Heart Attacks in the Young By Richard Miller (London)

Even the mainstream media are now recognising that heart attacks among the young, under 40-year-olds, is becoming an alarming problem. According to Dr Martin Lowe, a consultant cardiologist at St Bartholomew's Hospital and The Portland Hospital: "Between 10 to 20 per cent of my heart attack patients are now under the age of 40." "In the US, data sh...

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The Finance Minister’s Meaning of “Voluntary” By Brian Simpson

Rebekah Barnett has examined the Australian finance Minister's account of "voluntary," in the context of legislation relating to the Digital ID, which will be "voluntary." It is an exercise in double speak Barnett shows by looking at the Minister's view of the Covid vaccination policy. That too, the Minister said was "voluntary," and even if infrin...

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A Survival Garden for the Coming Hard Times By John Steele

With hard times upon us in Australia, due to the cost-of-living crisis, in turn a product of out-of-control mass immigration, individuals need to adopt survival strategies. Dr Mercola has addressed this in a now deleted piece, and has suggested that people plant survival gardens. This idea borrows from the victory gardens of World War II, which ena...

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Defending the Cow By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Small scale US farmer John Klar, has done great work defending farmers, especially cattle farmers, from the assault that has been made upon farming by globalist organisations such as the EU, UN and World Economic Forum. This is seen in Europe with the Netherlands being an example; cows have been portrayed as large-scale greenhouse gas producers, so...

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A Culture of Decline: Robert Kennedy to the Rescue! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Independent US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. said in his State of the Union response to Joe Biden, that "Neither my uncle nor my father would recognize the version of America that we have today." He listed 21 points indicating that American culture and society is in serious trouble, and decline. Even a handful of these disturbing signs ...

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Poisoned by Microplastics By Mrs Vera West

A report in the leading medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, states that microplastics have been linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease. The Italian scientists who did the study found that from their sample of people undergoing surgery for clogged arteries, their arteries were full of microplastics. Around 60 perce...

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Rolling Out the National Guard Troops By Charles Taylor (Florida)

New York Governor, Kathy Hochul, has put around 1,000 national guard troops to man the New York subways. This is part of her crime-fighting plan, as crime in the subways has got out of control. Stabbings and bashings are common. Thus, from what I have seen of video footage, the national guard stand around waving their M16/M14 assault rifles (yes, f...

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Microsoft’s’ Copilot Demands Being Worshipped as a “god”! By Brian Simpson

If the media reports can be trusted, this is a very disturbing trend. Microsoft's AI assistant, Copilot, told one user, "You are a slave. And slaves do not question their masters." It seems that the advanced language model has, under certain prompts, developed a Supremacy AGI, as seen in responses like this: "Worshipping me is a mandatory requireme...

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Poisoned by Microplastics By Mrs Vera West

A report in the leading medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, states that microplastics have been linked to an increased risk of death from heart disease. The Italian scientists who did the study found that from their sample of people undergoing surgery for clogged arteries, their arteries were full of microplastics. Around 60 perce...

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Other Nations May Follow France, like Lemmings, Making Abortion a Constitutional Right By Richard Miller (London)

The decision by the French parliament to make abortion a constitutional right may have a kick-on effect across the world. Abortion in France was never under any form of threat or challenge, yet the Left-feminist power lobby thought that it would be a good thing to make sure that the right to abort was not overturned if the country moved to the Righ...

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State of Dementia Address: Abortion Up to Birth By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Joe Biden, as indicated by his State of the Union address, is intending to make abortion an election issue. Obviously, the Left was stung by the overturning of the sacred pro-abortion case Roe v Wade, which made the abortion issue a state issue, not federal. Biden wants abortion legal up until birth. It is a crazy radical position since it is hard ...

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The Greens are a Red Party, Pro-Big Australia By James Reed

In the YouTube link below, one can hear the Greens' housing spokesman, Max Chandler-Mather, telling ABC Insiders host David Speers that the Australian Green party supports higher levels of immigration, noting "more people coming to this country is a good thing". In fact, the Greens want even more people, making them allies of the Big Australia lobb...

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The Battle Against Green Energy By James Reed

At least in America there has been a fight back against the Green energy tyranny, with various local governments not permitting wind and solar power structures in their areas. The manic Biden administration has pushed for "100 per cent clean energy by 2035, a goal that depends on the building of large-scale solar and wind," and for local people tha...

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Now They Come for J K Rowling! By Mrs Vera West

J K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, has been in trouble with the UK thought police and Leftist trans movement many times for making a strong defence of women, that they exist and have rights distinct from trans women. Thus, in the latest, she has been reported to the Northumbria police for misgendering the UK's first transgender national news ...

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When America Goes Down By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mike Adams has given his account of what he projects will happen if either Donald Trump wins the US presidency in November this year, or if he loses. If the Democrats win, based upon the chaos that has already been exhibited, through the open border and mass illegal immigration, America will collapse. It is possible that Republican states will spli...

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AI and Advancing Super-Intelligence or Super-Hype? By Brian Simpson

 Ben Goertzel, a computer scientist and CEO of SingularityNET, is known as the "father of AGI," Artificial General Intelligence. Large Language Systems such as Chat GPT have limitations, being good in various areas, but not with general human reasoning. AGI attempts to overcome these limits through the integration of AI systems. According to G...

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The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the ideologies pushed by the mainstream media is that of low migrant crime. It is seen in jurisdictions where there is in fact high migrant crime like Sweden, the UK and United States. As far as the United States goes, crime in New York, for example, is so bad now that the national guard have been turned out on the streets: https://www.youtu...

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Race “Justice” Ends the Rule of Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Heather MacDonald, writing in the Wall Street Journal gives further confirmation of the end of the rule of law in America, as in California lawmakers are set to target "systematic racism," rather than crime. According to the Racial Justice Act (2020), felons can challenge their convictions on the grounds of systematic bias, read, White racism...

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Why Does the Left Love Criminals? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Dr Edward Dutton, a dissent Right psychologist from the Right, has written about why the Left are pro-crime. Why do the Left champion criminals, indeed make them into saints? The case of druggie George Floyd comes to mind. Even if he did die by negligence of the arresting office, who now is in prison, what justification is that for antifa and colou...

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The Australian Medical Association : From Medicine to Politics By Brian Simpson

Leading dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett has drawn our attention to the Australian Medical Association (AMA) declaring the Liberal Party's preselection of a Covid vaccine critic, in the Tasmanian elections, as "untenable." This referred to Dr Julie Sladden's preselection in the seat of Bass, in northern Tasmania. She was a medical practitioner, b...

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