Long Covid Does Not Exist! By Brian Simpson

This story from good old Australia went around the world. The Chief Health Officer of Queensland, Dr. John Gerrard, has rejected the narrative that has been built up around so-called long Covid, the supposed long-lasting ill-effects from the Covid-19 infection, such as fatigue and brain fog. All that is occurring is post-viral effects, that have be...

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The Dismantling of Liberty By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following the theme at the blog today on the threat to liberty posed by the New World Order technocrats, American Thinker.com, had some relevant comments a few days ago, but the material now drops down its list. Still the point was made forcefully, that censorship and social control is a defining part of the Leftist/liberal game plan. Individual fr...

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Drone Swarms, the Next Big Killing Thing By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I came across an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal of all places, about the rapid development in drone technology. It is well worth a read, and the defence establishment in the US and Australia need to take note. Without going into details, what exists at present are usually single operated drones. That is about to change as drone swar...

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The Censorship Industrial Complex By James Reed

Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, details the workings of what has been called, by Dr Robert Malone for example, the censorship industrial complex. The metaphor alludes to the military industrial complex, just to give an idea of the vast scale of censorship underway across the world. This issue was discussed in a February 16, 2024, interview of Tu...

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Marriage is “White Supremacist” … What! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Academics certainly publish some weird stuff, and today one could work full time exposing the nonsense, and still only scratch the surface. For example, Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family. "Marriage fundamentalism" advances "white supremacy." "I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a k...

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Insane Experiments on the Arctic ice By James Reed

I have been covering for the blog the proposals by the geoengineering camp of the climate change alarmism tribe, to attempt to cool the environment in various ways, such as firing reflective particles into the stratosphere to reflect away solar radiation. These proposals are typically greeted with scepticism by even mainstream climate scientists, s...

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The Human Brain Needs Meat! And We Therefore Need Farming! By Mrs Vera West

It is good to see that something of a fightback is occurring against the health criticisms that have been made of meat, especially red meat. One of the arguments from the vegan camp is that meat is not necessary, that everything one needs can come from fruits and vegetables. Now, while fruits and vegetables are very important for vibrant health, so...

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Doctor Suspended Over Criticisms of Covid Vaxxes and Mask Mandates By Brian Simpson

Western Australin doctor, Dr Mitch Sambell, has been found to have engaged in professional misconduct by the Western Australian State Administrative Tribunal. His sin was being critical of the Covid-19 vaxxes and mask mandates, something which is equivalent to blasphemy in the modern Covid state like WA. The doctor had stated that from his clinical...

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The Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis Goes Mainstream By Brian Simpson

How times change. When Trump was president and advanced the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab leak hypothesis, he was shouted down by leading scientists for being "racist." That claim would hurt Chinese science it was said, showing where the interests of scientists lie, not with protecting the homeland but with an international New Class of technocra...

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The Global Surge of Cancers Among the Young By Brian Simpson

I have discussed this issue before, but it appears to be getting worse. That is the phenomena of the global surge of cancers among the young, at least people under 50-years of age. We may be surprised to learn that Australia has seen the highest number of these cancer diagnoses in the world, with a rate of 135 per 100,000 people, which is unprecede...

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The Covid Killing Fields of the Hospitals By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading Covid vax and mandate critic, Dr Peter McCullough has alleged that "virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital." He is referring, course to Covid deaths. The mainstream would agree but argue that the hospitals were where the really sick people went, so where else would they be expected to die, if die they must? But McCullough counter...

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Dr Naomi Wolf Sees the Light By Mrs Vera West

I do not usually write on issues of immigration and multiculturalism, something well-covered by others at this blog. However I do subscribe to Dr Naomi Wolf's substack, as I find her fascinating. She was from the Left as a feminist, but got involved in the Covid vax resistance movement, as she saw the unspoken harms being done to women. And she was...

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Australia’s Standard of Living, Crashing By James Reed

Leith van Onselen has strongly put the case that Australia's standard of living is crashing, and this is a direct product of the Albo government's policies, such as mass immigration. There was a record high level of net overseas immigration of 518,000 last financial year. This has led to a population growth of around 680,000 last year. Immigration ...

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The Trump “Bloodbath” Conspiracy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump gave a speech where he clearly stated that the American auto industry, through China building a car plant in Mexico, faced a "bloodbath" if he was not elected to stop the influx of cars. The mainstream Democrat crazed media edited the remarks, even the audio, to make out Trump said that there would be a bloodbath if he was not elected. Here i...

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An Update on the Smurf Scandal By Richard Miller (London)

In Germany a 17-year-old schoolgirl was intimidated by three police officers after she posed to TikTok support for the Right-wing party AfD. She used Smurfs to make her point. The police said that while no official crime had been committed, they objected to her doing this, and told her not to post anything more. This has generated massive criticism...

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Canada Now will Punish People Who May Commit Hate Crimes! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Canada is already moving beyond its law which will imprison people for a life sentence, who criticise the sacred cows of race and gender of the regime. Now another law is being proposed that judges may place individuals under house arrest if they think that they might commit a hate crime.They do not need to have broken any law, the judge, an insane...

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Some Good News from Ireland By Richard Miller (London)

The results of Ireland's dual referendum are now in and the woke changes that were proposed to change the meaning of "family'" and to the references to a "woman's duty" in the home, the "care" question, have been rejected with 67 per cent voting "No" in the "family" referendum and 74 per cent voting "No" in the "care" referendum. This is a sound re...

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Whistle-Blower, Blows No More! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a news item, or at least a slant to one that Australians probably did not read about. John Barnett, a former Boeing manager and whistle-blower had been testifying against the aerospace company on safety concern issues. Later he was found dead, from suicide it is said, being found inside his car in a hotel parking lot. "Barnett's death came ...

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Corporate Fascism Arrives By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jeffrey A. Tucker, writing at Brownstone.org, a go-to site for a critique of the modern tyrannical state, has addressed the issue of the transformation of Western capitalism into corporatism, which is the classic definition of fascism, the emergence of government and the corporates. The government has become one of the largest purchases of the prod...

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The High Court and Immigration Detention By James Reed

It is not often reflected upon by Freedom Movement folk, that while the Australian constitution is wonderful, its interpretation and meaning, and hence legal import, has been given over exclusively to the High Court of Australia, a set of unelected judges. Thus, at present there is a constitutional crisis arising, coming from High Court rulings ove...

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