China’s Control Over Medicines By Mrs. Vera West

This is a big worry with China War looming. At present here are drug shortages of things like Amoxicillin, a penicillin drug used to treat a range of infections. The shortage is part of a looming problem, well documented by Rosemary Gibson in China Rx: "Millions of Americans are taking prescription drugs made in China and don't know it--and pharmac...

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The Crime of Defaming the State By Richard Miller (London)

I live in Europe (London), visit Germany sometimes on business for the IT firm that I work for, but I was not aware of the following facts until reading a post from German dissent critic, Eugyppius. He points out that the old German criminal code has some offences unique to its oppressive culture. One of these crimes was "defaming the state," givin...

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Murthy v. Missouri: The Future of Free Speech By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing oral argument in the case of Murthy v. Missouri, a free speech case. The lawsuit alleges that 67 federal agencies, and officials, including White House communications staffers, the surgeon general, the FBI and the U.S. cybersecurity agency, coerced social media platforms like Facebook and...

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Notes on Why Socialism is So Bad By James Reed

Here are some points, just as if one was taking notes in a university lecture about why socialism is so bad. The only difference is that if one was in such a lecture at any Australian university, one would not be hearing this side of the debate, only about the evil inequalities of capitalism and the free market. But it is lies and ideology from the...

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The Pope of the Vaccines By Peter West

Back at the time of the Covid plandemic, when the vaxxes had been rolled out, the Pope said that getting the vax was an act of "love," meaning that it was in the interests of the common good. He has doubled-down on the pro-vax stance over the passing years, and has said in a recent interview with journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona: "Deciding whether ...

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Anti-Freedom Leftist Thoughts Go to the Top of the Legal Tree By Charles Taylor

At present the US Supreme Court has been hearing oral argument in the case, to be discussed in another blog post today, Murthy v. Missouri (2024), a lawsuit by Republican states alleging that 67 federal agencies and officials coerced social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter/X to censor individual posts, primarily related to Covid restrictio...

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Peter Dutton, Does Not Want to be King of the Castle By James Reed puts it roughly, questioning opposition leader Peter Dutton's intelligence, but we need not go that far. It would seem obvious that with an immigration-fuelled housing and accommodation crisis generated by mass immigration, that now is the time to be making king-hits against the Albo government. But Dutton does not do it. Why? ...

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The Greens, Party of Mass Immigration and Big Australia By James Reed

The unconventional economist, Leith van Onselen, continues the much-needed critique of the Australian Greens Party. The Greens' housing spokesperson, Max Chandler-Mather, has said that mass immigration has minimal impact upon those seeking to rent, and would like to see immigration levels even higher than they presently are! Renfrey Clarke from Gre...

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Australia, Reeling from the Woke Assault By James Reed

A very thought-provoking article appeared by Konstantin Kisin, "Can Australia Endure the Woke Onslaught?" He points out, what readers to this blog will well know, that Australia is being subjected to the same mind virus as the rest of the West; identity politics, the black armband view of history (seen in the Voice referendum), and all the other di...

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Lithium Battery Fires By Brian Simpson

Malcolm Roberts of One Nation is on the ball. Even an electric toothbrush has the potential problem of a lithium battery fire. Electric vehicles have attracted the most attention, as the fires can start without warning, are huge and dangerous, and extremely difficult to put out. Malcolm Roberts points out that the ACCC is going to have a national p...

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Too Bad if You Need a Doctor in South Australia! By Mrs Vera West

This is depressing news for poor people in South Australia. State changes to payroll tax, about to come into force by the Malinauskas Labor government, will lead to GP fees increasing by around $ 12 a visit, and the end of bulk billing. The interpretation of the legislation has been changed. But it remains that doctors are independent and not emplo...

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How Mass Immigration is Killing London By Richard Miller (London)

 As in Australia, the mass immigration lobby are getting their way with London. In this already majority non-White city, conservative-in-name-only government's open-door migration policies have, according to the Centre for Cities think tank, brought the population to a new record of 10.1 million. The driver of this population explosion has bee...

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Degrowth: The Next Big Environmentalist Disaster By James Reed

The "logical" conclusion of almost all Leftist environmentalism, from climate change activism to the Just Stop Oil, amounts to ending economic growth. The argument from the Left is that growth produces too much pollution, and carbon emissions. Yet, it has been economic growth which has lifted much of humanity, including Asia and the Third World out...

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The AI Weapon of Censorship By James Reed

Nation First is back in circulation, and has reported on a leaked document from the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The document outlines a project for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for the purposes of large-scale online censorship. The Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponi...

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J. K. Rowling Stands Her Ground, Wand in Hand By Richard Miller (London)

Harry Potter author, J. K. Rowling, has been maintaining for some time, that "trans women" are not women. Now, new legislation which comes into effect next month, will make this a hate crime. Critics of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act have argued that the legislation is far too broad and will be used as a political weapon. Already th...

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Cash for a Digital ID By James Reed

 Bribery comes before coercion, the carrot before the stick, but inevitably the stick will be applied by totalitarian governments. Rebekah Barnett reports that the Western Australian government is offering families one-of cash payment to take up a digital ID. It is $250 for each secondary student, and $150 for each primary student and kinderga...

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Lucky Country, No More By James Reed

 In his book, The Lucky Country (1964), Donald Horne wrote: "Australia is a lucky country run mainly by second rate people who share its luck. It lives on other people's ideas, and, although its ordinary people are adaptable, most of its leaders (in all fields) so lack curiosity about the events that surround them that they are often taken by ...

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Cashless Australia Cometh? By James Reed

The movement to a cashless society is progressing faster in Australia than in most other places in the West, making us a test case. Thus, Bankwest, a subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, is now leading the charge, by closing 45 of its branches, and with the remaining 15, undertaking "transitioning." I don't believe they mean going tran...

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Muslims to be a Majority in Swedish Cities in One Generation; A Different Fate for Australia By Richard Miller (London)

Take Western feminism, add consumerism and then mass immigration of non-Whites, especially Muslims, and watch. The predicted result from the decline in White births in Sweden, according to Yasir Qadhi, a Pakistani-born American theologian, is that in just one generation, half of Malmö's population will be Muslim. "Walking through the streets of Mal...

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The Food Crisis War Games By Chris Knight (Florida)

Outside of the West, here is a global food crisis, but not much reported, since part of the problem has been the reduction of food exports due to the Ukraine War, and decreased availability of fertilizer, much needed by farmers in Africa. But, even so, the European Union has been conducting food crisis war games, based upon the scenario that Europe...

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