Transhuman Post-Covid New World Order: Almost Here By Paul Walker

Scott Howard at an insightful Occidental post gives an outline of the advances that have been made, aided by the Covid tyranny, towards the New World Order. The article gives a comprehensive overview of the globalist players the organisations and corporates who are working towards basically a dismantling and reconstruction of existing reality. They are using technology to re-create the world, ultimately for a transhuman agenda, where the human species is itself abandoned in favour of advanced AI. All of the agendas seem to converge to that one point, of ending the human race as we have known it. Did you have a vote, or even a say on this one? Well, we don’t even get to have a say about being locked down for months in testing lab, Victoria.

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The Climate Change Pope By Peter West

The climate change Pope has not been at the climate conference, avoiding  jumping up and down in his restrictive robes. Instead, he sent a recorded message. “Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed our deep vulnerability and raised numerous doubts and concerns about our economic systems and the way we organise our societies.

“We have lost our sense of security, and are experiencing a sense of powerlessness and loss of control over our lives. We find ourselves increasingly frail and even fearful.”

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AT&T Critical Race Theory: Whites are the Problem! By Chris Knight (Florida)

US AT&T training to employees pushes the line that racism is a “uniquely white trait.” No point arguing, sack all of the white workers, and replace them with illegal brown people coming across the border, preferably Covid infected. The corporates need to put their money where their mouths are, instead of where the sun don’t shine!

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"You're the Famous African American Baseball Player in America." By Charles Taylor (Florida)


Biden can be heard in a video saying to the Pope “You’re the famous African American baseball player in America.” That would be a high dementia level, and if so, the minders need to increase his dosage of meds. The mainstream media are saying that the quote is taken out of context that Biden was telling a story. Well, I looked at the post, and there was no introductory dialogue. It has Biden walking up to the Pope and saying this. So, I go for the senility explanation. But, a senile president is an appropriate symbol of a senile nation. It is just what the elites want now as the US is deconstructed and dismantled.

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Tyranny Grows in Victoria By Paul Walker

Thousands of protesters, including your truly, hit the street on last Saturday to protest about the new state of emergency laws, almost giving the premier the power of life and death, via The Public Health and Wellbeing (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.  The new law will permit the health minister, rather than the chief health officer, to implement public health measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates and quarantine requirements. It will take what happened here in 2021 look like a freedom picnic. The full scope and limits of the law have not been given public discussion, which is what one would expect from a totalitarian regime.

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Kate Langbroek Talking Covid Sense By Mrs Vera West

Australian media celebrity Kate Langbroek has caused a media storm by her criticism of bosses forcing staff to get the Covid jabs or be sacked. But she went beyond this to draw parallels between the mandates and its associated culture and the operation of cults. “If you have the right to go into your workplace and feel protected, doesn't someone else also not have the right to decide what they put in their body?'” it makes sense to me.

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Is Global Hyperinflation Coming? By James Reed

Could hyperinflation be coming? Sure, prices are starting to rise on the essentials, but, hyperinflation? Twitter billionaire founder Jack Dorsey believes that global 'hyperinflation is going to change everything', and the worst still to come? The rise of Australian house prices by 30 percent every year is shocking, but is still way off of having prices rise so fast that money is carried around in wheelbarrows. But, as detailed below, it could happen. If you follow the conspiracy line, the globalist elites could be viewed as wanting to crash the present system, to roll in their own digital currency, totally controlling economic transitions, so from that line, it is plausible too.   


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November 3, 2021: Worldwide Walkout to Protest Covid Mandates! By Mrs Vera West

This relates to the US, and I have yet got any confirmation that the Australian vaccine awareness movement is joining in. But, for what it is worth, here is the information. I think the idea of walkouts is excellent, and will start to hurt the system if done with enough people, strategically. We have to do something about the growing totalitarianism of Victoria, covered in the blog today in other posts.


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Covid Vaccines: Declining Efficacy By Brian Simpson

There is now significant peer-reviewed evidence of the declining efficacy of the three standard Covid vaccines. A useful summary of the literature was recently published by the Children’s Health, summarised below. But the quick take is that the requirement for multiple booster shots indicates that the vaccines have a decline in efficacy, which is what a booster means. If something is going full power, it does not need to be boosted.


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General Concern about China’s Militarisation By James Reed

US Four-star General John E. Hyten, the outgoing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is another high ranking Us military officer to sound the alarm about communist China’s military build-up and progress. He was particularly alarmed about the recent testing of a hypersonic missile, which the CCP claims not to have tested, and caught US intelligence, if it can be called that, off-guard. House Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA) said in response that the Biden administration’s focus on “wokeness” was hampering the U.S.’s ability to deter the communist threat: “Unfortunately, we can’t counter hypersonic missile launch with better pronoun usage,” Nunes said. “And a deeper understanding of white rage won’t rescue Americans stranded in Afghanistan. I’d argue that woke obsessions are the proper jurisdiction of faculty lounge Marxists, not our national security agencies. The politicization of our national security apparatus is utterly destructive.”

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Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid Vax Drive Should Have Been Stopped By Brian Simpson

US  internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, Dr Peter McCullough, has emerged as a strong critic of the Covid vaccination regime. In particular, he notes that by January 22, 2021, there had been 186 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database following COVID-19 injection. This is more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the vaccination drive.

“With a program this size, anything over 150 deaths would be an alarm signal,” he said. The U.S. “hit 186 deaths with only 27 million Americans jabbed.” According to McCullough if the proper safety boards had been in place, the Covid-19 vaccination program would have been shut down in February 2021 due to safety and risk of death concerns, as was done with the swine flu vaccine.

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Covid Plandemic: You are Not Paranoid if They Really Do Want to Kill You! By James Reed

Here is a good paranoid overview of the Covid plandemic, that cuts to the chase. In a nut shell, they really do want to kill us, which is to say, that the depopulation agenda is most likely true, and makes as much sense as anything else. The following piece is one of the best summaries of the adverse effects associated with the Covid vaxxes, and why the experimental mRNA gene therapy was likely to have generated them.

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The Covid Vax Billions By James Reed

Big Pharma Vax Inc. is making oodles of money from the now endless jabs. The figures are all below. It would be nice to see some alternative companies come up with a non-mRNA vax, without the safety issues, that knocks them off their comfortable perches. Some are in fact about to enter the market.

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“High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of Mortality compared to the Non-vaccinated” By Brian Simpson

“Data on Mortality in the Most Vaccinated Countries. Increased Hospitalizations of the Vaccinated” by Gérard Delépine, details how across many jurisdictions, there is a surge of Covid cases among the vaccinated, often double vaxxed. This cannot be realistically blamed as any “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” since there are now so few unvaccinated. Either the vaccines “leak” and allow viral spread, or the vaccines themselves must be responsible. Either way, the mainstream, “it will be all good with just the vax,” does not hold.


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Looking at Covid Crazy Victoria from the US By Tom North

How does the US view us here in Victoria in the most locked down jurisdiction on Earth? Here is a sample, but there are more severe critics who think US troops should invade Australia and restore freedoms. But would the average Australians still remember what they have lost? I don’t know.

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Canadian Pastor Stands Against the Covid Tyranny By James Reed

This is a time of uncivil war, waged by the New World order system against the ordinary people. Many will conform out of fear and/or laziness, and lack of courage, but there are moving stories of heroic resistance. Alberta pastor Artur Pawlowski, because of past Covid mandate violations, has been sentenced by a judge to give a scripted speech to his congregation, a type of warning. He has refused and is pressing ahead. No doubt jail will be next.

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Leftist Intellectual Noam Chomsky Chomps into the Unvaxxed: Starve Them Neo-Bolshevik Style! By James Reed

Here is my pick of Covid madness for the week. Leftist Noam Chomsky, whom many have seen as a champion of freedom, is not really. He has recently said that the unvaccinated should be segregated from society and denied food. Nice; the unvaccinated should remember this, and their treatment if the depopulation vax scenario proves to be true. Why should unvaxxed farmers supply food to decadent cities, or police man their posts?


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US $ 450,000 Migration Money for Jam By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hard to believe, but in this age of decay, I suppose anything is possible. Now the Biden regime is planning to give illegal migrant families $ 450,000 who were separated by the Trump administration. I ask you, would communist China do the same? And if it would not, why should we? Really, it is just one more step on the road the national suicide.


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The Great Covid Vax Mandate Resignation By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US seems to be on the cutting edge of the great Covid vax mandate resignation wave. We have covered in previous blog entries, problems with police across major crime-spawned cities refusing to disclose their vaccine status and facing sackings. However, the problem is even larger, as one survey indicated that 37 percent of workers intended to resign their jobs when forced to be vaxxed. The economic consequences of this are enormous, and in part, the supply chain crisis has been Covid generated. We have not seen anything yet; the worst is ahead.


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Covid Vax, Leg Amputated, Death by Blood Clots to the Brain … but, it Could be Worse! (How?) By Mrs Vera West

Here is the Covid vax tragedy for this week, to personalise the statistics that the pro-vaxxers dismiss as rare. Ketsiree Kongkaew, a student at at Phangnga Community College in Thailand, died of a haemorrhagic stroke after brain surgery. But prior to her death she has had a leg amputated. Very sad. As I say each week, it is not rare if it impacts upon you.

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