The Failure of the Covid Vaccines: Wayne Allyn Root By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the response by Wayne Allyn Root to a request by The New York Times, obviously to set him up, on why he believes that the Covid vaccines are a disaster. A neat summary of the critic’s case, but ultimately the facts speak for themselves, with the number of deaths and significant injuries reported to VAERS being higher than in the past 30-plus years combined, all occurring in 10 months. In the past vaccines have been cancelled for causing much less death and adverse effects, but not the sacred Covid vaxxes.

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Save the World with Hundreds of Private Jets! By Richard Miller (London)

I am never surprised that when there is one of these save the world from climate change conferences, world leaders fly in with mass carbon producing emissions. Here is the latest hypocrisy from the present COP26 conference, which does not allude to law enforcement. Don’t tell me if these elites were serious they could not have an electronic conference? All smoke and mirrors for the New World Order.


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Space Pearl Harbor: China’s Satellite Crusher By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang who is the author of The Coming Collapse of China, reports on the recent launch of a CCP satellite that they say is to clean up space debris. Only thing though, is that US space infrastructure is regarded by the communists as such debris! This is what happens when a society goes woke instead of keeping strong in its defence. And the Left will be the first to go once the CCP conquer space and everything else.

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The Great Covid Exit of Medical Staff By Chris Knight (Florida)

In the US medical staff are coming forward to tell about fully vaxxed patients having severe side effects from the vaccines. This has been censored by the mainstream media who are simply part of the Big Pharma industrial complex, are do not report news inconvenient to the agenda.

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Attacking the Woke: They have No Sense of Humour By Chris Knight (Florida)

Perhaps I live a life sheltered from popular culture, but I am only vaguely aware of Black comedian Dave Chappelle. I had not paid attention to him until the controversy broke about him making transgender humour. Well, we are a long way from the humour of Benny Hill now. I guess in the Covid New World Order, there is nothing to laugh at any more.

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The Vaccination Experiment of Israel: Ilana Rachel By Mrs Vera West

With Australian authorities proclaiming that the country will be opening up when it basically reaches level of vaccinations as seen in places like Israel, it is worthwhile to look at what actually happened in places far ahead of the curve than us. Host Ilana Rachel Daniel of the CHD.TV’s “The Jerusalem Report,” gives the background of what she sees as the great experiment that has been conducted upon the Israeli people, and shocking behind the scenes going ons. We are all in this together against the same forces.

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Two Million Migrants for Australia? Why Not Everyone on the Planet, Covid and All? By James Reed

With Australia now set to open up, the manic mass migration lobby are at it again. Bring in millions of migrants to catch up. Ok, I understand, things may have got a little behind in the Great Replacement agenda. And it is difficult, since we will find out that even given the magic vaxxes, breakthrough Covid infections will surge as they have in other highly vaccinated jurisdictions, bringing us back to square one, lockdowns forever! So, it is hard times for the Big Australia mass immigration lobby, who are so …  yesterday. Just wait until the latest bird flu from the CCP flies in too!

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Fear the Dominance of CCP Ideology! It is Here with the Covid Mandates! By James Reed

The growing dominance of the CCP is already having profound effects upon what remains of the West. In the space of time of the Covid plandemic, Western elites have been willing to dismantle the few remaining freedoms of liberal democratic societies, and engage in previously unheard of oppression, such as locking down an entire society for months. Putting millions of people into home prison is the next level beyond the gulags, because it is imprisonment on the cheap; the state does not even pay for your imprisonment. We are becoming the CCP, and the original CCP is just getting started! Read on.

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Are the Left Mentally Ill? Are We Ruled by the Criminally Insane? By James Reed

Human diversity writer Steve Sailer makes the case that the Left are mostly mentally ill. I would add that the historical evidence indicates that they are criminally insane. So, why are we in the West still allowing the Left to control the institutions? Why are conservatives so weak?


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What Viral Dishes are the CCP Cooking Up as the Next Big Bio-Communist Thing? By James Reed

Lurking in communist China at present is the H5N6 strain of bird flu, which happily jumps to infect humans, kills around half of its hosts, and causes severe illness in all age groups. It is everything that Covid is supposed to be and will give the bodies piled in the streets scenario, that most of the Left seem to think would happen now without lockdowns, which they love because the lockdowns are communist totalitarianism. Still, when this bird flu becomes the new pandemic, we will be ready, with instant lockdowns. Take Covid as a dress rehearsal for what the elite intend to unleash upon us. It is as if we are pests, who are hosed down with pesticides. It is called, the Depopulation Agenda, the Great Replacement on steroids and growth hormone.


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US Intelligence Agenicies Might as Well have been Made in China ! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US intelligence agencies have released an “updated assessment on Covid-19 origins” that suggests the virus was “not developed as a biological weapon,” “probably not genetically engineered,” and probably not known of by China before the “initial outbreak” of Covid-19. To do so they ignore masses of material that even the mainstream media have covered, such as the US funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Ignored as well are obvious facts, such as China locking down, but allowing people to leave Wuhan, such as workers to go to Italy, which spread the virus internationally. That this was not deliberate defies comprehension. What is interesting is how much the US intelligence services are compliant to communist China, indicating that like the Biden regime, they have already been taken over. So, no war of conquest may be needed, America has already been conquered, like Australia. Before our eyes, the West has disappeared, and the Covid mandates certainly spell the end of liberal democracy.


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Taming Artificial Intelligence? By James Reed

Professor Yuval Harari has issued a warning about the contemporary drive to control information about individuals, using IT and AI. There are clear and present dangers that the information will be “hacked” by corporations, or even by terrorist organisations, and hostile governments, like communist China.  Harari does not go into communist China’s present focus upon getting as much genetic information as possible about people in the West, but other sources have covered this. IT and AI will be used by the bioweapon state, as ethno-weapons, and there is a case that Covid is the first attack of others more deadly to come, oddly welcomed by the elites of the West, as I see it.

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Boxing Legend Mayweather Knocks Vaccine Mandates By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another celebrity knocking the Covid vaccine mandates, in the US. Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather has offered his support for Kyrie Irving, an NBA player who has chosen not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. He gave some passionate expressions of the value of freedom. “A free mind makes its own choices; an enslaved mind follows the crowd,” he said. “Stand for something or fall for anything. One man can lead a revolution to stand up and fight for what’s right. One choice, one word, one action can change the world.” Great stuff.

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Censoring President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil on Covid Vaxxes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After censoring a standing president of the United States, Donald Trump, Facebook is drunk on its power, power foolishly given to it by sheeple who use it. Now, Facebook has censored Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro, who in a video gave statistics and data showing that those who take the COVID-19 vaccines are getting  what looks like AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Facebook stated that “our policies don’t allow claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people,” and Alphabet’s YouTube claimed the video had violated “our medical disinformation policy.” But, there is in fact a case that Bolsonaro is correct, and in any case, there should be the freedom to discuss the matter, let alone by the president of a country! Who does Zucker-Plucker think he is, a master of the Universe? Facebook is hopeless, and freedom lovers should have abandoned it by now. It deserves bankruptcy. Go ahead, censor my Facebook page! (Don’t have one.)

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Life in the Victorian Gulag By Bruce Bennett

If you thought Victoria was totalitarian, you have not seen anything yet, as The Public Health and Wellbeing (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, puts things in a whole new perspective. There are fines of up to $ 90,000 for failing to comply with the government’s Covid vaccine mandates. The premier may declare a lockdown, presumably on any reason, such as mythical virus fragments in the sewers, and extend it for three months. The lockdown in turn may be extended any number of times. Victoria has fallen.

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Seriously Considering Secession By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ryan McMaken at the fine economic libertarían site, has written another excellent defence of secession, the breakup of nations, with a focus upon the US. Over half of Trump voters, 52 percent, and 41 percent of Biden voters believe that it is time to break up America alona red and blue state lines. Secession is going mainstream with the topic being considered by both Democrats and Republicans. In the past, conservatives have opposed the notion of secession, since it had been seen as a lack of patriotism. But eventually, at the 11th hour, when whites are set to become a minority in the land that they mostly contributed to build, conservatives are seeing the merits of not living with the Left who work to destroy them; ¡talk about sleeping with the enemy! It took some time for the penny to drop. 

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Ugly Face of Critical Race Theory By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a nasty one, but is typical of those populating Critical Race theory, free to mouth off about whites, while drawing on a university salary from consolidated revue, mostly from whites. White people are villains and need to be taken out. That is pretty hostile, race hate, with a seeming threat of violence, if taken literally. And if there was any fairness in the system, legal action would be taken, but of course there is no justice for whites, so the remarks remain typical CRT talk. It is all in a day’s bs at the universities.

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Tumbling Towards Medical Apartheid By Brian Simpson

A great article from, with an American orientation, detailing how the Covid plandemic has moved once liberal democratic societies to medical apartheid. Of course, the medical aspects are but a convenient method of socially conditioning people to accept the dystopic world view of the globalist elites that they have been pushing for some time now, and merely brings together all of their loose agendas into one horrendous whole. People bonded by face masks and locked away in-home detention, are open to total manipulation, and are more enslaved than the slaves of ancient Greece. Thus, the agenda is not new, the elites have merely made use of the plandemic to push their quest for power and social control, beyond anything ever seen on this planet. The technocrats have been with them, all of the way, using the inventions of useful idiots, the scientists.

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China’s Contribution to Climate Conference: Keep Polluting Until World Conquest! By James Reed

One has to be sceptical. We are told that there is an existential threat to life on Earth from climate change. Ok, that could be true, but most likely is not, in my opinion. But for the sake of argument, suppose it is true. Then why should the country with the highest carbon emissions on the planet, communist China be allowed to continue polluting, just because they are non-white and communist, and hence sacred to the Left in the West? The typical reply is well, how can they stop developing when the West has, you know, racism and all that? But that argument totally undermines the alleged seriousness of the climate threat, that should transcend all those considerations.


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Biden’s Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the Climate Summit By James Reed

The globalists are, or were at the latest climate change hysteria talkfest, saying how they as leaders are going to save humanity from climatic doom, except China, which was given a free pass to emit whatever greenhouse gases it liked, provided it conquers the world and destroys the West. And, we have the case of senile Joe Biden, parading around Rome in an 85-vehicle motorcade. You would think that someone would notice the inconsistency here and maybe make it say, 84 cars! Personally, I would like to see all of these punters riding push bikes!


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