What if it is Not “Blowing in the Wind”? By James Reed

 We are fast seeing the illusions of the renewable energy industry being exposed. Take wind for example, the latest love of the environmentalists. Indeed, the Greens love wind turbines so much, that they do not care about the ecological harm done to whales at sea, with offshore wind turbines, or on the land, birds getting chopped up, like flyi...

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Racial Civil War! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am starting to enjoy the liberal fallout over the disgraceful conviction of President Trump, on 34 trumped-up bs charges, while Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton Obama, and numerous others, face no charges yet. Bill Maher, a notable liberal media talking head, has said that if Trump is jailed here will be a civil war, which will devolve into a race war,...

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Unvaccinated Patients and the Ban on Organ Transplants in New Zealand, By Bruce Bennett

It did not surprise me to read that in the New Zealand hospital system, it is necessary to have had two Covid vax jabs to remain under consideration for an organ transplant. The Clinical Lead of the Heart and Lung Transplant New Zealand wrote in a letter to the blogger, below: "Two Covid vaccinations remain a criterion for consideration for transpl...

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Lawfare’s Grim Wages, as Floodgates Opened, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am surprised, I did not think conservatives had any fight left in them, but the Trump conviction seems to have certainly stirred the proverbial hornet's nest. For example, University of California Professor John Yoo has issued a strong warning that the conviction of President Trump over a trivial matter, that was constructed to take him down, has...

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Criminal Charges Against Pfizer in Argentina, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Augusto Roux, an Argentinian lawyer, has been working on legal strategies to get around the tort protection that Big Pharma has been given with vaccines. The position taken is that criminal action is the way to go. Roux himself had signed up for the Argentinian Covid-19 vax trial. He received the jab and soon experienced pericarditis and was in ill...

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Geert Vanden Bossche: Bio-Apocalypse Update, By Brian Simpson

       Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche has been one of the most pessimistic of scientists who have been involved in the Covid-19 vax debate; not the most, that goes to Professor Cahill who believes that everyone who received a Covid mRNA jab will die at some point, probably from cancers or prion disease. Dr Bossche takes...

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The World Health Organization International Health Regulations Pass, but Should We Worry? By Brian Simpson

       Maybe not; it seems that a lot of mundane things went through: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_ACONF14-en.pdf, but the main points of concern to the freedom movements, did not. Thus, here are the things which did not get in (with thanks Meryl Nass): https://merylnass.substack.com/p/some-people-worry-that...

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Bill Gates, Vaccines, and Climate Change Emission Reductions, By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

Bill Gates has been an advocate for vaccines, which he has a financial interest in, and more recently climate change, about which he has financial interests in some of the related technologies for supposed carbon emission reduction. For example, artificial meat has been one of his hobby horses so to speak, and he has interests there as well. Howeve...

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Public Support for Trump, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another item that is not covered in the Australian press. While the Left are gloating that Trump is now a felon, it does not seem to matter to many MAGA people, who are putting their money where their mouths are. After the New York decision, the Trump election donation site crashed due to overload. Now up and running, small donors added $ 3...

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The Tipping Point: A Liberal Awakens from Ideological Slumber, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Etana Hecht, at her substack article, "The Global Tipping Point," serves as agood example of how some former liberal/Democrats are awakening to the evil and corruption that is occurring in the United States. While there is nothing new to us, the sentiment is interesting as it could be part of a wider awakening that sees some indications of a Great ...

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Senior Legal Analyst: Prosecutors Contorted the Law, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ann Coulter published an extract by a CNN legal analyst on the legality of the Trump New York decision. This too is interesting as it is a view from an anti-Trump source, but is still a fair assessment. Some points not covered in other articles, are that the trial judge made a small donation to an anti-trump organisation, in violation of New York l...

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The Revolt of the Senators, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ten US Republican Senators have announced that they will be suspending all cooperation with the Democrats over the lawfare that the Democrats have unleashed upon America, most notably that with the recent decision to convict President Trump of a felony. Some of their individual statements are below, but a particularly punchy one was made by Marjori...

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Will Trump End Up Picking Up Garbage? Or Just be Murdered in Prison? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The globalist, liberal elites are falling over themselves in anticipation of the sentencing of Donald Trump on 11 July 2024. As detailed in the material below, judge Juan Merchan has a wide discretion about what to do. He can lay down community service, such a picking up rubbish. We can imagine Democrats setting out entire streets filled with despi...

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The Meaning of the Trump Lawfare, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been, as expected, a large number of criticisms published of the lawfare decision by the New York court in the prosecution of Donald Trump over the Stormy Daniels "hush money" case. Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts, each count being one payment! There are so many things wrong with the judgment this I have not found just one article...

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One to Follow Up, By Brian Simpson

I saw these claims made by Dr Wolf at her substack. The "ethical hacker" Ehden Biber claims to have uncovered documents that indicate, he believes, that the World Health Organization Science Council has plans to continue mRNA vaccines for all humans and animals. As well, they intend to set up a data base comprising the DNA information about all hum...

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$ 600 Million for Foreign Ruby Team, but Aussies Can Go Homeless and Hungry! By James Reed

It seems the Albo government is set to spend $ 600 million on a foreign rugby team, for the NRL to introduce an 18th team based in Papua New Guinea. This has been done at time of a cost-of-living crisis, produced by this globalist puppet government's Great Replacement mass immigration program. Critics, such as from One Nation, have pointed out the ...

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Even Millions of Trees are Not Enough for Climate Change Monster! By James Reed

The Greenies and environmentalists are big on trees, unless the poor trees are in the way of the building of wind turbines, even more of as sacred object for them. Then the trees can be cut down in the millions. Normally though, the environmentalists note that trees are a good thing for the climate, soaking up carbon dioxide. Yet, are they good eno...

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Islamist Knife Terrorist, and the Police Stabbing, By Richard Miller (London)

There have been a number of "ironic" videos posted recently. One, which I read about but did not find, involves a White "Karen" type of women, telling off a White male for being "racist." While she was in full flight, a Black man walks by and sucker punches her, knocking her out. When awake, my guess is that she would carry on the diatribe where sh...

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Is Artificial Intelligence, Really “Intelligent”? By Brian Simpson

Many social critics of AI have been concerned about the rapid advancement of AI, which as the likes of Elon Musk have said, threatens to replace most jobs. Thus, AI plus robots may do blue collar jobs, from fast food to things like warehouse work. White collar jobs as well will take a beating, and even lawyers are not safe, with a lot of legal work...

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Victorian Police Apologizes Over Stolen Generation, but Not for Covid Lockdown Behaviour, By James Reed

,I do not care that the Victorian police have apologised for their role in the stolen generation. The whole on-going thing makes me world weary. Fine, they have expressed guilt, now get it over with and sue them; I don't care. What I do care about is what went down to all Victorians under the lockdowns and the over-the-top authoritarian displayed b...

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