Inside the Minds of the Deep State By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The O'Keefe Media Group have released an undercover video, where Jason Beck, who works in Total Force Requirements and Sourcing Policy in the office of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, said that the Senate should be abolished, the Second Amendment repealed and the National Guard employed to confiscate guns, there should be completely open borders wi...

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Germany Prepares to Bring Back the Draft By Richard Miller (London)

It has been some time since the drums of war have beaten to death the ordinary people, thrown into the globalist conflicts by the draft. Many Western countries abandoned conscription following the protests of the 1960s, but now the draft is coming back, as there is just not enough cannon fodder for World War III. Germany is the latest European coun...

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Making the World Safe for Criminals! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A Toronto police officer has advised citizens that the best way of dealing with auto theft, via home invasions, is to leave the car keys by the door, so that the thieves can break in and have an easy time! There was not the slightest effort to suggest people resist the criminals, as Canada like Australia, is a socialist haven, and self-protection i...

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The Covid Vax Truth Will Out By Brian Simpson

A new study has shown that people who had Covid, but then recovered, and had the jab, were more than 2.6 times likely to suffer adverse reactions after the first jab. After jab number two, this figure was 1.25 times, relative to the unvaxxed. This appears to be because those who have had a Covid infection retain virus fragments in their system for ...

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How the Corporates Benefit from Cheap Migrant Labour By James Reed

This is an example from the US, but it clearly shows how the globalist corporates benefit from cheap migrant labour, especially that of illegals. Tyson Foods has fired American workers and is replacing them with illegals, and will even supply lawyers to aid in immigration hearings. The Biden administration allows illegals to work in America until t...

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Tent Cities are Here! By James Reed

In my article "Labor Lies about the Cost of Living," I mentioned that the accommodation crisis, a product of replacement level migration, has led to Aussies becoming homeless, and some living in tent cities. Senator Gerard Rennick has commented upon this accommodation crisis in a Facebook post (below), with a link to Brisbane's CBD tent city. That ...

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Labor Lies about the Cost of Living By James Reed

Leith van Onselen, writing at, a leading site for the critique of the government's immigration and economic policies, something the mainstream media should be doing if they were no so pitifully Left and pro-Labor, wades in on Labor's cost of living "fairy tales." I would rather call it for what it is, lies. Home Affairs Ministe...

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Titanic II; Better Luck Next Time! By James Reed

If I had billions of dollars then I would do something like Clive Palmer to cement my legacy; build a new Titanic and call it Titanic II or III. Titanic I was about inspiring Enlightenment hope and excitement for the future "courage, resilience, service." I would also have dudes sitting on the front of the vessel with high-powered searchlights to l...

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Freeze Immigration to Stop Child Abuse? By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith is an economist who is not mincing words on the Australian mass immigration question. In his latest piece, he says, provocatively that immigration must be frozen to stop "Albo's economic child abuse." The reference is to PM Bob Hawke's famous claim that no child will be living in poverty by 1990. In 2024, there are probably 29...

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UK Laser Weapon to the Rescue By Richard Miller (London)

This is interesting and could give UK some sort of fighting chance against Russian nuclear weapons in the coming war. The Dragonfire laser weapon has been tested, destroying a drone in the sky. The laser could hit a £1 coin half a mile away, with each "shot" being dirt cheap, costing around £10. This could be a game changer if the weapon can up its...

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AI and the Future of Work By Brian Simpson

Their ABC has covered the issue of AI replacing jobs, making reference to the Future of Work report published by LinkedIn, and economist Karin Kimbrough. The take is one of optimism, that AI will enable employees to upskill and take a higher cognitive road. She sees plenty of opportunities, with developments such as ChatGPT or generative AI skills....

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Adobe Firefly Wallows in Woke By Brian Simpson

Here is the next AI to show its woke madness. Adobe's Firefly , just like Google's Gemini AI image producer, also has eliminated White people, and produces Black and female founding Fathers, as long with Black Nazis. Surely the latter must disturb the woke, but who knows anymore? The image of the Pope was a Black woman, even though all Popes have b...

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The Excuse that Nobody Uses Cash Anymore is a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy By James Reed

Another brief, but hard-hitting post by Malcolm Roberts on the great Australian cash conspiracy. Banks are whinging about the costs of ATMs, while making profits of $ 31 billion last financial year. The claim by the banks of a decreased demand for cash is a self-fulfilling prophecy, since the banks are actively closing branches, 2,000 in the last s...

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Just How Bad Germany Is By Richard Miller (London)

 This little story of oppression caught my eye. A 16-year-old girl posted a video which was sympathetic to the Right wing AfD, featuring blue Smurfs. The principal, Jan-Dirk Zimmermann, called the police, and three thought police rolled up to the school to harass the student, even though no law was broken. She was told to stop making such post...

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TikTok, Ticks Out By Charles Taylor (Florida)

So, it has happened at long last, the US House of Representatives passed legislation demanding TikTok's owner, ByteDance, sell within six months or be banned. It was rightly seen that TikTok was a communist Chinese threat engaged in data stealing and various forms of interference. Yet we should not be deluded that the US House of Representatives is...

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A Controlled Puppet By Chris Knight (Florida)

If President Joe Biden was not such an evil entity one could almost feel sorry for the elder abuse that he is being subjected too. Thus, when he wants to have the press ask him questions, the staf shoo the reporters out. Biden just wanders off to get his next ice cream, or payoff from communist China. It is clear that the Democrats enjoy having som...

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Foreign Students Undermine Higher Education By James Reed

Thanks to our London correspondent Richard Miller for this item, which I think is relevant to the Australian situation too. The UK Home Secretary James Cleverly, has said that the UK international student market may be "undermining the integrity and quality of the UK higher education system." The principal way this is occurring is through students ...

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The Death of Free Speech in Canada By Chris Knight (Florida)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, perhaps the biological son of Castro, certainly an ideological son, has moved forward with the toughest race hate legislation in the world, something far beyond what was found in the USSR in its early days. The Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) will have a prison sentence of life. As with all these tyrannical Bil...

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The Complexity of Heart Disease By Mrs Vera West

The older view, still held by the majority of the medical profession is that heart disease is due to saturated fat adhering to the sides of the arteries, restricting blood flow until the dreaded heart attack occurs. This position has been held since the 1960s, but that does not mean it is true. In fact, as the recent survey published in the Epoch T...

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The Cost of Australia’s Immigration Great Replacement By James Reed

Australia under the Albo government has been taking a quick fix to increasing GDP by mass immigration, regardless of the social costs to local Australians, which has produced a crippling accommodation crisis. However, despite the lip service given to GDP increase, according to research by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), real productivity has...

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