Australian Banks Freezing Accounts? By James Reed

Here is an item that I noticed that should concern we of the Freedom Movement. It is alleged below that Westpac and NAB have closed the accounts of people who have been active on social media exposing the Covid vax deaths and injuries, with some of the frozen accounts having millions in them. The story was originally broken by the London Times, not...

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The Threat of Blackouts By Paul Walker

One of the clear signs that a society is crashing upon Third World levels, at least as far as the angry sector goes, is the threat of rolling blackouts. Paul Broad, the former CEO of Snowy Hydro, has said that the New South Wales power grid is "Third World." Thus, during summer, when there were increased demands for air-conditioning, the NSW govern...

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DeepSouth Supercomputer Steps Towards Surpassing the Human Brain, Or So They Say By Brian Simpson

Australia is not losing in the transhuman, the replace of humans by AI, stakes. A supercomputer called DeepSouth will go online next year, and it is supposedly capable of 228 trillion synaptic operations per second, which we are supposed to take as being good, no? The headlines seem to imply that the supercomputer will be superior to the human brai...

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A Third of the Young Support Dictatorship By James Reed

I find this item, if the survey is correct, to be profoundly disturbing. According to the Open Society Foundations' democracy barometer of 2023, 35 percent of 18-35 years-old's around the world say that having a leader who "doesn't bother with parliaments or elections" is a good way to run a country. My first concern is the source, with the Open So...

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The Silent Depression Across the West By Chris Knight (Florida)

The term "silent depression," is widely heard on social media. One would be forgiven for thinking that this referred to personal depression, and the mental illnesses that people under stress are experiencing. That would be a valid take, but the term is economically based. It refers to the sting of the cost-of-living crisis, where the majority of pe...

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The Treason of the Intellectuals By James Reed

Some books have great titles, even in translation, but when one gets into the meat of the book, no so much greatness. Thus, Julien Benda published in 1927 The Treason of the Intellectuals, which put the case that the intellectuals of the time were moving away from the Enlightenment ideal of the disinterested pursuit of truth, to beginning to serve ...

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Young Australians Staggered from Cost-of-Living Crisis By James Reed

Research by the Finder organisation has uncovered that the group that has been the hardest hit by the cost-of-living crisis has been young people, aged 18 to 26 years. At least 77 percent of this demographic are facing financial difficulties, which have been compounded by the mass-immigration fuelled accommodation crisis. However, about 59 per cent...

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The Church of England: Paying for Ending Slavery! By Richard Miller (London)

What a price to be woke! The UK Church of England's own committee, and you can guess its composition, is wanting a cool billion pounds to be set aside to atone for slavery. This is done even though the Church of England led the battle against slavery, abolition, and helped abolish slavery all over the British empire. But the woke have found evidenc...

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Here Come Prion Brain Diseases By Brian Simpson

One of the emerging concerns about the mRNA vaxxes among vax critics, perhaps lesser discussed, is the potential for prion brain diseases. Prions are disease entities even more simple than viruses, essentially special types of folded proteins, and these are responsible for neurological diseases such Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), with no known cu...

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Green Follies in Germany: Lessons for Australia By Richard Miller (London)

Few countries have been under the black magic, or is it green magic spell of the Greens, than Germany. Germany had previously sought to move to a renewable energy economy sooner rather than later, leading Europe. However, since the time of the Ukraine War, the wheels have fallen off the Green dream, as the real test of energy under resource limitat...

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Trump’s Covid Vax Foolishness By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump has been soundly criticised by leading UX Covid vax critic Robert Kennedy Jr, for endorsing Joe Biden's praise of the Covid vax. Trump added that these vaxxes were pushed through by him in nine months by his Operation Warp Speed, a name which he probably come up with from his Star Trek viewing days. Indeed, Robert Kennedy could have go...

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US Democrats Oppose Trump Presidency Even if Democratically Elected; Democracy is Only Them Ruling! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Do the US Democrats support democratic elections? The Republicans certainly do, and will go along with open electoral fraud, since they believe in "law and order," as Trump put it. However, in a recent poll, 57 percent of Democrat voters said that they would oppose Congress certifying the 2024 election if Donald Trump won! Yes, this is like having ...

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Why I Don’t Trust Economists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Professor Angus Deaton, who won the 2015 Nobel prize for Economics, was like most mainstream economists, a supporter of immigration. But for some unexplained reason he was changed course and now believes, as I do, that both immigration and free trade impose high costs upon the ordinary people. He quotes the facts of history, ignored by economists, ...

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Biden Descends to a New Low By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Conservative America has been shocked by the brutal murder of student nurse Laken Riley, who was killed by an illegal. Biden in a speech did call the killer an "illegal," and was given a smack over his ice cream-holding hands by his controllers for daring to say anything even mildly negative about a protected group of people. So, he did what he doe...

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Cows and the Methane Myth By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

As a dairy farmer, cows are my livelihood, so I view with alarm the assault upon agriculture, including dairy farming that has occurred in Europe. I was over-joyed to see the European farmers fighting back, as only farmers can, using their tractors and heaps of manure! And it got results. But the important thing is to sway public opinion, and now t...

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The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The conspiracy behind the assassination of John F. Kennedy is fascinating, as if the full truth was known, it would expose the darkest workings of the US Deep State, who would kill a president that they believed threatened their agenda. A new bookby David W. Mantik M.D., Ph.D and Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D., The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the J...

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Some Surprising Facts about the Measles Vaccine By Mrs Vera West

I was sent this article dealing with the safety of the measles vaccine, which the establishment takes as being responsible for halting the spread of measles. The article has some surprising facts. For a start, it was shown in the 1960s that children who had a rare disease that prevented them from making antibodies would still recover from measles. ...

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Canada’s Proposed Bill C-6: Lethal By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is obviously a test case by the globalists of the next level of tyranny and oppression, using the race weapon that has been cultivated since the end of World War II. Canada's proposed Bill C-6, will give a life prison sentence for anyone who commits a specific offence, if the offence is motivated by "hatred based on race, national or ethnic or...

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Fred Reed on the Great Asian War By James Reed

Fred Reed is known as a great satirist of the Dissent Right, coming from that tradition. Here in an entertaining, but also alarming piece, where he makes the point that the US is quite unprepared for war with China, let alone a double war with Russia, and maybe Iran and North Korea as well. Instead of building a powerful fighting force, most of the...

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The Good News about Red Meat By Mrs Vera West

Apart from the climate change alarmist attack upon red meat, which is relatively recent, the main attacks have been medically based, claiming that red meat is linked with an increased risk of cancer, and cardiovascular disease. These studies still appear, and are quite common. However, a recent UK study, link at end of this article, examined 1.8 mi...

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