Brett Stevens on White Genocide By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a take on the theme of white genocide by Brett Stevens, who runs a controversial but highly interesting blog,, charting the philosophical and real decline of the West. There is always something provocative there.

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Black People Can’t be Racist, Even Against Asians! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


The BLM ideology is that Black people cannot be racist, due to what I think Bertrand Russell once called the superior moral virtue of the oppressed. Thus while it is an open secret that it is primarily Blacks who are committing crimes against Asian Americans, contrary to all evidence, this is said by the mainstream media to be due to white supremacists. This narrative is run even though video footage and photographs contradict the words, in the same presentation!  It is the post-truth world, not done by Trump and conservatives, but by the Left. Sensitive readers be advised that there is censored bad language ahead.

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Biden’s Climate Change Fanaticism By James Reed

Biden has proclaimed that climate change is the greatest threat to US security, which is oddly inconsistent with the shrill claim that white supremacists are endangering life on the planet, or even the universe. But I suppose he has to play to different audiences as the issues come up. In any case, the military representatives qualified what he said, saying that Russia and China were also problems, so all is well, everyone has their pet crisis to keep them happy.

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Why is Everything You Touch, Dripping with Liberalism? By James Reed

The material below delves into complexities of ordinal (order) and cardinal (numbering utility) to explain why liberals are ruling politics and the institutions. The simple explanation is that liberals and the Left care more about politics, and put in more effort to change and dominate, which is what we see in all the major social changes. The conservatives simply do not put in as much effort. And if you don’t fight you lose, as the old saying goes.

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Covid Vaccines, Alzheimer’s Prostate Cancer, and other Horrors By Brian Simpson

Even I found this item surprising, that there may be a link between Covid vaccines and Alzheimer’s disease, but there is a published report on this, in the journal Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy, conveniently summarised below. But if those are right that the vaccines are going to kill off most people, and I am neither affirming or denying it, it will not matter much will it? After this, the prostate connect, a shorter term worry.

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US Cities are Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools By Chris Knight (Florida)

I may have been one of the first to describe US cities as resembling post-apocalyptic cesspools, but I am not the last. This post from the Economic Collapse, gives an adequate overview of the rot that we are seeing. It is truly depressing to see a once great nation, die and rot away. It is even worse to be in it, being white and becoming prey, as in places like Baltimore.

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The Ever-Conspiring FBI By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The cat is certainly getting out of the proverbial bag, as reports getting into the mainstream media are indicating that the FBI was involved in organising the January 6 Capitol Building breach. As well, they are likely to have been involved in the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor, Gretchin Whitmer. Whose side are these guys on? Clearly, as some have argued before, the FBI is an organisation that needs to be closed down, as it is ceasing to be a law enforcement entity.

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Biden May be Dumb as Well as Senile! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Apparently Biden gave Putin a list of key American infrastructure that he is not to hack. Wow, as if that would do anything! And, Russia would know what is key US infrastructure better than Biden. But, really, if Russia was undertaking cyber-attacks, why would being given a mere list and a stern warning mean anything at all?  Biden is an embarrassment.

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Now it is Politically Incorrect for White Women to Report Rape! By Mrs Vera West

Yes, the crazy wokeness has come down to this, that it is now a case of white privilege when white women report rape, at least by minorities. Presumably it is still ok for white women to report rapes by white men, who are even more despised by the New Class than white women. The debate gets complicated, as those pushing this thesis are attacking old school feminists who see women as victims. So, in the politically correct great chain of being, race must be over sex.

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Woke Climate Activism, Self-Destructing on Wokeness By James Reed

A supposed recognition of a climate change protest groups own racism, has led to the group School Strike 4 Climate’s Auckland chapter shutting down because it “has been a racist, white-dominated space,” and it pointed people concerned about climate change to Indigenous-led groups and said it would not be organizing any more climate strikes. Well, these are the sort that accepted that there was less than 10 years to save the planet. So, it is better to be pure from the taint of white racism, than to save the planet! What a joke it all is.  How can one take this seriously? If they are right, and the planet is going to burn, which I do not believe, then all racial groups go down too, as well as politically correct young pinkos. In my darkest of moods, I sometimes do not care even if the Left were right, for the Darwinian apocalypse is not without its merits. But, my vision of the apocalypse is by ice and bitter cold, rather than fire.

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It’s Here, an Early Christmas Present of an EU Digital Covid Certificate for All to Enjoy! By Richard Miller (London)

Yes, there were protests by thousands of people across Europe, but it was not enough. Too many people accepted the received narrative and conformed, sadly, the majority. Now there is the EU digital Covid certificate. Although it starts on July 1 this year, and expires in 12 months, there is no bet that it will become a permanent part of the Covid New World Order, the thin edge of an enormous wedge to come.


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Cyber Attack Cometh? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Both my family and Charles Taylor, Christian survivalists, are busy now prepping for a possible cyber-attack, a “lights out” internet down scenario. There is no ammo or guns to buy, but we sunny Florida folk have already stocked up on that, many moons ago. Thus, some fine tuning on medical supplies, getting all med prescriptions, having to use multiple doctors, food and water. Also plenty of beer too, and some wine for the ladies, some lolly water for the kids, and we are good to go. I do not know if this will happen, but many internet paranoids think that a cyber-attack will be the next big thing, so it is our duty to get prepared. We will see if Mike Adams’ intel is right, but our family motto is, better safe than sorry.

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AstraZeneca a Gift to the Over 60s Only; I Weep! By Brian Simpson

It is sad, I know, but the wondrous AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in Australia is only going to be available for people over 60 years.  And I am just going to miss out, by two years, which led me to weeping. But, really should blood clots, perhaps in the brain, heart and other vital organs, and less important ones, be a good reason for depriving humanity of the joys of biotechnology, the fruits of   warp speed research? Some nations have banned the use of this vaccine for everyone, but surely that is an over-reaction.

I hope everyone understands satire, which has to be used nowadays for journalist survival in the anarcho-tyranny.

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What if it is True, and Most Vaxxed are Going to Die? What Then? By Brian Simpson

I do not know if it is true, the claim by Mike Adams and others, that most people getting vaccinated will die in the next few years. Such claims are usually exaggerations, but it is possible that deaths could well be high, or at least with high rates of debilitating illness. But if true, it raises numerous concerns, such as who replaces workers and technicians in the nuclear power industry, or do the reactors just go into meltdown producing civilisation destroying radiation?


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The Common Ground of Today’s Bolsheviks and Bankers By James Reed

We saw the spectacle of many large corporations embracing BLM and other woke doctrines of the Left in 2020 and this year. Why is this so? As outlined below at a tremendous article at the libertarian, but decentralist,, this is so because the corporations and the Left share a common philosophical basis in globalism, and centralisation of power. Further, with the culture based upon Leftist ideology, super-capitalism is flexible and profits are not affected by woke endorsements, even in taking anti-white racist positions, since they know whites will not organise to boycott their profit-making. And thus, it goes on, and on, to the most bitter of endings.


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The Davos Plot: To Do Away with Individual Banks, and Put All the Loot in One Greedy Globalist Banking Monopoly Pot! By James Reed

French president Macron, who gets slapped, seems to be vocal in the present Davos plan to ultimately do away with individual banks, already highly centralised, to create one global central bank that controls everything. Here are the sickening details. But I wonder, if the rumours of a global cyber-attack are true, how this all fits together? Will the attack wipe out individual banks, thus creating the push for one global bank? And what happens if the cyber-attackers take that out, and these guys are not working for the globalists?

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Mike Pompeo on the CCP Plagues to Come! By Brian Simpson

Mike Pompeo has been good on the Covid conspiracy issue, as far as his type can be. He has been vocal about the Wuhan lab being a CCP bioweapons centre, and  work is continuing on this right now. There thus will be future plagues, to dwarf what we have seen. The main impacts may be social and economic.

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Cancelling and De-Banking Conservatives By Chris Knight (Florida)

Not only are conservative Trumpers being imprisoned and tortured, but there is an even worse fate; being de-banked! Check you bank account and find that it has been closed down by the authorities. That is why one needs to have cash on hand, secured in one’s personal fortress of solitude. Cash is king, and that is also why the elites are constantly moving against it. The lastest victim is Lauren Witzke.

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The Woke Worship of the Gods of Cannibalistic Sacrifice! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As far as crazy wokeness goes California has it all and leads the world in politically correct, anti-West madness. How about a return to the worship of the Aztec gods, while China is gathering its forces for war, maybe the final battle of humanity? The good guys in The Lord of the Rings, had it easy compared to us!


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China Attacks! (Soon Son, Soon) By James Reed

If the recent speech of CCP Comrade Chi Haotian Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission, if the translation is authentic, it looks like China is simply itching for a war with the West, primarily America. It seems that the plan is to wipe out America for Chinese living space, just like someone else from the 1930s wanted for Europe. I do not know if the document is authentic, or the translation accurate, but it is reported on some otherwise reliable alternative sites. If it is true, guess what the plans for weak Australia are? The post-World War II policy of the Fabian socialists, to replace Anglo Saxons in the cultural war of that time, create multiculturalism and Asianisation, while totally neglecting to get nuclear weapons while we could, is the fatal mistake of Australia, one that may doom us. But, at least we die the multicultural Asianised way, woke to the very end, but never awake!

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