Venice Beach, and America, Sinks into Human Waste By Chris Knight

The Daily Mail visited Venice beach, once a place of the body beautiful, but now is a scene of urban ugliness. The photographs, and there are many, tell a story of how cities turn into cesspools under Leftist policies of mass immigration, and social mismanagement. The opening quote, that it is an outdoor psychiatric ward, is chilling. The lunatics, of California, and soon the entire country, then the West itself, run the asylum now, and run it into the ground.

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Traitor Trump, More of a Problem than Beijing Biden! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald cuck Trump has said to Sean Hannity that he “lost” the election. “Shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes, and we got 75 million votes, and we didn’t win. But let’s see what happens on that.” Has Jared got him to abandon his previous position that the election was stolen? Maybe the Deep State has put more pressure on this weakest of men. And, what happened to all the money, tens of millions I believe, raised from true believing Trump supporters to fight this? Will this be returned if Trump now accepts Beijing Biden as his new master?

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Portland, Land of Anarchy By Chris Knight (Florida)

Life, if it can be called that, in a Leftist cesspool like Portland, involves things like the mass resignation of the entire police protest squad. Next will be the total resignation of all police, then antifa will rule the streets, just the way the Marxists want. In many respects, antifa is the ruler now. We will wish for the days to come of non-Leftist, post-apocalyptic warlords, who are apolitical. It will be something different, and a change is as good as a holiday.

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US Covid Vax Death and Adverse Events Update By Brian Simpson

The following report of deaths and adverse events following the Covid-19 vaccines is from the US, based upon data released  by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the data coming fresh from  reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Australia, with a vastly smaller population, does not show such interesting results, so the US study is instructive as a larger sample. This week’s summary is jam-packed with misery:


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The Political Correct Negligence of the Scientists By Brian Simpson

The Covid crisis has been a real kick in the guts for the idea that science is a disinterested pursuit of truth, come what may; while intellectuals know that this is an illusion, now even the common punters will have to reject it, and start distrusting scientists, big time. It is about time, too.

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What Ever Happened to the Gun-Carrying St Louis McBoomers? By John Steele

Even being in Australia, where nothing much exciting happens, well there was the ethnic drive-by, I paid attention to the St Louis couple who armed themselves against a crazed antifa mob who were set to wreck their home. It looked like they were going to be drawn and quartered, they have got off with a slap on the wrist, and seemly have abandoned being Leftist. Almost a happy ending.

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Multicultural Diversity, Killing Hawaii By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hawaii is held up as a shining example of the sort of multicultural diverse wonderland that America and the West will become with White Great Replacement. But, even the mainstream media are recording problems. There really is trouble in “paradise.” Not even Magnum PI (the great 1980s TV show, starring Tom Sellick as Thomas Magnum, set in Hawaii) may be able to solve it.


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Putin On the Cold-Blooded Murder of Ashli Babbitt By James Reed

As I see it, on January 6, in the peaceful protests about the stolen US election, Ashli Babbitt was shot in the neck by an unnamed Deep State agent, as a message to all conservatives, that we will kill you if necessary, and get away with it. Chris and Charles usually scream outrage about this, being Americans, and Charles actually being at the Trump rally (but no closer to the Capitol building than reality-show actor, Trump), but I feel the significance of this too. It could happen anywhere in the West now, being so deep in anarcho-tyranny, so evil so corrupt, so sinister. The elites have taken on the role of comic book villains, stereotypical masters of evil. At least my boy, Vlad the Lad Putin is calling this murder out for what it is. Sure, its propaganda, but what isn’t nowadays? And Russia is not murdering and torturing Americans, at least, not yet.

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The Arizona Forensic Audit? Should One Hold Onto Hope? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trumpers like Mike Adams, and Pam Geller, are hoping that the Arizona audit of US 2020 election votes will lead to the undoing of the Democrats. It is unlikely in my opinion, since there was more than adequate evidence served up to the corrupt US courts in November/December 2020, which they did not even hear. Even if this audit leads to the proof of electoral fraud, and my guess is that it will not, the cover-up is now complete like the Covid origin, the system will ignore it. We have the guns now, so to hell with you! Just go die, conservatives! That will teach you to be so conservative.

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What’s in the Masks? Anything Masked? By Brian Simpson

I often wondered, when eating my Covid mask, usually with spices, whether this was a good thing to do. What actually is in the mask, especially after use? Are masks suitable for human consumption? Now we know: don’t eat them!

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Super-Duper, Free Circulating Lipid Nanoparticles! By Brian Simpson

Who would have thought that 12 months ago, the population would be shooting up on a vaccine that delivered free circulating lipid nanoparticles! That must be good, mustn’t it, it sounds just so high tech and biotechnologically sophisticated? Don’t all good super-heroes have free floating nanoparticles inside them, making them super-duper?

I mean to say, with 12 months, even though vaccines usually take years to iron out the bugs, wouldn’t any harms have been discovered? Surely it is all going to be alright, and the vast numbers of the human race will not die out, as in the movie, I Am Legend (2007). OK, if we become zombies, that may not be so bad, since many people are half-zombie now! It could well be the manifest destiny of mankind, a devolution.

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Biden Thinks Putin is Trump (All Enemies Look Alike)! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just imagine if Trump confused say Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Say, there is not much difference, is there, both being monsters?

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Kiss Australia Day Goodbye; then Kiss Australia Goodbye! By James Reed

The writing is on the wall for the end of Australia Day, seen as basically racist by our New Class, like everything else. One by one the local elites will do what we see being done in the United States, which is why we need to carefully watch what is happening there and Europe, because it is coming here. In the end, the entire country is deconstructed. But, ultimate conquest by China, which is where this will all go, will then put it all in a new orbit. A homogeneous new society could be created for the 22nd century, with none of the racist Anglo-institutions at all, and no Europeans either, in the long term. Oh, the local Left will also be gone. Human societies, like nature, abhor a vacuum, and if one social order is torn down, as in the United States, another will arise and take its place, as we see with the rise, and soon global dominance, of communist China. The fun and games had by our New Class academics, paid for out of the public purse would not be tolerated for a second in China. Given the way we are plunging down, perhaps this is the inevitable result of the wisdom of natural selection, selecting us out?

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The Panic Pandemic; The Contagion of Fear By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has argued in the material below that the main harm done by Covid, within the present tyrannical political structure, is to create a culture of fear. Unlike global warming, which if real (not so I believe) is something of a more distant “threat,” disease is immediate and personal. Like the Black Death of the Middle Ages, the Grim Reaper could in principle strike at any door, totally unannounced. Diseases are a silent enemy, and this creates its great leverage as a weapon of political power, even if it is all imaginary. As documented below, psychological warfare is now part of the new normal in politics, taking the West into a more sophisticated and sinister area like the former USSR and Maoist China under the Cultural Revolution. But, potentially worse.

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The Wall Street Drive to Create Neo-Feudalism By James Reed

I have assembled relevant material to bring Aussies up to speed on the incredible drive by the financial elites of Wall Street to buy up American homes. The quest is to make people renters. This, by definition, is a return to feudalism, but with all the worst elements of modern global capitalism, which has in turn, like an evil virus, also absorbed the worst elements of communism as well, to create a living hell at the end of days, neo-Feudalism. I suppose endings are seldom pleasant, and the ending of the West will be traumatic, miserable, pitiful. Those with eyes wide open, see it unfolding now. We all report it, daily at this blog, doing our Cassandra best to issue warnings.

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Why America is Now Worse that Even Communist North Korea! By James Reed

A North Korean refugee to America, attended a top-level US university, and found that rather than teaching her how to think, the Leftists engaged in brainwashing and propaganda worse than what she had experienced in North Korea!

I have been covering this scene for almost two decades now, and must agree with her. This is why there cannot be partial reform of the universities, but that they must be closed down, and higher education radically re-structured around vocational and technological training schools, with the Arts and Humanities totally eliminated from public finance. Let Bill Gates and Georgey Soros pay for them. Law, for example, can be done in Law/Bar Societies, and medicine and nursing, around hospitals, giving from day one, hands-on training.

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The Torture and Human Rights Abuses of the January 6 Peaceful Protesters By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There needs to be a march of 70 million plus people, everyone who voted for Trump, to make a lawful, peaceful protest about the torture and human rights abuses of the January 6 peaceful protesters. A general strike would also be good. But, my faith in people’s resistance to pure evil is at an all-time low; never have we required heroes, but we live in a time of cowardice and weakness, produced by the relative consumer affluence and decadence that has overcome the manly virtues of the past. That Trump has said nothing about this, needs to be called out at every occasion. He is the very symbol of boomer decadence and treason.

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Farmer Bill, the Face of the Globalist Monopolisation of Farmland By James Reed

Bill Gates is now the largest private owner of Farmland in the US. You can be sure that he has never gone out and swung a hoe, hog-tied a calf, or picked fruit. With all the business with vaccines, why is he plunging into farming? And, as covered in other articles, this is not the only area where the globalist elites are going on a rampage; they are buying up homes as well, almost entire suburbs.

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Why People Hate the American Police By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is not a police race problem, there is a police problem, at least in the US. Here is one of many stories to illustrate their cowboy, if not thug attitudes. Sure, we need them, but cops that are sane and respectful of human rights. If BLM had focused upon the bad egg police instead of going on an anti-white rampage, a lot more people would support them. Blacks are not the only ones to be apprehensive with armed, trigger-happy cops approach them, of any colour. Who has not been baited by tail-gating cops looking for easy revenue to collect? Covid, across the West, showed that the police were quite willing to engage in brutality to strike fear into the population. Here is another institution that has been corrupted. It needs drastic reform.

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Who’s Afraid of the AR 15? Leftists! By John Steele

Brandon Smith at, gives a good outline of why it is the Left who are afraid of the black rifle, the AR 15. Most gun deaths are by pistols in the US, not rifles at all. The Left fear the AR 15, and other semi auto rifles as conservatives have them, which makes a bit of a problem for communist patterns of genocide. Much easier to polish off conservatives who have no guns!

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