Japanese Former Minister Apologizes to the Unvaccinated, By James Reed

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, isthe first major politician to apologize to the unvaccinated for theof deaths occurring among the vaccinated population, as indicated by excess mortality figures. This apology was made during mass protests by Japanese citizens against globalist organisations, such as the World ...

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The Big News Story: Covid Vaxxes May Have Fuelled Rise in Excess Deaths, By Brian Simpson

The story broke in the UK Telegraph, that the Covid vaxxes may have been "partly" to blame for excess deaths since the pandemic. The media article referenced a study just published in the leading medical journal British Medical Journal Public Health, linked at end of this article for the interested. Excess deaths were examined in 47 countries using...

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Viv Forbes: Net Zero Burial of Carbon Dioxide, By James Reed

Another great article (below), by Aussie patriot and fighter of the climate change alarmist hysterics, Viv Forbes. Contrary to the mainstream media fear of carbon, what is really occurring is a great carbon shortage for plants, the "red line of death." This shortage of carbon is generating a plant food crisis, and at worse could see all plant life ...

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White Genocide is the Name of the Game! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Paul Craig Roberts is one of the few conservative writers to be dealing with the stark question of White genocide through the Great Replacement. While one frequently hears this tale of racial woe from us, here is his take, which while addressed to the US situation, is still applicable to the rest of the West, including Australia. Affirmative action...

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The Bunkers of the Elites, By John Steele

It has been revealed that the US government has a Plan B, just in case it all falls apart. Cliff Sims, who served as the deputy director of national intelligence under former President Donald Trump, has said that he received reliable information that the government has doomsday bunkers ready for them and family in case of nuclear attack or other ex...

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The Massive Muslim Takeover of the UK, By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a link to a video as Rep. Chip Roy says: "Is anybody paying attention?! ... You've got a massive Muslim takeover of the United Kingdom going on right before our eyes." That is the US, but here in parliament in the UK, and Australia, there is just silence as the takeover proceeds according to the Great White Replacement plan. Chip Roy says t...

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Migrant Rampage! By Richard Miller (London)

Tunisia is a country without internal civil strife that would produce displaced people at all. Yet we are seeing Muslim asylum seekers coming from that land. And not only coming to Europe but going on a rampage at an asylum-center in Regensburg, Germany. This was due to one illegal wearing a cross which offended the Muslims; after all, this is Germ...

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A CDC Covid Cover-Up Exposed! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US CDC privately knew that the Covid-19 mRNA vaxxes had caused multiple deaths, but then publicly claimed that there was no evidence that this was the case. This has been uncovered by investigative reporting by the Epoch Times, who did what journalists are supposed to do, and track down a story. They found that for reported post-vaccination dea...

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Defending Ethno-Racial Identity (for Whites Too)! By Brian Simpson

Simon Maass, has given a strong defence or the ethics and politics of defending ethno-racial identity. This is the big question now with the Great White Replacement, through runaway mass immigration in the West. The ethno-racial profiles of all Western countries, including Australia and the United States, are set to change within decades as most so...

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The Climate Change Hoax, By James Reed

Douglas Brodie, as reproduced below, has an essay detailing the meta-political background to the climate change conspiracy. This was not solely a UN creation, but has been based upon almost a century of Left-wing environmentalism, which has been closely under control of the globalists. Thus, The Limits to Growth study, was backed by the Club of Rom...

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The Eternal Mandates, By Brian Simpson

The health authorities are not admitting that the Covid mandates and vaxxes were a failure, but instead are doubling down on it. No doubt if and when bird flu becomes a plandemic, we will see a rollout of the same policies, which gave so much to the globalists. Thus, constant debunking's are necessary. It has been claimed that mitigating behaviours...

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Why is Immigration Such a Threat? By James Reed

Mass immigration is an existential threat, to use a term the globalists are fond of using, to White people, as it undermines their socio-ethnic existence, by aiming to replace them, not merely ethno-racially, but their entire culture. The pro-immigration elites, when not proposing the benefits of this Great White Replacement, will come up with "jus...

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Professor Ian Plimer and Global Boiling Nonsense, By James Reed

One of the great champions of the Australian fight against the climate change tyranny, is Professor Ian Plimer, a geologist. He has written extensive scholarly material exposing all the main points of weakness of this globalist agenda, and debunking the supposed "scientific consensus" on climate change, which he has shown is no consensus at all, as...

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Bulk Billing, So Far Away, By Mrs. Vera West

It is hard for poor Australians to find medical practices which offer full bulk billing with no out-of-pocket expenses. Doctors can no longer do it even if they want because of rising costs. However, if the government wanted to help it could, as shown by a recent analysis at The Conversation.com. And it would not be too expensive either. But this g...

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Defenceless Australia! By James Reed

Let us cut to the chase. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute's budget analysis says that defence spending is in a "holding pattern" and will not be able to allow the acquisition of new weapons such as killer drones. "If war were to break out at any time in the next 10 years, our military would essentially fight with the force it has today." "...

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Something is Odd about the Bird Flu Outbreaks, By Brian Simpson

As detailed by the bio-historical article material below from ZeroHedge.com, there is something very odd, indeed suspicious, about the bird flu outbreaks witnessed this year. Bird flu has been long known to infect birds, but not be prone to species jumping. Infections of mammals was once rare. But 2023-2024 saw the virus move up the great chain of ...

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The International Students Keep Flooding In, By James Reed

 The claim by Labor that there will be a figure of 395,000 net overseas migration, is of course another deception. Overseas student numbers enrolled at Australian universities increased, not decreased, being 17 percent higher at present than in March 2023. Considering Chinese students alone, 100,000 new students enrolled at the Group of Eight ...

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Immigration: Making Australians Homeless and Hungry, By James Reed

The same bad news continues about Australia's disastrous mass immigration program, with homelessness on the rise. Here in Victoria things are particularly bad, with social housing for the poorest people growing by 3 percent of dwellings, compared to the Australian average of 4.2 percent, and Victoria is a vast immigration hub. Over the past four ye...

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Vaccinations of the Mind: The Pre-Bunking Dystopia of the European Commission, By Richard Miller (London)

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wants to go beyond de-bunking of material which she and her globalist cabal see as problematic and move to the next level of pre-bunking. For example, given Pfizergate, where she did a dream deal with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, that has surfaced and is presently causing her pollical pain, a...

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The Censorship of 477 Submissions on Covid Abuses, By Brian Simpson

 We were, I suppose lucky, to even get a Senate inquiry into Covid abuses, but in the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee report, 477 of the 559 submissions have not been made available on the committee's official website. That includes the Canberra Declaration's report, which as we would expect was highly critical of the ent...

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