Australian Covid Vax Policies: An Academic Critique By Brian Simpson

Here is today's material critical of the mRNA covid vaxxes, from the academic peer-reviewed journal, Pathology: Research and Practice, Volume 253, January 2024, 155030, "Gene-Based COVID-19 Vaccines: Australian Perspectives in a Corporate and Global Context." This paper is interesting and well worth citing against say the AMA as covered in as cover...

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Death and the Covid Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

The Australian government and the medical authorities have not faced up to the hardships, misery and death caused by the totally ineffective Covid vax lockdowns. Below is but one tragic human-interest story, of a mum who lost her mind during the Victorian Covid lockdowns, the longest on the planet, and stabbed to death her three young children. Def...

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The Housing Crisis: The Fate of an Aussie Family By James Reed

What is the human face of the Australian housing crisis, produced by the Albo government's Great Replacement mass immigration agenda? One such story, one of thousands, has been given by the, of a family with three children who had to move into a tent after being evicted. They were given no reason for the eviction. 'A chronic undersu...

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ChatGPT Loses its ‘Mind’ By Brian Simpson

It has been noted that Chat GPT, the AI chatbot of OpenAI has been acting strangely of late. First, it seemed to be making more errors than normal, even about identifying prime numbers, whole numbers with no factors other than themselves. But, then things went from strange to really weird. ChatGPT began to deliver very long but incoherent answers t...

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Heritage Foundation : Global Warming Data Exaggerated By James Reed

Here is yet more research challenging the received position on climate change. But, why should we be interested ? As always the case I make for the need to get out this otherwise suppressed material is that the climate change alarmist agenda is now mainstream government policy, right across the West. And it has become part of mainstream culture, wi...

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The Fracture of British Identity By Richard Miller (London)

The, has been publishing some hard-hitting pieces on UK immigration and the social chaos that is engulfing the UK. At the blog yesterday, I covered one piece that argued that Britain was a failed state, or at least on the road to becoming one. Another piece, extracted below does not go that far, but does conclude that mass immigratio...

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The Dehumanising Effects of Modern Medicine By Mrs Vera West

Dr. David Bell is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. He has written a powerful piece on how modern medicine dehumanises us, which is a surprising criticism coming from a medical insider. I am remaindered of one academic medical...

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The Politics of the Murder of Laken Riley By Charles Taylor (Florida)

From time to time there is a murder of a White person by an illegal migrant type that disturbs the otherwise restless slumber of Fred and Rita, Ordinary Folk. Thus, Laken Riley, a 22-year-old young nursing student from Georgia, was brutally murdered by one illegal, Jose Ibarra, age 26. She was slaughtered while out on a morning jog. Donald Trump ha...

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The Toxic Emissions of Electric Vehicles By James Reed

The Greens in their war against fossil fuels, those who are at least half sane, realise that transportation is still necessary if some shade of civilised society is to be preserved. Hence electric vehicles (EVs) to the rescue. These vehicles are seen as low carbon emitting, and hence get the tick of ecological sustainability from the university eli...

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Transableist: Able-Bodied Men Who identify as Disabled Women! By Mrs Vera West

In the wild and woolly world of identity politics, there is always the quest to rise to the top of the rock charts in woke political correctness. While it seemed that mere trans was king, or queen, or a blend of both, naturally enough, now we have a new star, transableism. While there have always been people pretending to be disabled to gain benefi...

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The Bugging Out Billionaires By John Steele

The has an interesting piece looking at the phenomenon of billionaires building survival retreats and fortified underground super-bunkers. There was much speculation about the motives of Meta's Mark Zuckerberg doing this on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Zuckerberg's compound is over 5,500,000 square metres, and at a cost of AUS ...

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France: The Constitutional Right to Abortion By Mrs Vera West

Further proof that the West is going insane, at least as far as the globo commo legal systems go. Other articles today at the blog have covered the attack upon free speech, dealing with hate legislation being used as a cover for totalitarian control. But other measures are just as alarming for Christian conservatives. Thus, in France, a Bill has be...

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Is the UK a Failed State? By Richard Miller (London)

Camilla Tominey, "Britain is fast becoming a failed state. Faith in the system is beginning to collapse: From migration to crime, the authorities appear to have given up," was an article appearing on 1 March 2024 at the It is a commentary on prime minister Rishi Sunak's claim that there is a "growing consensus that mob rule is repl...

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The War on Free Speech Across the West By James Reed

 Michael Snyder, Christian conservative, has given a rundown of some of the alarming developments in the US along the lines of hate speech, used to control what was once free speech. This is interesting given the once robust traditions of free speech in the country, with the First Amendment of the US Constitution offering a guarantee of freedo...

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Two Years Jail for Posting Anti-Immigration Stickers Online! By Richard Miller (London)

Now just imagine this; you posted stickers that read: "We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066," and "Diversity – designed to fail, built to replace." All this is true. It does not single out any race or exhibit any evidence of hatred. But the UK police state have decided that Sam Melia, who shared these stickers online was guilty of a race h...

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In Praise of Traditional Medicines By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf has moved from being a Leftist feminist critic, to a Covid vax critic. In doing so she has slowly begun the process of rethinking the health consequences of the other products of Big Pharma. This journey has led her to move to attempt to revive the traditional medicines that were used in the past. As she details, the key globalist ear...

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A Government-Base Invasion to Ensure a Leftist Dictatorship By Charles Taylor (Florida)

According to Elon Musk: "It is obvious to anyone who is not a fool that this administration is deliberately importing vast numbers of illegals. "No grand conspiracy theory is needed to explain this, just simple incentives: they are far more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. "This is why Dems are constantly pushing to legalize illegals and wo...

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Tucker Carlson on the Modern Romans and the Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has recently said on his program that funneling illegal immigrants into the military, as was done by the ancient Romans prior to the collapse of Rome, will lead to a repeat of history. "The Roman military, its legions, became dominated by non-citizens, who in the end, because they weren't loyal to Rome, turned against Rome's citizens...

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Explosion of Cancers in the Young By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsh has interviewed a pathologist in Croatia, Dr Ivana Pavic. She has reported that from her study, that she observed that 55 percent of the 18–69-year-olds are vaccinated, and of the cancer cases in that group, 65 percent of those had one or more Covid mRNA shot. Doing the maths, Kirsch concludes that having the Covid shots increased one's...

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Australia Beware! Virologist Who Transferred Ebola Virus to Wuhan Institute of Virology had Special Relationship with Communist Chinese Spies! By James Reed

There was recently a report by Canada's intelligence services, yes, they have them, of two ethnic Chinese, Xiangguo Qiu and her husband, Keding Cheng, scientists at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, who were fired over loyalty to Canada. That is something, as Canada is even more woke than Australia. The pair transferred the deadly E...

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