Good Feminist Naomi Wolf Continues Fight for Freedom! By James Reed

Feminist writer Naomi Wolf has continued to speak out against the move to biofascism associated with the Covid freak-out. This takes courage from someone on the Left, as the vicious pack animals will turn against her. Probably her previous career is over, but she has done the right and honourable thing, so good on her!


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From the 1960s Rebellion to Total Fanatical Tyranny By James Reed

When I went to uni in the 1960s, my first lecture in orientation week was a talk by a young lady with a see-through top. All I recall her saying about campus life was that you will soon become vegetarian as meat is so expensive. Actually, I lived on meat, getting a good steak and salad for a couple of dollars, at the tavern, and a pint of beer to wash it down.

 Well, things have certainly changed from those heady days of tearing down the old conservative order. Now it is full speed to some weird communist reality. Here is a report from the US about modern university life, if you can call it that. This is so unnatural that it must fall apart form its own internal rottenness. The thing that strikes me is why any conservative, let alone white nationalist, would want to stay in these cesspools.

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Evil, Scary Things China is Doing That Would Have Made the Nazi’s Envious! By James Reed

According to various reports, China is engaging in genetic engineering/eugenics projects that no-one else has ever done, hybrid animals, bioweapons, super-soldiers, hyper-virulent viruses, you name it. Yet anyone daring to criticise this gets slammed as racist by the communist dominated system, here, there and everywhere. Thus, name one Australian academic taking this issue on? The socialist cubs on campus would kill him/her, even before sacking! Oh well, better that biogenetic catastrophes occur than an infinitesimal amount of white racism, the most toxic entity in the multiverse! It is better for the entire planet to be destroyed, including the wealth of the elites, than the slightest murmur of dissent. But, just for interest’s sake, here are some of the things that might finish off the human race, but there is nothing that can be done because the Chinese are non-white and beyond all critique.


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Destroy All Racist Highways! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Some highways are racist, and in the CCP Biden regime must be destroyed. Hell, don’t stop there, pull everything down made by whites, every brick! Level the entire country. Go ahead, see if I scare, I mean, care. Bring it on, the deplorables deserve it. They who do not resist evil deserve what evil delivers.

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Is Covid Testing Twice a Week Enough? By James Reed

US universities are moving to Covid testing, but one wants two tests a week. Surely inadequate! At least 15 per day is getting close to it! In fact, the entire campus day could be spent, getting nasally raped, then moving on to say a Chinese anal swab, then back again. It might be more productive to do this, than work on Arts farts stuff.

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YouTubular: Why I Dislike You Intensely By James Reed

Ok, YouTube is still good for the odd video on health issues, like physical therapy, say Bob and Brad, but outside of that, well it is the same old story. I suppose it was Beijing Biden getting so many dislikes, and so few likes that set them off, so now the dislike will not be shown, as specified below. Ok, you cyber worms, but still there are the likes, and we can see how dismal Biden is just from that. Go on, get rid of that too! A new Carrington event does not seem so bad when you think about it.

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What do Healthcare Workers Know about the Covid Vax? By Mrs Vera West

Being close to the coal face, health care workers must know a thing or two about adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. And, the majority of them, in the US at least, are not having a bar of soap of it.

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What Happens if a Real Plague Comes our Way? By Brian Simpson

There is speculation by dissidents on the net, that a new big thing might be coming to push the globalist agenda through to the endgame. Most see this as being some plandemic, since Covid has delivered so much to the elites, and still keeps on giving. Ebola is being tossed around as one possibility, but there are about 16 other diseases to choose from, more than the ice cream flavours at most stores that still sell ice cream cones. Still, as biology teacher, I see the possibility of a naturally generated pandemic still possible. With all the lab produced viral genetic variability tossed out there, if and when the natural plague comes, it will be devastating. And, given the “boy who cried wolf” syndrome, the authorities are likely to be unprepared, since all their energies go to the latest conspiracy, and suppressing the sheeple. They will get what they deserve, and those in favour of the new regime, will get more than they bargained for. In the end, Nature bats last.

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What in the World is Wrong with the UK People? By Richard Miller

I suppose it is an example of the Stockholm Syndrome, where hostages after massive abuse come to side with the oppressors. Certainly, we are seeing something like that here in Britain, as an already passive population is pushed to new levels of cuckiness by the Covid-1984 measures. Sure, the surveys should be questioned, but still, a large percentage of the population is obedient, at the trained dog level. It makes it difficult to see how any social change beyond social collapse is possible. At the end of the day, if people cannot learn to swim, and refuse to save themselves, they will sink and drown, even an entire nation, even an entire civilisation. It is happening in real time, as we record it.

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The Flight, Not of the Bumble Bee, but the Xenobots By Brian Simpson

Whenever I see technological developments, I always think of how the elites are going to use it to harm and/or destroy us, and the natural world, as part of their great nihilistic death syndrome. Here is a story about a new development in nanotech, the science of the very small, where biological machines are capable of self-organisation into a complex whole. I imagine that the technocrats have some use for this as a military weapon. It will certainly not improve my life. As I always say, technology, chained to the globalist corporate interests, is out of human control, and in the realm of the demonic.

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See, it Really is Princess Greta! By James Reed

At the cost of thousands of pounds, that could have been spent on giving water to poor Third World people, who are forced to drink dust due to Western colonialism and racism, a statue has been built and planted at some UK university to honour climate guru Greta Thunberg. Yes, and how much energy did it take to make this? Did the little princess herself try and stop it? Maybe she did not even get consulted about it? Anyway, I am pleased to see any activity that increases carbon dioxide on Earth, the one thing holding off the inevitable ice age. Otherwise, we might have a new Dark Age and a new ice age!


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Get Ready for Covid Vaccines Round 2! By Mrs Vera West

Already Big Pharma is proclaiming that in about a year, the first generation of Covid vaccines will need to be replaced by a second round, and so on, for eternity. Just print the money!

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Love the Covid Vax Even if Your Skin Peels Off! By Mrs Vera West

This story says it all. I hope I don’t end up being a fleshy, meaty peeled banana as well! Maybe I could just quickly die, to avoid getting the disease? Yes, that would work, better dead than Covid infected!

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Grading is Now White Supremacist! By James Reed

The basic formula is now clear: anything that forms the basis of Western civilisation is white supremacist, white supremacism is bad, so, ban everything. We are now told that grading work discriminates against minorities. Well, I am happy with that. Get rid of grades, or give them all high distinctions. Then see how the capitalists like the new generation of engineers, doctors, whatever. As bridges fall down, or never even get built, as the new doctors kill even more patients than the trained ones, see how the system likes that! It only stops when wokeness starts to severely damage profits. And, if the entire system collapses, I will not shed a tear.

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The Anarcho-Tyranny By Chris Knight

Charles Taylor and myself, have described the US system as embracing anarcho-tyranny. Here is some material from an insightful Zero Hedge article analysing this as well. Pour a stiff drink and read on, as it is all coming together as it all falls apart.

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Global Mass Depopulation By Mrs Vera West

Here is part of an interview by America’s Frontline Doctors with former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon, which as a highlight proposes that we could be witnessing a large-scale depopulation event! If anyone would know, someone like this, who has been in the loop would know. This idea has been expressed by folk like Mike Adams, but nw there are more voices stating this horrible scenario.

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Whoa! Social Justice Warrior Hates Asians! Not Good for the Leftist Narrative! By Charles Taylor

At the moment, the mainstream media is on a rampage pursuing the line that it is white supremacists who are attacking Asians, even though the FBI statistics do not support that idea. However, it does not matter whether it is true or not for them, much like the Russian conspiracy theory of the 2016 election, they just repeat lies so that after a while, they think everyone must belief their bs, like the psycho who shouts everyone down. But sometimes there are problems, when one of their own punks gets exposed. Like this:

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Fighting the Gates’ Agenda By Brian Simpson

Here, from Dr Mercola’s great site, is material by activist Vandana Shiva, analysing the agenda of Bill Gates, who has his fingers in every pie, seeming even one’s my wife bakes, blueberry, and I am unsure of whether or not he washes his hands after all the …eh … stuff he plays with, and puts in jars! Seriously though, this really is the endgame.

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Right Here in Oz Now! By James Reed


Why is there so much attention paid in this blog to overseas madness? Won’t all of this just pass by Australia? No, we need to be aware of it, since it is happening here now. Not as intense, but it soon will be, since the same Leftist degenerative forces of diversity, and drive for the communist Chinese New World Order are alive. Witness this little event that could have been straight out of Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution re-education programmes.

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Ebola? Here We Go Again? By John Steele

It is hard to tell at this point how the Ebola situation will be played out. Covid-19 is delivering all the elites want, with only minor pockets of resistance that they intend to mop up. Maybe it will not be necessary to use Ebola as the ultimate horror on the sheeple. Time will no doubt tell.

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