The Financial System of Digital Slavery By James Reed

Dr Mercola, in a now long deleted post (he deletes them after 48 hours to keep the predators at bay, but cheers on those who republish), details how the present Covid plandemic is being used to bring in a digital financial system, after the elimination of cash, that is part of the “Great Reset,” of the New World Order. We are seeing the corporates turning against cash using Covid, saying that only electronic transactions will be accepted. But, of course it goes beyond that, with the bio-fascist state moving to link all of one’s existence, including vaccination status, with your money. Fail to conform, and you will be locked out of the vile system of financial slavery. It is their big stick to ensure first, getting the death shots, and second obedience unto death.

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This Week’s US Covid Vax Deaths and Injuries: The Song Remains the Same By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), data from between December 14, 2020, and October 29, 2021, showed a total of 856,919 adverse events following COVID vaccines, including a total of 18,078 reports of deaths, an increase of 459 over last. There were 127,457 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 3,570 compared with last week.

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Death: “Complications of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis” and “Recent Administration” of a Covid Vaccine as the Contributing Condition By Mrs Vera West

This Covid vax tragedy story may not be as relevant to Australians since the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not available here, but it is in the US. Here is another story of a person dying from blood clots, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST). CVST occurs when a “blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses,” preventing blood from draining out of the brain. “As a result, blood cells may break and leak blood into the brain tissues, forming a haemorrhage.” Sure, it is rare, unless it is you getting it, as I always emphasise.

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Vaccine Developer Nikolai Petrovsky to be Sacked for not Getting Competing Company’s Covid Jab! By James Reed

This may have already have happened, the sacking of Professor Petrovsky that is. A Covid vaccine developer in Adelaide did not get the required spike protein mRNA shots, as he took his own vax which was conventional. As his vax was not yet given approval by the TGA vax authorities, he was as unvaxxed as me. Talk about irony. His conventional non-MRNA vaccine, COVAX-19, may be the one to get if there is no alternative left, but for me it will have to get pretty grim.

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The Dramatic Decline in the Effectiveness of the Covid-19 Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Only a little while back the mainstream Covid narrative held that the vaccines did not decline in effectiveness. But, it was not long before boosters were needed, and now people are having up to four shots, such as in jurisdictions like Israel. This need for endless boosters is likely to continue as the vaccine efficacy in one study’s subjects dropped between 35 percent and 85 percent. It might soon be a shot every month. Perhaps one will need to walk around with a drip to have the vaccine loaded every day!

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A Statistical Analysis of US Electoral Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

Since the November US stolen election, there have been ,many mathematical and statistical analyses of various results calling the election intro question, the latest such statistical critique Out of Bounds: Irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election, claims “the evidence will show that it was statistically improbable — ‘out of bounds’ — that Democrat candidate Joe Biden could’ve won the 2020 presidential election.”

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Will Weaponised Smallpox be the Next Big Thing? By Brian Simpson

We need to keep watching what Bill Gates gets up to and what he says, as it gives us an indication of where the elite are going and hints of their next Big Thing. I don’t know if he has been assigned the role of spreading the bad news, or if he just can’t help talking, liking the sound of his own voice. I imagine he goes to sleep each night with his bedroom full of the eternal sound of his past recordings of either his pro-vacation proclamations, or his prophecies of doom.


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The Swamping of Hospitals By Brian Simpson

The mainstream media is not stating that there is an elephant, if not a herd of pachyderms, in the room. Hospitals across the West are getting filled up with people who look like they are Covid vax injured, but do not have Covid. What is the old saying, if it looks like a duck, quacks and swims, then it probably is a Covid vax injury!

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Behind the Climate Change Fanaticism: Anti-West Leftism By James Reed

It has been said many times, but we see it very clearly with the latest Social Justice outburst from Greta Thunberg and others. Apparently, the West owes a “historical debt” to the Third World and of course, all people of colour. No recognition here that the West actually build these countries and brought them into modernity. Most of the people alive today would not exist if not for the West, especially Africans. That counts for nothing in the fanatical world of the left. Further, not a pip about present day Chinese colonialism in Africa.

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Polls Show Increasing Rejection of Transgenderism By Mrs Vera West

Recent US polls have shown that Americans are coming to reject the ideology of transgenderism, and its closely related phenomena of Critical Race theory. The big shakeup was the the GOP win in Virginia by Glenn Youngkin, which occurred even with speculation of on-going Democrat cheating. “One-third of Americans (36%) believe that these [male] students should be allowed to participate in [female] sporting events,” according to the survey of 5,415 adults, which got very little press coverage. That is a one-third drop from 2018 when 50 percent of Americans said they were okay with male transgenders playing in girls’ sports. More fundamentally, the poll showed a two-year, one-third drop in the share of people who believe there are additional genders than male and female. In 2021, only 17 percent of Americans strongly believe there are multiple “genders,” down from 24 percent in 2019.”


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A Federal Court’s Slap in the Face to Biden’s Covid Mandates! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Have faith and hope! There may be some chance of legal action at least slowing down the Covid mandates. For example, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Court, issued a temporary stay blocking the mandate and considered a permanent injunction. As far as I am aware, Biden has not yet put anything into print, merely saying that there are such mandates, and business has done his dirty work. Still, this may hold things up a bit.

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Diversity Destroys All in its Path By Chris Knight (Florida)

I did not know how bad things were in Houston, Texas, but this post by Brett Stevens tells the story of migration changing original cultures forever. Don’t accept the lies told by the multiculturalists, that there are no radical changes, only an “enrichment.”

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Local Secession in Response to Covid Mandates By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The northern Californian town of Oroville, located at the base of the Sierra Nevada foothills about 90 miles from the capital of Sacramento, adopted a resolution this week stating it would oppose state and federal orders it deemed to be government overreach. The Left immediately went on the war path, saying that they should be blockades of food and water, and cancelling of federal funds to drive them to their knees. Maybe so, but this type of local secession needs to be backed secession at the state level. Then, once all the food and water resources are controlled by red states, we will see how smart the Democrat tyrants are!

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“Mad Max” Predictions from Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder By John Steele

There is something seriously wrong here. Normally we don’t report of depraved stuff, as we are Christians and keep to high moral standards, and do not want to be dragged down. However, the comments discussed here are in the public interest of the climate debate, being  from Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam, and these people are becoming real pests. So, let’s hear what he thinks runaway climate change is going to do, then I add my comments.

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US Armed Forces Resist Covid Vax Mandates By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In the last blog post I covered how there is a significant number of US intelligence personnel who have not yet got the Covid jabs, or are refusing to. This refusal is also seen in police, fire fighters, and even some health care workers. In New York, many garbage collectors are refusing as well, and the rubbish is starting to pile up, to the delight of giant rats, who will even no doubt be getting bigger, and more diseased. As well, military personal are refusing to be part of the great Big Pharma experiment.

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Spooks Spooked by the Covid Vax By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Across the US there are significant numbers of people in essential services refusing the Covid jabs and willing to be sacked for it. This includes police, fire fighters, and the military. Surprisingly enough, while the spooks in the CIA are most all vaccinated, some parts of the US oppressive state apparatus are not, which might just throw a proverbial spanner in the works in the Democrats war against Christian conservative America.


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Weird (Covid Vax??) Heart Attacks at Music Festival Tragedy By Chris Knight (Florida)

Below is a report of eight people dying from a crowd surge at a rap concert. What I find odd is that buried in the report is that some young people had heart attacks. While it could be due to drugs combined with the crushing and lack of air, perhaps the vax could have played a part? This is speculation on my part, but after this extract I return to the theme of hospitals filling up with people who are not Covid, but have conditions consistent with Covid vax adverse effects.

“HOUSTON (AP) — The crowd at a Houston music festival suddenly surged toward the stage during a performance by rapper Travis Scott, squeezing fans so tightly together that they could not breathe or move their arms and killing eight people in the chaos.

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George Christensen: You are Going to be Made Obsolete! By James Reed

George Christensen takes a frightening look into the not-so-distant future, where most of us are going to be put on the junk pile of the brave new technocratic world they are creating. And, we have not seen anything else given what the globalist elites have in store.

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The “British Medical Journal” Reports on Pfizer Data Integrity and Regulatory Oversight By Brian Simpson

This story about Pfizer’s vax tests was in the alternative media but now has reached the mainstream, including the British Medical Journal. “A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson, emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.

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Today’s Covid Vax Tragedy Story By Mrs Vera West

Here is the story of a 23-year-old warehouse worker, who in conforming to the dictates of her employer, received a Pfizer mRNA jab, and suffered uncontrollable convulsions, ultimately losing her ability to walk. For what?


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