The Camping Trip is Over By John Steele

A tremendous article by survivalist Selco, who made it through the Balks War. Looking at what is happening, as recorded in part at this blog, and making predictions about what to come, from a survivalists’ perspective, he sees the camping trip as over. In the beginning, as we saw with Covid preps, people stock up on supplies such as toilet paper, having some sort of fear of running out, when food and water are much more important; much of Asia gets by fine without toilet paper, and I have spent years there, and have done number two more than once! Just choose your hand! Sorry, that is how it is in much of Asia.

Then, a little further down the road, things get down-right serious, as we are seeing in places like Baltimore, covered in another article at this blog too, I think. There, the authorities are ignoring enforcing many crimes. That too will grow as the police are defunded. And, the cruelty of the police in the Covid freak-out has not gained them much support. That is the stage of socio-political collapse, anarcho-tyranny not necessary the end of the state, which becomes even more authoritarian to enforce its rule, but the end of the rule of law to protect the liberties of citizens. That is what is being seen now in the United States, which is a study of social collapse.

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Cosmic Diversity? By Brian Simpson

It is the Star Trek syndrome, the believe in the unity of life in the entire universe, all living, I suppose, in cosmic communism, sharing all the universe. Here is some speculation that we may be able to understand aliens due to some common features of language in the world. I suppose the idea behind this, is that we can then all form one multicultural comic society. But, as I see it, aliens might be more like those in the Predator movies, mighty unfriendly and not interested in such earthly foolishness. Who knows, maybe there is nothing out there at all.

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The United States becomes Latin America! By Charles Taylor

The Democrat plan is to import so many Third World voters that there will never be another Republican president or government. Thus, they see themselves maintaining power forever. But, all such plans come unstuck, even if they first succeed. Once numbers reach a critical mass, the Latin majority will replace the Democrat Party with a new Latino Party and move on without them. Already 42 million South Americans want to come to the US, and by chain migration that will expand to hundreds of millions, since the rest of the world is now entering the US via the southern border. This is the legacy of Donald Trump for allowing the stolen election to occur without any follow up after January 6. Shame on the cuck! May all his golf shots end up in the Florida swamps! May his cheese burgers be nibbled at by giant cockroaches!

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Here Comes Vaccine Passports By Mrs Vera West

Vaccine passports are being pushed by the Biden administration which is Covid-crazy. No doubt once this is in in the US, we will see this right across the West, since the US is now the testing ground of this insane world, the new abnormal.

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Against Fossil Fuel Divestment By James Reed

Here is some material from Global, showing that the trendy movement of fossil fuel divestment will increase, rather than lower carbon emissions. The nutshell is, that fossil fuels are enmeshed intro the basic structure of all aspects of society and are even needed to produce the infrastructure of so-called renewable technologies.

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The Terrorist Society By Chris Knight

There no way around it, as much as it may give us a pain in the neck; we are moving beyond even the totalitarian society, to the terrorist society. A totalitarian society need not be a terrorist society, but most are, being concerned with state control. But the US has become under the Democrats, a society targeting whites.

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WHO are the Useful Idiots! By James Reed

The World Health Organization over the Covid-19 affair has revealed itself as under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. Of course, even in the best of times, China would be uncooperative, but in the present situation there is no need for that, as WHO falls in line. Naturally communist organisations, those based upon collectivist, globalist values, get on swimmingly well together. Birds of a feather, and all that.

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The Health Ramifications of Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

Lockdowns across the West during the Covid-1984 freak-out were allegedly to flatten the curve. But, no sooner are Covid cases discovered than the country or state closes its borders, in shutdown mode. Businesses fail, jobs are lost.  

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The Coming Show Trial of Derek Chauvin By Charles Taylor

Even though the police office Derek Chauvin, who had his knee on the neck of George Floyd was following standard operating procedures, and that testing of the corpse of Floyd has revealed that his death was not from the neck restraint, because it is “racist” optics, the activists made up their minds of his guilt as soon as they heard the story. You beauty, another excuse to burn and loot, and assault and maybe murder too! And in 2020, and in Portland still, it goes on. So, I have no faith that any jury would be unprejudiced, since an acquittal would lead to more riots. It will be like the stolen election all over again.

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The Splendor of Coal-Fired Power Emissions: China Leads! By James Reed

The West is in fear mode about coal-fired power emissions, now that Trump is gone, loving coal and fossil fuels was about his only good thing. Now China is soaring away, producing lovely fumes keeping the world safe from the abominable snowman global cooling.

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Covid: A Bioweapon? By Brian Simpson

The idea that Covid-19 may have accidently escaped from the Wuhan lab has been endorsed by some mainstream medical figures, but is not the standard narrative, and in fact it is hard to know what that is, given China’s lack of openness with information, which is suspicious itself. Here is material from the good doctor Mercola on the bioweapons line.


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The UN, on the Leash of Communist China! By James Reed

As if we did not know; the UN is controlled by communist China, which is the poster child of the New World order. It is not necessary any more to have a world government based sat the UN, when China can simply rule the world. The globalists are certainly versatile!

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Postmodern Child Rapist Michel Foucault! By James Reed

Well, well, well … how are the Leftist going to deal with this one? The allegations are that postmodern hero Michel Foucault, a defender of adult-child sexual relations, raped children as young as eight! Will the Left say that this is just a social construction, that outrage over child rape is just historically relative? But, isn’t racism like that too, a social construction, and historically relative?  Oh, they won’t discount that useful construct though!

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Postmodern Child Rapist Michel Foucault! By James Reed

Well, well, well … how are the Leftist going to deal with this one? The allegations are that postmodern hero Michel Foucault, a defender of adult-child sexual relations, raped children as young as eight! Will the Left say that this is just a social construction, that outrage over child rape is just historically relative? But, isn’t racism like that too, a social construction, and historically relative?  Oh, they won’t discount that useful construct though!

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The Uber Eats Murder By Charles Taylor

The incident described below also fits into the present woke  narrative, where the non-White nature of the assault gets ignored by the mainstream.

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Armed Antifa, Not Insurrectionists but Peaceful Protesters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Armed antifa rioters have stormed the Oregon capital, and threatened motorists, but the mainstream media continues with the line that they are peaceful protesters. But when a lone white guy defends himself against an antifa threat with a gun, the entire system goes into convulsions. You see, our kind must lay down and simply be beaten to death because … “muy white racism.”

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China Moves on the Philippines By James Reed

We are documenting the early stages of World War IIII, as China makes aggressive moves against the Philippines, with China’s maritime militia now around Whitsun Reef in the Spratly Chain in the South China Sea. It is yet another show of force, against Biden America’s weakness.

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SCOTUS Lets Hillary Off! By Chris Knight

Trump, who constantly spoke about “crooked Hilary,” and did nothing, as was typical with his hopeless presidency, failed to follow through on the national security issues associated with the email scandal. Now, the Supreme Court is following Trump’s lead. I am not surprised, since this is the court that did not grant standing to the state of Texas to even hear the electoral fraud allegations. I have negative faith in this institution; it is long gone. And, we get these crazy decisions with a majority of so-called “conservatives.” Just imagine what will be decided when the Demon-rats stack the court with 50 radical Leftist judges! Anything communist will go. And, the deplorables will just take it, as always, drugged lambs in the great abattoirs of modernity. The elites know, that if they can allow the greatest electoral fraud in US history, if not the world, to occur, with not a murmur of protest, as big daddy Trump says to go home and take it, then not even the sky is the limit.

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Demon Wars! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


I have long been proposing that the top level elites are satanic, not lizard creatures, or space aliens, but demons from the pits of hell. I do not believe that this is inconsistent with old school, hell fire and brimstone theology, which my pastor, still has plenty to dish out each Sunday here in Florida. Now, Mike Adams is pursuing this thought. I should add that the claim made below that Nike is promoting “Satan shoes, is not correct according to mainstream websites, which I think are correct, so Adams is wrong. The claim though is all over the alternative sites, but has not been carefully fact checked; I imagine that this news item was so juicy that it just had to be put in. I also deleted another claim about a corporation that I could not fact check. Apart from that unfortunate disclaimer, I think that Adams is thinking along the right lines, theologically. 

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The Outlook is Holes in Microsoft Outlook By Brian Simpson

Word bothers me. When typing this using word, the page just disappeared in mid-key stroke, like the system had a stroke. Outlook also has its problems.


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