Blood on the Tracks By Richard Miller (London)

Former British prime minister, Boris Johnson, was accused by Vladimir Putin in the Tucker Carlson interview, of destroying a peace deal between Russia and the Ukraine just before the war started. In response, Johnson said that this was a lie. But, it seems he did not think that there may still be people around who would fact check him. As detailed ...

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The World Health Organization: Full of Sexual Predators By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

With the World Health Organization (WHO) set to install itself as a moral and health police force for the West with its international health regulations and pandemic treaty, it is relevant to review all evidence about the activities of WHO. What has not been given coverage in the mainstream media, is the sexual predation of women in the Congo durin...

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Little Boxes, All the Same By James Reed

 There is a great little song by Malvina Reynolds, Little Boxes (1962), from the TV series, Weeds, about social conformity, and I remember it from back in the day, when seeing what the beginnings of mass immigration was doing, transforming Melbourne into the dehumanised monster city it now is. Here are the lyrics of the song, and hasn't it all...

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Germany: Robberies, Drugs, Rape By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a report about just how bad things are getting in Germany through so-called non-discriminatory mass migration. In Regensburg, citizens who once lived quiet, peaceful lives, are in fear due to various attacks from migrants who are based at the asylum centre. Robberies have become common, as has the spread of drugs, and a rape has occurred. W...

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Intellectuals, “Gun Slingers” for the Highest Bidders By James Reed

Jeffrey A. Tucker, Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute, has a great piece that has been reproduced, outlining the theme dear to my heart, of the treason of the intellectuals. The key focus of Brownstone has been upon the Covid plandemic, so that is discussed below, but the same points can be made about the corruption of the intellectu...

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Google: Search Engine Manipulation By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Robert Malone has detailed how Google can interfere with elections, to swing things towards the Left. It is done by SEME, search engine manipulation. "The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections," published in proceedings of the national Academies of Sciences in 2015:

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The Global Cancer Surge By Brian Simpson

Dr Angus Dalgleish, an expert in immunology and Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital Medical School, London, has reported about the alarming rise in the number of cases of cancers he is seeing in his clinic. What he observed was that young people, and people under 50-years, were getting aggressive colorectal cancers and fast spreading mela...

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What the Embalmers See By Brian Simpson

Beginning in 2021, there were reports of US embalmers seeing white fibrous blood clots in the veins and arteries of corpses. A gruesome topic to be sure, but one thought to have a wider significance to the Covid mRNA vaxxes. These sorts of clots had not been seen before the Covid vax rollout. Film makers had featured this phenomenon in various docu...

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US Sheriffs See the Emerging Chaos By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a politically, and perhaps philosophically interesting development, as here in the US, with an open border, maintained by the Biden regime essentially for the Great Replacement, to bring in welfare-based Democrat voters to cement an eternal dictatorship of the Left, we are seeing local opposition. Thus, the FBI has been alarmed at the numbe...

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The Psycho-Pathology of Environmental Activists By James Reed

       Psychologist, Ed Dutton, "Environmental Activists and Machiavellianism," has set out in his usual scholarly way, yet another case against the Left. He argues that psychological evidence indicates the strong presence of "dark triad" traits among Leftists, constituting a personality disorder of disruptive thoughts and behav...

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The Censorship Industrial Complex By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The military industrial complex has now grown to become an even vaster, more sinister entity, called the censorship (military) industrial complex. As revealed in a lawsuit filed in the US in December 2023 by The Daily Wire and The Federalist, as well as the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton versus the U.S. Department of State (the State Department),...

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The Killing of Democracies By James Reed

An interesting article at, gives a take on how democracies die. The point made is this: "Democracies die when they boil down to a vote between crazed or senile octogenarians or over policy differences, which won't change the lived experience for the many while enriching the unquestionable few. Political systems, bureaucracies and ...

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First Digital ID, Then WHO Health Regulations: Australia becomes a Puppet of the New World Order! Say, No! By James Reed

I stumbled across a substack by Libby Klein who seems to be an ordinary concerned citizen, who wrote about the Australia federal government charging ahead to give the World Health Organization (WHO) vast powers, with the international health regulations and pandemic treaty. While the WHO director has said that the coming regulations and pandemic tr...

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Florida Grand Jury Finds Masks and Lockdowns were Harmful and Ineffective By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is an important news item, that I saw no mention of in the Australian lamestream media, a media totally under the black magic (financial) spell of Big Pharma. Florida 22nd Statewide Grand Jury, has released its first report, which found that the Covid lockdowns and masks were harmful and ineffective. On lockdowns: "Lockdowns were not a good tr...

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The Age of Woke By James Reed

James Rickards in "How "Wokeness" Took Over," gives his take on how we have gone since the 1960s from movements asserting liberal rights, of women, coloureds and homosexuals, the minority revolution, to the extremes of today. Thus, we now have the trans movement, with trans women usually free to compete in woman's sports, and with third generation ...

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An Incredible Woke Defamation Case By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Michael E. Mann v Mark Steyn defamation case has been decided in Washington DC, with journalist Steyn, who criticised Mann's so-called hockey stick graph of climate change being ordered to pay Mann $ 1 million, in "punitive' damages, damages as a punishment. The damages for Mann's reputation were set a mere $ 1, which in itself shows something ...

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Nervous AI Nukes First, Asks Questions Second! By Brian Simpson

What could possibly go wrong with putting all the information eggs in the AI basket? It could lead to a scenario depicted in the Terminator movies, where large language model (LLMs) AI revolts and decides to launch nuclear missiles. Indeed, conflict simulations run by researchers using five different AI platforms found that AI was quite prepared to...

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Why the Greens are “Evil” By James Reed

I agree fully with the sentiment expressed by David Llewellyn Smith, that the Greens are "evil." That may seem extreme, even melodramatic, but as he and Alexander Downer note, their philosophy seems grounded upon cultural Marxism, with a mythology of an oppressed and oppressor classes. Only thing is, the Greens have entirely mixed up the picture, r...

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Coming Up Fast: Australia’s Digital ID for 2024! By James Reed

 Here is a warning made by the US Dissent Right site The Australian federal government is moving full speed ahead with the launch of a nationwide digital ID system to be rolled out this year. This is but one of its policies for fully integrating Australia into the New World Order, with World Health Organization (WHO) internationa...

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So, it Begins … The Narrative of Tucker Carlson as a Traitor! By Richard Miller (London)

 During the Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview, Putin claimed that Boris Johnson, then UK prime minister, torpedoed a Ukraine peace deal that had been hammered out, convincing the Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelensky not to accept it. And war continues. Johnson has denied that this event happened, but it either did or did not, and there ...

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