how people can be put into social isolation, basically under home arrest, as occurred in Melbourne for months, can be done without producing mental illness. As well, the sheer fear manufactured by the mainstream media and pumped out to scare people into vaccine conformity, has its own negative effects, producing, some psychologists believe, Covid mass psychosis on a large scale.

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Dr Paul Cottrell on the Covid Plandemic By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Paul Cottrell is being compared to a Snowden-like whistle-blower, who is exposing another type of crime, how the vaccine and virus “technology” is being used to dismantle, disable and down-regulation the human immune system. “What we’re seeing, he describes, is how these mRNA vaccines are responsible for T-cell and B-cell reduction, so the vaccines are causing a down-regulation of the immune system, which over time creates an AIDS-like syndrome. The vaccines for Covid are causing autoimmune disorders and antibody-dependent enhancement syndrome.”

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