Much Hot Air about Air Turbulence, By Brian Simpson

The issue of the injuries seen from the air turbulence that occurred with a Singapore Airlines Boeing 777 recently, with one passenger suffering a fatal heart attack, attracted the attention of the climate change alarmist brigade. Climate change was said to be the cause of an increased incidence of air turbulence, so panic once more all ye who fly!...

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Head Transplants; Imagine George Soros and Bill Gates Living for Hundreds of Years! By Brian Simpson

The following YouTube video is worth looking at, as it describes how with AI and robotics, a head transplant could be done. The idea is to get a brain-dead "donor" and to transplant the old person's head onto the body! A face transplant would also occur, maybe eyes as well. Hello Dr Frankenstein! This is all at the development stage. However, while...

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Kids Watching John Wayne Movies, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is not Earth-moving news, but did strike me as worth reporting for a read. As older people may know, John Wayne portrayed old school values of patriotism, and strong male virtues. His characters came before the era of gratuitous sex and violence. What the John Wayne man did was always based upon manly virtues such as strength, courage, mastery...

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Why Do Whistle-Blowers Commit "Suicide"? By Chris Knight (Florida)

It would make an interesting book to document the number of whistle-blowers, those spilling the beans on corporate and political corruption, who commit "suicide." A famous example is not Epstein, who is said not to be a whistle-blower, but on second thoughts he could have been, he would have had more dirt on the elites than even security agencies. ...

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Pope Francis on the Climate Change Peace Train! By Peter West

There is a song by Cat Stevens, now a Muslim going by the name of Yusuf Islam, Peace Train, back in 1971, the heady days of anti-Vietnam War protests. I was reminded of this when confronting yet another woke outburst from the Pope. He has said much about climate change, but his latest proclamations are among his most radical. The world is at "a poi...

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Russian Nuclear Drill; Nothing to Worry About! By Richard Miller (London)

Russia has conducted tactical nuclear weapons drills near the Ukraine border, in response to claims that there will be increased NATO involvement in the Ukraine, if not troops. The live drills involved getting hyper-sonic missiles into place ready for a launch. Putin has continuously threatened to use nuclear weapons if NATO dispatched troops to th...

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Watch Out! Electric Cars on the Loose! By James Reed

Fun facts; apart from catching fire and burning out of control, hybrid and electric vehicles are three times more likely to be involved with accidents in urban areas with pedestrians than fossil fuel vehicles. No, it is not yet like the Stephen King horror movies where cars get a seeming mind of their own and go on a killing spree. No, such cars ar...

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The Covid Plandemic Led to a Changing of Alliances, By Brian Simpson

Dr David Bell was Director of the Global Health Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund in the USA, Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva, and coordinating malaria diagnostics strategy with the World Health Organisation. So, he was connected. But, as he details in a personal piece below, for general i...

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They Never Let a Good Crisis, or a Bad One, Go to Waste! By James Reed

An anonymous 747 captain has written a piece debunking the climate change alarmist view that the Singapore Airlines SQ321 accident over Myanmar, was a product of climate change weather disturbances. What happened he explains is turbulence was created by the naturally occurring monsoons, and the plane was caught in a sudden turbulence that people we...

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Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children, By Mrs. Vera West

There has been a US Senate roundtable discussion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson, addressing the health issue of the differences in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. In the US in 1962 children received just five vaccine doses, but switch to 2023, and that figure is 73 doses by the age of 18 years, comprising 16 different v...

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Dr Peter McCullough on the Coming of Bird Flu, By Brian Simpson

Leading Covid vax and mandate critic, Dr Peter McCullough, is well aware of attempts to dismiss bird flu as the next big pandemic thing, as "fear porn." However, he offers caution, pointing out that messaging coming from Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization, should be taken seriously. First, Farrar conspired with Dr. ...

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A Peaceful Environmentalist Depopulation of Seven Billion People? By James Reed

The globalist elites and New Class thinkers have been pushing a radical depopulation agenda for some time. Thus, we have the notable example of Paul R. Ehlich, with his 1968 book, The Population Bomb, which predicted a planetary population crash, but instead, the book was wrong on all accounts. Later we had The Limits to Growth report, by Dennis Me...

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The Electric Vehicle Timebomb, By James Reed

The mania for electric vehicles (EV), the environmental elites stop gap strategy to keep the show running in a fashion before people can be locked down in 15-minuted prisons with no car at all, had gripped Europe. But it was not long before people were exposed to some of the hazards of these so-called ecologically sustainable form of transport. For...

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Health Care is Even More Corrupt than Critics Think! By Mrs Vera West

Danish Professor Emeritus of Medicine Peter Christian Gøtzsche, has worked closely with Big Pharma and the medical industry and can give an informed opinion about the whole area. Here it is in a nutshell: "My employment in the drug industry when I had been educated as a biologist and knew very little about drugs, opened my eyes quickly to all the f...

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Pushing the Pandemic Treaty Through the Backdoor, By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a worry. While there has been growing opposition to the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which has been seemingly watered down, it has been proposed that what will happen now is a backdoor approach will be adopted by the globalists. This will involve using the annual "Convention of Parties" to amend the treaty just the way the Wor...

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Now it is Prion Disease, By Brian Simpson

One of the most alarming adverse effects from the Covid-19 mRNA vaxxes is the occurrence of prion disease, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). Prions are misfolded proteins that have the ability to cause other near-by proteins to misfold in a type of chain reaction. Attacking the brain, the end result is literal holes in the brain, beginning f...

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Illegal Immigrants and Crime, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from Joe Biden's speech where he said that Hispanic voters, beefed up by the sacred illegals, are the future of the US, we should look at how this future is unfolding. Down in Kinney County, Texas, a border community, record high illegal immigration has led to criminal charges for prosecution increasing by almost 5,000 percent, from 20...

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For Biden, Illegal Aliens are all Democrat Voters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Did Biden give the game away when he recently referred to illegal aliens as Hispanic voters? Hardly, that is Democrat policy for all to see. If you want to control a democracy for ever via a Leftist dictatorship, it is no longer necessary to have a violent revolution, which always generates counter-revolutionary forces. Far better to just replace t...

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Afrikaners and Populism, By Keith Ruger

The South African Whites, Afrikaners, having surrendered apartheid supposedly to avoid sports boycotts, accepted Black majority rule, which has been far worse than anything has come from the previous regime. It has been made clear that their ethno-cultural elimination is part of the normal political agenda now, with killing the Boer type songs bein...

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Illegals have More Rights than Citizens, By Chris Knight (Florida)

As noted below, illegals have more rights than ordinary citizens: "In California, for example, if you enter the U.S. illegally, you can receive benefits that include food and housing assistance, in-state college tuition and financial aid, and a cash assistance program that is the equivalent of Social Security Income. You also are eligible for taxpa...

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