Carbon Footprints and Carbon Passports: Social Control, Big Time By James Reed

The next big thing in the relentless march of climate change technocracy, is the movement to impose travel restrictions upon the ordinary people like us; never the globalist elites of the Davos set who will travel in their carbon-spewing private jets, Bill Gates being but one notable example. Tourism, especially involving plane travel has returned ...

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As a Nation Dies: Letting the Illegals Run Free By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have covered extensively the US Biden regime's strategy of using the massive invasion of illegals to change electoral boundaries in swinging areas, to in effect, cook the election once more. It will not be enough to steal the election on its own by this method, but it will be one crook strategy among many. To add to this evidence, it has been re...

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The Loss of Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said recently that illegal immigration is a direct existential threat to the survival of Europe. In particular, he was concerned about terrorist threats from Africa, and from other Third World countries unloading mass migration upon Europe. "If Brussels' pro-migration policy is maintai...

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The Illegal Nation By Chris Knight (Florida)

 The Great Replacement is not just a racial- demographic thesis, but has an electoral version as well. Even mainstream US publications are beginning to recognise that the masses of illegals being encouraged to storm the US border is set to impact upon elections. As observed by Fox News: "Immigration experts are raising the alarm about how the ...

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US Military Controlled Australia’s Covid Vax Rollout By Brian Simpson

Many Covid mandate and vax critics noticed that the level of ruthlessness characterising the Australian Covid mandates, smacked of a military operation. I think the police gave the game away, eagerly becoming a quasi-paramilitary force, with some patrols having officers carrying special assault-type rifles, while patrolling city streets. I saw such...

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The Russia Election Steal Hoax: The CIA was Behind It By Chris Knight (Florida)

 Although the establishment came to reject Hillary Clinton' claim that Russia worked to steal the 2016 election from Trump, until now there has been a shortage of evidence about how the hoax was developed. But now, investigative journalists Matt Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi, have it from an inside reliable source that the United States intell...

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Culture War Australia: Goodbye Captain Cook? By James Reed

Here is one more event in the cultural wars in Australia. The Captain Cook statue in St Kilda has been repeatedly vandalised by crazed woke Leftoids. So, the council is considering removing the statue, even though the Victorian premier, to her credit, offered financial support to councils for repairs to statues damaged by vandalism. Another Captain...

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World Economic Forum: The Quest for Global Communism By James Reed

The World Economic Forum is seeking to outdo their past outputs of global communism, with a recent paper published, entitled, "The Role of Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships in Driving Climate and Nature Transitions." Using the alleged climate change crisis as its central focus, they address the issue that, "The world needs up to $3.5 trilli...

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United Nations Terrorists By James Reed

Here are more problems with the UN, which cannot be viewed as occupying in any way the high moral ground given the amount of "dirt" that exists about this organization, quite apart from its quest to create a one world government. Whatever one's view of the Middle East conflict, it is generally accepted that the UN should be neutral, and act to try ...

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The Great Replacement and Beyond By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Great Replacement of Whites is a thesis gaining wide acceptance in the US, with not only the Biden administration keeping the southern border open, thus being one of the few governments in human history openly and actively working for destroying its own nation, but also by massive incentives to keep illegal migration continuing at full speed. I...

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The Money Trail of Disease X By Brian Simpson

The health elites of the New World Order, such as World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, have been predicting that sooner rather than later, the world will face another pandemic, Disease X, which could have a mortality 20 or more times greater than Covid-19. H...

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Russia’ Nuclear War Preparations By Richard Miller (London)

It seems that the West is playing a game of "chicken" with Russia to see how close the tensions can be reached to nuclear war. Russia has warned that it will make use of its vast nuclear arsenal if faced with an existential threat. How this idea is defined will depend upon circumstances, but clearly attacks upon Russia itself could enliven this, as...

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The Injection War By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural had a powerful article, a summary reflection type, on what the significance of the Covid mandate period was. As they see it, this was the beginnings of World War III, or perhaps a full-on war, against the civilian populations of the world. The Covid-19 virus, which now is generally accepted to have arisen from a lab leak, probably ...

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Peasant Revolt! Farmers Fight Back Against the New World Order! By Richard Miller (London)

Right across Europe farmers are rebelling against the most visible form of the New World Order, climate change dictates by the EU and national governments, so-called, that threaten their existence. In short, the climate czars have decided that farming increases greenhouse gases and it must be radically reduced, with no concern, as many protest sign...

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Opening the Doors to Chaos By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are important immigration lessons for the West from the US disaster. And there now seems to be some critical commentary being published in the mainstream media. For example, while not saying anything which has not been reported at this blog, the sentiment of a recent piece in the Wall Street Journal, paper for the elites of the chattering cla...

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The Delight of Bakers Delight! By James Reed

It has been reported that the Left, and those supporting the Yes voice side, have been angered about Bakers Delight giving some funding of the Voice No campaign. They have wanted a boycott of this great Aussie bakery. Well, let them. Consider that most of the Australian corporations funded the Yes side to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, wh...

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Populist Revolt: The Ordinary People Strike Back! By James Reed

It is early stages yet, but I sense that the great pendulum of history is starting to turn back from the extreme Left side to the Right. We had the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and then the globalists freaked, and ensured that the2020 election was stolen, I think with Covid being a big part of that steal. The mail-in voting depended upon the p...

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The EU Gearing Up for Mass Censorship By Richard Miller (London)

The European Union has moved to produce what it has called Guidelines for Election Integrity, with elections coming up across Europe. This is part of the Digital Services Act (DSA), which is given lip service to deal with harmful online content, but which in reality is used to censor and control communications which are contrary to those supported ...

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Hundreds of Thousands Killed by the Lockdowns By Richard Miller (London)

An article by Dr Toby Rogers, first published at the Covid mandate/vax critical site, the Brownstone Institute, gives a detailed methodology, where it is calculated by a type of "deaths of despair" approach the number of people who died during the Covid lockdowns. Economic crises produce an increase in mortality. Using mortality estimates for death...

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From the Mass Immigration Invasion to Internal War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In previous blog posts we have covered how the FBI is deeply concerned about military age Chinese pouring through the open southern border, so much so that a recent conference was held with local sheriffs to deal with the likelihood of terrorist acts being committed by sleeper cells. Of course, the communist Chinese are not the only group that the ...

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