Sexism and Racism Everywhere in Children’s Books, Diversity to the Rescue! By Mrs Vera West

Some Australian academics are concerned that popular children’s books in Australian and US day-care centres are promoting traditional views of the sexes, such that males and females primarily exist. Not only should the non-binary get centre stage, but the traditional view of sex and gender, held by most of humanity in the past, and at present, especially by people of colour in non-Western nations, should be deconstructed. It is just what academics do.

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Now There is a “Stealth” Version of Omicron! By Brian Simpson

Just while we were getting used to the moral panic around the latest Covid New World Order virus, Omicron, there is another one, a “stealth” version, like the bomber, that can slip under the bio-radar of the PCR test, which itself is notorious for generating false positives. It must be a pretty sneaky virus indeed to out spook the PCR. I wonder what new virus I will report on tomorrow? A new day, a new viral delight!


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552 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died of COVID, Half Received Pfizer Vaccine By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a story for the vaccine mad elites in Australia, who still hold to the idea, now rapidly crumbling, that having a Covid vax makes one, as a former lawyer friend put it “immortal.” Well, most Covidian fanatics are not that deluded, even in rhetorical flourishes, but they still hold to the idea that the vaxxes will prevent Covid. Surely at a minimum a vaccine that works, should prevent disease? But, as a counter-example, 552 fully vaccinated Oregon residents died of Covid and half received the Pfizer vaccine.

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Omicron, the Next Big Thing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid Omicron arose among fully Covid vaccinated patients in Botswana, and is now the object of covid psychosis among the medical technocrats around the world. Border closing and bans of people from Africa are now in force in many countries. This reaction, indeed massive over-reaction is occurring despite the fact that the cases in Africa are mild, no-one has died, and disease symptoms are less than some flues. It is interesting that this mutation arises right when many countries had reopened, perhaps so the variant could spread, and the events of 2020-2021, could be repeated once more.

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The Mainstream Confronts Covid Omicron By Mrs Vera West

Here is the mainstream response to the covid Omicron variant, and the article to follow gives the position taken by Dr Mercola, that this variant is likely to be the mildest of the covid strains, and that natural immunity could arise quickly.

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Vietnam Halts Pfizer Vax By Brian Simpson

Thanh Hoa, which is a province of Vietnam has suspended all use of the Pfizer Covid vax after 120 students who received the jab were hospitalised for vaccine injuries. This is apparently due to a “bad batch” of the vaccine, and the health authorities will use other batches to keep jabbing the children. The affected vax batch was tossed into a freezer to possibly be used later on other groups, such ass adults. Indeed, waste not, want not!

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How Can Low Covid Vaxxed Sub-Saharan Africa Avoid Covid Miseries? By Brian Simpson

The Covid vaccination rate in sub-Saharan Africa is less than 6 percent. Africa has 17.46 percent of the world's population but only 3 percent of the COVID-19 global death toll.  Western countries with better health care have higher death rates, including the Americas with 46 percent and Europe with 29 percent. As detailed by Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, preserved below, there are many factors behind Africa escaping the Covid plandemic, but the role of natural immunity is primary. Africa is a living refutation of the entire covid mandates and narrative.

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The Covid Vaccines and the Increase in Heart Attacks By Mrs Vera West

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a leading UK cardiologist, has expressed alarm at hew suppression of scientific research linking the Covid vaxxes with the massive increase in heart attacks. In his own research he found links between inflammation of coronary arteries and the mRNA vaccines, but his colleagues feared losing research funding. Malhotra said, “somebody from a very prestigious British institution – a cardiology department researcher [and] a whistle-blower – contacted me to say that researchers in [his] department had found something similar within the coronary arteries linked to the vaccine.” He noted, “They had a meeting and these researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.” No doubt any vaccine will be “proved” safe if negative evidence is suppressed.

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The Eternal Syringe: No End in Sight for Covid Vaccinations By Mrs Vera West

The woke socialist lady PM of New Zealand has said that there is no end point to the covid vaccination program, and that it must reach 100 percent. Apparently, everything with a pulse needs to be vaccinated. And it will be booster shot after booster shot. Then a new vaccine for each new mutant. Thus, it will be jabs forever if the political class like her get their way! 

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Urea: The Impending Australian Supply Chain Catastrophe By James Reed

Here is a catastrophe story that I did not know about until getting the article in my newsfeed, that there is world shortage of urea, a key ingredient found in diesel ­exhaust fluid (DEF), known as AdBlue. It is also a component in fertiliser. There is a worldwide shortage because like rare earths, from the wonders of free trade, communist China supplies around 80 percent of Australia’s urea, but the commos have now banned the export of urea, no doubt to show Aussies who is boss.

This ban will have a major impact upon everything, since it will hit the transport and trucking industry, hard. Clearly, in a world moving towards flames, there is no longer the niceties of beliefs in myths such as free trade and comparative advantage. Australia needs economic independence, so let what is coming be our hard lesson.

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Swedish University Researcher Faces Prosecution for Study Showing Most Rapes Committed by Immigrants: Nordic Pathology By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden, while getting a few brownie points from a sensible approach to Covid, without lockdowns, still is pursuing woke in the suppression of any research that puts the sacred migrants in a negative light. Thus, three academics are facing prosecution for a paper showing that the majority of rapes in Sweden were by migrants. Of course, the truth of this claim is not investigated, let alone the fact of rape, as what is more important to the ruling elites is intellectual control, that nothing critical of migrants gets circulated by Swedes. It is white pathology on steroids.

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The Zemmour Headlock By Richard Miller (London)

You know that the pro-immigrationists are getting worried when they have to put their opponents in headlocks, but really weak ones that do nothing. A recent headlock did nothing to faze fare Right presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour.

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The Electric Highway – A Fuelish Policy By Viv Forbes

Scott Morrison has had another green brainwave – spend a zillion dollars to build Australia’s electric/hydrogen highway. Naturally this Fuelish Policy will be supported and accelerated by the Greens/ALP coalition.

They all need to study the history of transport in Australia.

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Dr Lyons On Covid Tyranny

Here one can see in this vid Adelaide scientist Dr Graham Lyons unloading on the Covid tyranny. Strong powerful stuff that cuts to the basic issues, covering the real agenda. One of the best vids you can what to see how all the pieces fit together, as part of the Covid New World Order.

Explaining Vaccine-Driven Myocarditis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine raises the possibility of an uncontrolled autoimmune response to the Covid vax mRNA spike protein, which could be of indefinite duration. This could lead to myocarditis, neurological disorders, and other ill-effects. The paper was published in NEJM’s Basic Implications of Clinical Observations series.

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The Mark of the Covid Beast By James Reed



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Covid Vaccines Will Keep You from Acquiring Full Immunity Even if You are Infected and Recover: Alex Berenson By Brian Simpson

Alex Berenson, has made a case that the Covid vaxxes will keep you from acquiring full immunity, even if you recover. And, he believes that official UK documents show this.

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The Risk of Civil War in America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Billionaire Ray Dalio thinks there's a "dangerously high risk" of civil war in the United States within the next decade due to an "exceptional amount of polarization" in the US. I think that he is an optimist, and that civil war will occur much sooner. Even if it does not, the social breakdown, and the tail dive to chaos is occurring right now. At a minimum cultural collapse has already occurred and only technology holds most Western countries together. There are no longer any traditional social glues, thanks to the cultural war of the Left.

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Australia: Covid Quarantine Hell By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here are comments about what is going down in Covid Camp Australia, as seen by writers in the US. It is good to get an outside opinion.

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Spain: Vaccine Passports Do Not Have an Impact Upon Infection Rates By Richard Miller (London)

While vaccine passports are all the go across the West, as part of the Covid New World Order, the new “normal,” Spain’s Inter-Regional Covid Committee, has found that vaccine passports have no impact upon infection rates. “In European countries where [the system] is being used, cases are rising significantly, although it is true that their level of vaccination is much lower than in Spain,” the report states. Such schemes will prove to be failures, as being “fully vaccinated, is likely to mean having a multitude of jabs to deal with inevitable mutations, forever.

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