Is Black Lives Matter Dead; Does it Matter? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Black Lives Matter movement arose with the protests over the death of George Floyd, who now is being slowly forgotten by the woke, just like the Black Lives Matter movement. We saw the spectacle of leading Democrats taking the knee as if they were before royalty, and the Hollywood set going into overdrive to show how racially pious they were. A...

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Why Polyamory Among the Young? By Mrs. Vera West

 Polyamory is people having more than one romantic relationship, with knowledge and consent, at the same time. This practice appears, according to reports to be on the increase in the younger generations, at least people under 45 years of age. As well, there is on-going dating crisis with many people of all age groups finding dating and formin...

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The Communist Chinese Invasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is an incredible situation that the illegal immigration of Chinese males, mainly of military age is occurring, in record numbers. Since October 2023 30,000 have been arrested, given a trial date sometime in the 22nd century (which it might as well be for all the good it will do, as none will show up) and let out in the community. The US security...

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The Global Infertility Problem, By Mrs. Vera West

I have been following the birth dearth issue, declining sperm quality and quantity, and the impact of hormone disrupting chemicals upon human fertility. Add to this there is an impact, as yet not fully understood, of the Covid vaxxes, which also seem to have led to a reduction in fertility, especially with an increase in miscarriages. In this conte...

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Victoria’s Zero Net Illusion, By James Reed notes that The Age newspaper has been doing a run on how Victorians can reduce greenhouse gas use, to deal with the dreaded climate change apocalypse and all that nonsense. The article points to the elephant in the room that the mainstream refuse to see no matter how much damage it does in its rampage, population increase via r...

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We are all Plastic Now! By Mrs. Vera West

It is a silent threat, and all around us … plastic. Yet our world could not exist as we know it without it. I recall the first calculator, made of metal, and heavy enough to use as a weapon, and expensive. Now one can get a calculator that does scientific functions for a fraction of that cost, plastics being one part of the innovations, next to chi...

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How They Intend to Side-Step the Stalling of the Pandemic Treaty, By Chris Knight (Florida)

You will obey or else, we will bribe you! With the stalling, but not abandonment, of the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, other measures have surfaced from the elites to get the key measures up. For example, it has been reported that the US government will be paying around 100 countries to implement a pandemic preparedness program. It wil...

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Major Medical Journal Abandons “Science”; Who Would Have Seen that One Coming? By Brian Simpson

The accusation has been made that the British Medical Journal has abandoned science as it rejected research from leading academics over the trans agenda. As noted by the Daily Mail, "One researcher had his paper rejected because he was 'opinionated' and had tweeted in support of author JK Rowling's gender-critical views. The other's research was ta...

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It’s the Vax that is Killing Everyone! By Brian Simpson

This is just a note of the publication of a pre-print, one not yet peer reviewed, of the paper by Dr Ken Sakur, "COVID Vaccination Increases Excess Mortality of Highly Vaccinated North Temperate Zone and North Frigid Zone Countries." The abstract is below, with the research conclusion that the Covid vaccines were not given a long-term testing due t...

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Gen Z and Millennials Want Eco-Friendly Jobs; But Will They Starve? By James Reed

       The elites have certainly done a job in brainwashing GenZ and millennials, who seem to suffer from climate change anxiety and other media creations from the privacy of their social media saturated homes. Now it has been reported that these young folk, or at least 45 percent of them, will not be working in jobs that are no...

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Great News! World Health Pandemic Treaty on Hold! By Brian Simpson

I saw this item at a number of dissent sites, then had to searchfor mainstream confirmation, but it seems to be true. The World Health Organization pandemic treaty ran into trouble during the previous meeting a few days ago. It is not exactly clear what caused the breakdown, given the way the WHO was so gung-ho about getting this treaty signed. The...

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The Spiralling Post-Covid Vax Miscarriage Rate, By Mrs. Vera West

Obstetrician-gynaecologist, Dr. Kimberly Biss as has Dr Naomi Wolf,observed that in the Pfizer trials, the miscarriage rate was 80 percent. That alone should have halted the vaccine, or gene therapy. This was known to both Pfizer and the health authorities, but it was full speed ahead with Operation Warp Speed. Dr. Biss herself in her clinical prac...

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Farmer Bob Faces the Property Insurance Slug! By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

It is tough for us all with the cost-of-living crisis, and especially tough for the small farmer. It is the weekend now, but I am still fuming from getting in the snail mail my annual home, contents and property insurance. It has gone up in one hit almost a thousand dollars! The biggest increase I have ever seen. In fact, the insurance company, who...

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Superannuation and Teeth? By James Reed

I read this story about a guy who had bad teeth, who used an emergency withdrawal of superannuation to get his entire mouth decked out in shining white pearlies. The before and after pictures are mighty impressive. If I had any super left, I might do that too. I suppose the teeth are implants. Well, better than the mouth of false teeth that I have ...

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Say “Hello” to the Next Plandemic! By Brian Simpson

I have been watching the so-called bird flu H5N1 crisis develop over the months. The virus has been on a relentless march to infect humans, moving up the animal scale from birds, where it devasted the US poultry industry, right up to cows, where it threatened the milk supply, and now humans. That evolutionary path, made in record time, should make ...

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“Who Knew We had a Military Pharmaceutical Apparatus Linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK …?” By Brian Simpson

Senator Malcolm Roberts on 9 August 2023, gave an important, but now buried speech, which examined the Covid response in the context of the four-nation consortium for medical Countermeasures under the US-led CBR Defense Cooperative Program. Senator Roberts asked: "Did anyone in this country [Australia] accept orders from the United States military ...

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The Healing Power of Onions! By Mrs. Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf has been exploring alternates to mainstream Big Pharma medicine at her substack. In her extract below she deals with the healing qualities of onions, which have been thought to have anti-cancer properties, and much else. No health/medical advice is offered here, but the material may prove on interest. I remember my dad on the farm onc...

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One in Five Say that They Know Someone Who Died from the Covid-19 Vaccine, By Chris Knight (Florida)

"Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the world, many Americans believe they know someone who died from the vaccine that promised to stop the virus. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 19% of American Adults say they know someone personally who died from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine. Sevent...

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From the Hunter Biden Laptop to Ashley Biden’s Diary of Abuse; Imagine if it was Trump! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The Hunter Biden laptop was once discounted by the mainstream media as a Russian hoax. But, after a time of revealing revelations, it was accepted as authentic, and is now being used in a trial against Hunter Biden, President Biden's son. As well, the diary of troubled Ashley Biden, was left behind at a drug and alcohol rehab centre, and was sold. ...

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Irreconcilable Social Divisions, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Brandon Smith, "The Unifying Principle: Why the Political Divisions in the US Today Cannot be Mended," is an article which has been circulated and widely reproduced, and I picked it up at The basic point made is one which I and others at the blog have made over some time, namely that the US, as a leading example, and following clo...

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