The Universities and the Vax By Dr X

Dr Peter McCullough has discussed disgraceful role that the universities played during the Covid plandemic, right across the West. The role of scientists close to the pandemic can be ignored in this consideration; just reflect upon those who were able to challenge the coherence of the lockdown policies for example. At present much of the intellectu...

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The Quest for Texas Independence from a Corrupt Leftist Regime By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The failure of the US federal government to deal with what the state of Texas has defined as an "invasion" is fuelling secessionist sentiments, with according to a survey done by mainstream media publication, Newsweek, 44 percent of Texans wanting to break away from the US and form an independent country. On January 22 the woke Supreme Court held b...

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Tucker, Putin, and the Apocalypse: Alexander Dugin, Putin’s Philosopher By James Reed

Alexander Dugin, often said to be Putin's philosopher, has certainly paid the personal price, with his daughter being killed in a car bomb perhaps intended for him. There is ongoing controversy about which group killed her, whether she was the prime target, or it was a bomb intended for Alexander Dugin for his support of Putin and the Ukraine war. ...

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A Doctor Comments on Her Covid Vax Injured Patients By Mrs (Dr) Abigail Knight (Florida)

 US doctor, Mary Talley Bowden, who took a stand on the Covid tyranny, has posted a comment on X, saying that around half of her Covid patients have vaccine injuries, which is extraordinary. She details the story of one patient, an athlete, who was encouraged by his previous doctor to get the vax, and then had a racing heart and severe anxiety...

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Send the Law-Mongering Politicians to the Front Line! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Representative Anna Paulina Luna, Republican, a former US service woman, is set to introduce a Bill, which provides that members of Congress who support military aid to Ukraine must themselves serve on the front lines of the conflict. The Bill, the SCHUMER Act, is an acronym for Senators Can Help Underpin Military Engagement and Readiness, which is...

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Mathematicians Show Bat Soup Origin of Covid, Deeply Flawed By Brian Simpson

A research team of mathematicians have shown that the so-called natural origin hypothesis of Covid-19 is deeply flawed. They subjected the major paper that argued for the natural origins hypothesis to a statistical critique. It was shown that the idea that the ground zero of the virus was the Wuhan sea food market was not justified, using advanced ...

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Sovereign Citizen Failure? “Necromancy, Witchcraft, Sorcery and Treason” in the Supreme Court? By Peter West

Here is a test case of the sovereign citizen approach, or something like it, that citizens create the law, and stand above much of what is taken to be legally binding, and that received law is in some way flawed and hence open to a foundational challenge. This is seen in some hard cases that appear before the courts, paradoxically, where a judgment...

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Farmers’ Victory Against EU Climate Demands By Richard Miller (London)

While I am usually reporting on bad news and emerging threats, here is some good news of a great victory, which should be an inspiration to the rest of the West. In the past weeks, farmers across Europe have staged massive protests. Not much was said in the media, at least positive about this, as the protests were against the European Commission (E...

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Russia’s Warning Again of a Nuclear Apocalypse By Richard Miller (London)

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, current deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, seen as a mouth piece for Vladimir Putin's hard side, has once more said that a direct war between NATO and Russia would lead to a nuclear apocalypse. "Since our military capabilities are incomparable, we will simply have no choice. The response will be ...

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Covid Variants Resist the Vax By Brian Simpson

Adding to the debate about the alleged effectiveness of the Covid vaxxes, which are still being pushed by the health and medical authorities in Australia, it has been reported that all the Covid-19 variants are resistant to vaccine-produced antibodies, according to a study published in the journal Vaccines, link below. "Our data reflect the poor du...

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The Security Industrial Complex By Chris Knight (Florida)

John & Nisha Whitehead at Rutherford, have given a concise summary of the main components of what has come to be called the Security Industrial Complex, a fourth level of government, which is above parliaments, and merges into the military industrial complex, under ultimate control of the globalist elite. As they note: "Surveillance cameras mou...

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Joe Biden Sees Climate Change as the Only Existential Threat, Proving his Senility By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the alternative media has focussed upon President Joe Biden's mental state, clear senility, where he thinks he speaks to dead leaders, goes to shake the hands of thin air, the real concern is his policies, or of those who stand behind him, working his strings. Thus, he has said that the only real existential threat that the world faces is cli...

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Malcolm Roberts on the Threat of the World Economic Forum By James Reed

Malcolm Roberts does fantastic work for One Nation. He has tweets, or X-s, almost every day, always exposing the foul deeds of the elites, and he connects the dots as well. Here is a good tweet that says that the globalists, as exemplified by the World Economic Forum, are seeking total control over our lives, and the major Australian political part...

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Why Trump Did in Fact Win the 2020 US Presidential Election By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The, has brought together some interesting research showing that Trump did in fact win the 2020 election. The claim is based upon analysis of mail-in voting fraud, which was produced by the Covid mandates and lockdowns. In late 2023, the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports conducted a survey to judge the degree of voter fraud in the...

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Hillary Clinton, a Symbol of the War-Like Elites By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An example of the US elites, who through Russia-Putin hatred may well lead the world into nuclear war, is Hillary Clinton. She held, and apparently still does hold, to the belief that the 2016 election was stolen from her because of Putin interfering. This was investigated and rejected, and if it was true, then why did Joe Biden get elected, if Rus...

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The EU Set to Move on Tucker Carlson Interview By Richard Miller (London)

While tens of millions of people have watched the Tucker-Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview, which is set to become the most viewed interview that has ever appeared on the internet and social media, the EU is now moving to see if its new regulatory laws, through the Digital Services Act over tech companies can punish Elon Musk's X for allowing a jour...

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Aftermath of the Tucker Carlson-Putin Interview By James Reed

By now, tens of millions of people have watched the Tucker Carlson-Vladimir Putin interview. The links are below, as well as a transcript. In addition, summary material is below too, for people who do not have time to watch the full two plus hours, where Putin does drag on. He gives a long opening history lesson to Tucker and the West, which seeks ...

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Tucker Carlson Interviews President Vladimir Putin By Richard Miller (London)

The controversial interview that Tucker Carlson was to conduct with Vladimir Putin, has now appeared on YouTube: The interview is perhaps somewhat odd to listen to, as Putin begins, right from the start to give an outline of Russian history, taking up about 40 minutes. This might be hard to ta...

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Australia’s Eternal Housing Crisis: The New Normal By James Reed

This is torn from the pages, or the internet equivalent, of the mainstream press, regarding the Australian housing and accommodation crisis. A report just released from Savvy, The Stark Reality of Australia's Housing Crisis,based on a survey from the Everybody's Home campaign, has shown that two thirds of Aussies are experiencing housing stress. "H...

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There are No Real Alternatives to Fossil Fuels By James Reed

Edward Ring has an insightful essay at American, detailing why there is no short-term replacement to fossil fuels. By short -term he is thinking of many decades, not the present renewables agenda which is based upon the idea that renewables can muscle out fossil fuels, now. Not so Ring shows. That idea involves world wind energy capac...

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