The Biden Plan to Vaccinate the World By Chris Knight (Florida)

Revealing remarks have been made by false President Joe Biden who has said that there will not be another lockdown of the US to deal with Covid Omicron. Instead, to protest the US, the entire world must be vaccinated. As well, all children will be vaccinated. No stone is being left unturned. It will be too bad for humanity if this James Bond villain plan succeeds, and the vaccine sceptics are right in the end.

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Compensation Schemes for Covid Vax Injuries: A Multi-Jurisdictional view By Brian Simpson

Previously the situation about compensation for Covid vax injuries in Australia was unclear, and may have involved suing the government, since the vaccine companies have been statutory protection from litigation. What other product enjoys such an outer? Anyway, now there is a no-fault compensation program in Australia for people who incurred A$5,000 or more in vaccine injury-related medical costs. But the government has now reduced the compensation threshold, permitting claims for the cost of vaccine injuries beginning at A$1,000.


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The Unspoken Fear of the West By James Reed

Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, December 2, 2021 has a piece reminding us, that while Covid is occupying most minds, the immigration mad wing of the New World Order is still going full-speed on the Great Replacement program of the elimination of Whites across the West. Still, at long last, in France in the lead up to the presidential elections, Eric Zemmour is making Marine Le Pen, president of the rightist National Rally, look somewhat conservative. He openly is speaking of the Great Replacement. Is he legitimate of will he be another Trump, and a useless pressure valve?  At least he is making the right noises!

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The Woke Abandonment of Christmas By Richard Miller (London)

About this time every year, mid-December, the anti-Christian New World Order attack upon Christmas begins. I do not know what in particular is happening on that front in Australia, but here in Europe, European Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli launched an internal guide for inclusive communication. It recommends no longer using “Christmas,” “Christian” names and the “masculine,” These recommendations aim to “reflect diversity” and to fight against “stereotypes deeply rooted in individual and collective behavior.” In the Covid world, wokeness is but another disease that flourishes in the dark gardcewn of communist totalitarianism.

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False News about Covid Vaccine Hesitancy: White Racism! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of your pollies has claimed that American people like me, as he might define us US southern nationalists, have produced anti-vax propaganda that is preventing your Aborigines from getting vaccinated. I do not know the real reason why your native people might be suspicious of getting white man’s medicine, but our Amerindians are suspicious too. And it has nothing to do with race hate. Indeed, most white nationalists I know in the US are anti-vax in general. They believe that it harms the human being, regardless of race. So, if there really was race hate involved, the white nationalist would be encouraging people of colour to get vaxxed, exactly the opposite of what the political leader is saying!

In a nutshell, the politicians in Australia need to think about how Aborigines have been dealt with by paternalistic governments in the past, and how they are treated now, including I think a recent round up of some escaping from one of your Covid concentration camps, when pondering why there is vaccine hesitancy among indigenous populations. Australia, viewed from the US has bad optics, I am sorry to say. Further, Africa has been low vaxxed, and has done better than Europe and the US, something of a paradox for the Covid establishment.

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The Wild, Wild West, on Every Street! By Charles Taylor (Florida)


Vdare’s writer, John Derbyshire has done a good job outlining how the rule of law has failed in America, and lawlessness is growing, making things a Wild West on every street. If there is not a civil war and secession, the breakup of America, then the inevitable result will be a descent into increasing levels of cultural chaos, which will erode social capital, leading to total collapse. The impacts will be global, pulling the global economy down with it. The globalists seem to have diabolical plan to do this, as part of their totalitarian agenda, but such centralist plans usually come radically unstuck.

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Covid Vax Stories Told by VAERS By Mrs Vera West

Data scientist and immunology researcher Jessica Rose, Ph.D, has commented about the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and what it reveals about Covid vaccine injuries, especially among children. She opts for a modest under-reporting factor of 31, so official data needs to be multiplied by 31 to get the real-world figure. Others give figure up to around 100. In any case even with the 31 factor, Rose says, “It’s really staggering. We’re in the millions.”

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. has released its weekly Covid vax deaths and adverse effects report. There is debate about how much VAERS under-reports by, with the higher figures being that one 1 percent of injuries get reported. But, between December 14, 2020, and November 26, 2021, there was  a total of 19,532 reports of deaths — an increase of 283 over the last week — and 146,720 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 3,325 compared with last week.

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Are Covid Vax Injuries All in the Mind? By Mrs Vera West

When there is the level of concern in the public like there is now with some medical thing, almost always some bright spot comes out with an article attempting show that it is all psychological. Repetitive Strain Injury comes to mind, especially when cases were mounting up. However, the evidence for physical Covid injuries is too much to explain way, such as all the heart disoders. As well, there is a large body of evidence also indicating real psychological problems arising from the Covid vaxxes.


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The Heretical Pope, Called Out By Peter West

An old Greek Orthodox priest called the Pope a heretic. The Pope had arrived for a meeting with the head of the country’s Orthodox Church. That is a theological criticism, quite sound. But things go much beyond that with the Pope being basically a New World Order mouth piece, consistently performing according to the script on every agenda from mass immigration to the alleged goodness of the Covid vaxxes. What would be more apt would have been to call him the anti-Pope, as many are now saying.


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Public Concern about the Adverse Effects of the Covid Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

A recent US Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that 74 percent of respondents, have been vaccinated and that 65 percent are at least “somewhat” confident in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. However, 54 percent also say they are “concerned” about the “potential of harmful side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine,” and of those, 27 percent are “very” concerned. This is very interesting considering that there is a mainstream media blackout on the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines, and is instead non-stop propaganda promoting it. The knowledge must be coming from grassroots experience, people they know being harmed.

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On Age Related Macular Degeneration By Mrs Vera West

As an old person, a really old person, my eye sight is failing, but I do what I can for the blog, for the higher good. Naturally I am interested in information about preserving one’s sight, so this item by Dr Mercola, now deleted, caught my eye, or what remains of it. The view expressed is that many degenerative eye diseases, and other diseases too, are a product of toxicity in processed food. That sounds plausible to me, but we do not offer medical advice here, so the following is for information purposes only.

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One Covid Vaccine to Rule Them All! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The blog has been covering aspects of the heart injuries associated with the Covid vaxxes. Here is an easy to read convenient summary that the Unz regularly produce. It is a one-stop shop overview of the entire debate, for those who do not want to pour over numerous articles. What I like about the article is that it is done in the form of  Socratic dialogue, a type of debate.


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Fully Vaccinated are Getting Covid and Transmitting it, Just as Much as Unvaccinated” By Mrs Vera West

  1. Kampf, “The Epidemiological Relevance of the Covi-19-Vsaccianted Population is Increasing, “The Lancet, December 1, 2021, documents the increasing relevance of Covid-19 spread among vaccinated people of populations. This is being seen across the world, as the majority of people in most Western countries have drunk the Kool Aid, sorry, had the jabs.

“High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type [

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The Covid Vaxxes and Heart Issues: Growing Concerns By Brian Simpson

If your local vaccine manic GP is like mine, adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes are considered to be as rare as hen’s teeth, or as my GP said, “you are more likely to get hit by a truck.” Getting hit by a truck, is though a good metaphor, if you do bad luck out. Published data, as documented by Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, indicate that 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the Covid vaccinations, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher, and more so with increased   numbers of boosters. As is noted: “VAERS reporting is likely underreported by a factor of 41. Since there are over 8,000 domestic deaths reported to VAERS, and 98% of those deaths are “excess deaths,” this suggests that as many as 300,000 Americans may have died from the COVID shots thus far.” “For example, during the September 17, 2021, FDA VRBPAC (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) meeting, Kirsch cited data suggesting 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the shots, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher. He also cited data showing the Pfizer shot kills far more people than it saves. I’ll provide more details about that below.

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The Covid Vaxxes and Human Reproductive Health By Mrs Vera West

As detailed by Dr Mercola at a now deleted article, there are considerable concerns about the Covid vaxxes and human reproductive health. One hypothesis is that the vaccinations will C cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta. This may increase the rate of miscarriages. Some evidence for this hypothesis is that preliminary safety result published in April 2021 of mRNA Covid shots used in pregnant women, revealed an 82 percent miscarriage rate when the vax was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Could They be sterilising an entire generation?

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Trump, Father of the Covid Vaccines! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump is the father of the Covid vaccines, hoping for a quick fix to the Covid issue at the time. Hence, operation Warp Speed, and all of the subsequent problems that come from an experimental vaccine, carried out on human populations of the world. Given that there is an international movement to persecute all those involved in the Covid vax agenda, at the International Criminal Court, Trump should be among the list:

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Americans Believe that Australia has Fallen By Chris Knight (Florida)

For all you Aussies, you might be interested in the coverage that your SOS to the world is receiving.

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National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins Calls for Anyone Who Spreads “Misinformation” about Covid-19 Online to be “Brought to Justice.” By Christ Knight (Florida)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to justice.” This is becoming a common call today among the vaccine manic elites. But the problem here, as documented at the blog today in many posts, is that “misinformation” and conspiracies today, may turn out to be truth tomorrow. Witness the change of position on the lab leak origin hypothesis of covid, which when Trump said it, was dismissed by the mainstream media as a conspiracy, but now even some leading mainstream journalists have best-selling books about what happened at Wuhan. And as well, as documented today at this blog, FDA documents are showing that many of the claims of adverse effects from the covid vaxxes made by those considered on the healthcare fringe, are true. So, as J. S. Mill once proclaimed in On Liberty, suppressing free thought is intrinsically dangerous because we do not know at any one point what the truth is. Just ask Galileo.


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FDA’s Data Release on Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine: Adverse Effects Galore! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The FDA will not fully release data related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine until 2076, 55 years! So, what is there to hide, since by that time most people over the age of about 30 will be dead anyway? Well, for a start, with the trickle of information released already, there were a total of 42,086 case reports for adverse reactions (25,379 medically confirmed, 16,707 non-medically confirmed), spanning 158,893 total events. Over 25,000 of the adverse events were classified as "Nervous system disorders. There have been over 913,000 reports of adverse events in the OpenVAERS global database. That number grows by the week.

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