Covid Deaths of Despair By Mrs Vera West

While there are the direct ill-effects of thew covid vaccines, deeply concerning enough, overlayed upon this are the indirect effects, such as ill physical and mental health from the lockdowns, and stress from the plandemic itself. Deaths of despair, from suicide and substance abuse, have sky rocketed, in both the US and Australia. For example, one US report predicts that at least 75,000 people will die from these deaths of despair in the future.

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Spikes Through the Heart: Burying Evidence of Spike Protein Harms By Brian Simpson

Following on from FDA documents released showing that very early on in this Covid vax saga, it was known that the Covid vaxxes produced a multitude of harms, there is evidence that other research critical of the vaccines is being suppressed due to concerns about funding from Big Pharma, or is that pHARMa?

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Are There Really No Walls in the Catholic Church? By Peter West

That there are no walls in the Catholic church is the latest piece of globalist, anti-Western propaganda pushed by the anti-Pope. But really, there are walls in the Catholic Church. Vatican City has a huge wall around it, complete with the Swiss guard, and it takes in no refugees at all, while the Pope constantly promotes open borders for the rest of the West. A wee bit hypocritical I think.

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“Abortion dehumanizes everyone it touches. It hurts women, men, families, and of course our most innocent, the preborn.” By Mrs Vera West

The abortion debate is hotting up in the US with the pending case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, No. 19-1392 in the Supreme Court of the United States. There is some opinion that the landmark case of Roe v. Wade will be overruled, but, as I will discuss in another article, that is unlikely. As detailed below, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager who now helps other abortion industry workers leave the business, has lashed out at the abortion industry, which she depicts as “greatest lie women have been told.” gives details of how the abortion industry operates, which struck me as a medical production line using baby parts. Gruesome business, but Big Business indeed. That is the core reason why the case of Roe. v Wade will remain, for abortion serves the interests of the medico-military-industrial state all too well.

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Alex Baldwin Denies Pulling the Trigger By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Alex Baldwin, who shot and killed Halyna Hutchins at the set of the now-abandoned movie Rust, has denied pulling the trigger on the Colt Single Action Army revolver. Most people knowledgeable about this gun will see that this is an absolute bs defence that will not stand. The single action revolver requires the hammer to be cocked, then the trigger is pulled to fire. If there was one round in the cylinder, as the cock causes the cylinder to turn, the round was not under the hammer at time, assuming that there was only one round in the revolver. Thus, the single round would not have been discharged by a blow to the hammer. So, Alex is in trouble.

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Beware, the Global Pandemic Treaty By James Reed

The World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing for a global pandemic treaty. Given the WHO performance with Covid, basically covering for the CCP, we should be concerned about giving these elites any more power. In fact, Trump should have defunded them. The proposed treaty will address vaccine inequity, so that the Third World has equal access to vaccines. Personally, from all I have read of the Covid vax adverse effects, if the Third World wants the vaxxes, let them have the lot.


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China is Right about Hollywood By James Reed

The Chinese market for film consumption is huge and, in many incidences, Hollywood has modified movies to suit the CCP, where sensitive issues to China are concerned. However, Chinese audiences do not like the politically correct woke garbage that Hollywood force feeds the public in the West. Hence, the Chinese themselves either ban, or modify movies. Recently the CCP: mouthpiece, The Global Times predicted that Hollywood would destroy itself from its woke crazy mania, and right they are.


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What was Trump Doing on Epstein’s Private Plane? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The trial of Ghislaine maxwell, sex trafficker of Jeffrey Epstein, continues. The latest revelations are that some notable elites, such as Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, flew on that plane. The pilot said he saw no sexual activity when he emerged from the cockpit to go have a pee. Well, the issue is about where that plane was going to, and it was presumably Epstein’s paedo island. So, what has happened to all those tapes that would be quite revealing? Presumably the secret service of another friendly country has them, but would never use them for blackmail purposes. As I have said, Trump reached his use by date in January 2017.

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Eric Zemmour Will Run for French Presidency! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is someone far to the Right of Le Pen, who openly speaks about the Great Replacement of Whites. How this pans out is not clear, but he will be better than anyone else, and has certainly stirred the pot. Here is a sample of his thought.


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Climate Change is Causing Albatrosses to “Divorce” and Go Gay … but Isn’t That, According to the Left a Good Thing? By James Reed

I do not believe for one minute that climate change is causing albatrosses to get divorced and turn gay. In my time I have met many albatrosses, and I have had the burden of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834), of carrying many such metaphorical creatures around my neck. And, not a single one was gay, not that I have anything against gay albatrosses, or even transgender ones in the slightest.

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Xenobots, Living Robots … How Soon Before These are Plopped into Many-Flavoured Covid Vaccines? By Brian Simpson

Self-replicating robots, made from the cells of frogs now exist. Immediately, the scientists have suggested that the technology will push vaccine development. But, if mRNA is controversial, what will this bring? How can spontaneous self-replication, a type of cancer on steroids, be controlled? Your guess is as good as mine.


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Cows are Pro-Environment Contrary to Greens By James Reed

Greenies in their knee jerk ignorance, and manic focus upon cow farts, instead of their farts, miss the big ecological picture. Desertification is a much bigger problem than climate change because it is real, nobody denies it, you can see it.  But ranchers have trained cows to graze like their ancient ancestors who created grasslands in the first place, in ways that can rehabilitate deserts returning them to grass lands. Long live cows, and meat, glorious meat!


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Covid Vaccinated Can Still Spread Covid, Mainstream Media Admits By Brian Simpson

Some articles tell you that the unvaccinated are about 20 times more likely to give you Covid … than the vaccinated! Wait, than the vaccinated … weren’t we told that if you get vaccinated you are immune, and hence will not get ill or spread the disease? Well, we have covered this issue, but let’s hear it from the mainstream of the mainstream media, “People inoculated against Covid-19 are just as likely to spread the delta variant of the virus to contacts in their household as those who haven’t had shots, according to new research.”

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Hey, Go Easy on Our Retail Stores Re Covid Mandates! By Bruce Bennett

It is not the fault of Victorian retailers that they must put into motion Covid mandates, which they are required by law to do. Don’t blame them, and certainly do not get mean with staff who are just doing their jobs. If they do not, they get sacked. It is a simple as that. Rather, critique the politicians. Simple.


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The Surge in Stillbirths and Menstrual Changes: Covid Vaxxes By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola has tackled an issue not well discussed by even the Covid vaccine critics, namely the effects of the vaxxes upon women’s reproductive health. There has been a surge in stillbirths and miscarriages. As is noted, “The CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected “presents falsely reassuring statistics. When the risk of miscarriage was recalculated to include all women injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%.

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mRNA Covid Vaxxes and Heart Issues By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola in a now deleted article, also saved here, details how researchers have used the PULS cardiac test (Protein Unstable Lesion Signature Test), which measures the most clinically-significant protein biomarkers that ascertains the body's immune system response to arterial injury. These injuries lead to the formation and progression of cardiac lesions which may become unstable and rupture, leading to cardiac events. Researchers have found Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID vaccinations dramatically increase biomarkers associated with thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination.

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Biden Family Corruption By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Miranda Divine has a new book, Laptop from Hell, which goes into the full gruesome details of what was on the Hunter Biden laptop. The story below indicates that Joe Biden, then vice president, was in on the shady deals. Yes, vice is the word. Yet Trump went very light on him in the presidential debates, even though he would have had full access to the contents of the lap tops.


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It was Not the SUV that Killed the White Folk By Charles Taylor

As, alleged Waukesha massacre killer, Darrell Brooks is a Black rapper, who has made all of the systems-approved noises against Whites, he is protected by the Left media. Thus, it has been noted that the Waukesha massacre is being ignored by the mainstream media, and what reports have been made talk of a SUV driving through the crowd, as if the car was on auto pilot, and Brooks is agentless. But, reports by witnesses show that he was deliberately mowing people down, including children. While the BLM and antifa were out to burn and loot when Rittenhouse was acquitted in an all-white case, there was no peaceful protest by Whites, who have no racial identity, and will ultimately perish as an ethno-racial group, unless they wake up soon and get group identity like everyone else.

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The Great Covid Omicron Freak-Out By Chris Knight (Florida)

Even though South African health authorities have said that the Covid Omicron variant is mild, with no reported deaths yet, the West is beginning to go into what can only be described as a viral freak-out. The Economist had an article, behind a paywall for me, saying that there are already impacts upon markets. What really put the sabre tooth tiger among the pigeons was CEOs of Big pHARMa saying that the present Covid vaccines probably will not be effective. That means more of the same. For what it is worth for Australian readers, here is a mainstream update on what is happening in clown world USA.

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Misinformation, Disinformation and the Covid Mandates By Chris Knight (Florida)

Children’s Health, has a thoughtful letter by a doctor who is asking exactly what is Covid misinformation and disinformation. “The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine this month issued a position statement in which it said: “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.” In the letter below, Dr. Meryl Nass, a practicing physician in Maine and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory board, asked the board to define what it means by “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and to clarify what statutory authority the board has to discipline physicians on the basis of undefined transgressions. The letter, which includes the Nov. 16 testimony Nass gave to the New Hampshire state legislature, has been edited slightly for clarity.

November 22, 2021.”

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