The White Cliffs of Native Title By James Reed

The opal mining settlement of White Cliffs in far north-western NSW, was subjected to a successful land title claim, with native title being granted to the local Barkandji people by the Federal Court in 2015. It is hot out there, and residents, read, mainly Whites, spend their savings building underground homes. But they will not ever own those hom...

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Every Breath You Take, the Climate Change Crazies Will be Watching You By James Reed

I saw this story a few weeks back, or more, but in all the excitement of other stories, it dropped down the list of articles. Then going through a slow news day, I started hiking through the files, and here we are with yet another bit of climate change absurdity. The issue here is that humans emit methane just like cows, and remember, cows are a ne...

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Communist China Funds Western Climate Change Activists! By James Reed

Where does all the money come from to fund climate change activists? Anyone who has been active in opposing the New World Order agendas, say to halt Great White Replacement immigration, knows how hard it is to get funds, and things are usually at the "pass the hat" level. But the climate change activists seem to do fine, and as a mass can always ge...

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Asia Burns Record Amounts of Coal By James Reed

The climate change narrative in the West, religiously accepted by the ultra-woke Albo government, is that there is only a limited time, the proverbial ten years, to "save the planet" from runway climate change. As advocated by the UN and the World Economic Forum, radical changes to the Western lifestyle are needed, such as the end of meat-eating, c...

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The Prison Planet By James Reed

Apart from the regimes of censorship being produced by the globalist elites harnessing the powers of IT and AI, a vast prison planet of surveillance has been erected around us. Once one's face has been identified, and most people have via drivers' licences, a planet-wide network of cameras and satellites should be able to identify and locate one, a...

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Leading New Zealand Medical Scientist Sees the Dangers of the WHO Pandemic Treaty By Brian Simpson

Dr Ray Avery, known as 'Sir Ray,' having been given an actual Kiwi knighthood, a Knight Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit then by governor-general Sir Anand Satyanand, for his contributions to medical technology, has expressed grave concerns about the World Health Organization's (WHO) globalist agenda, not only during the Covid plan...

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Vax Deaths Within First 10 Days, Post Injection By Brian Simpson

Researchers in Japan have discovered that the majority of deaths from injection of the Covid mRNA shots occur within the first 10 days after the jab. The researchers found that most deaths occurred on the second day after the person got injected. The majority of remaining deaths occurred on days three and four. Thus, most people who die from Covid ...

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Return of the 1940s Wife By Mrs Vera West

Here is a nice human-interest piece about those who want to return to the "tradwife" lifestyle, as existed in the 1940s, slowly being eroded away by the cultural revolution of the 1960s and the gender agenda, which now has turned traditional relationships upside down. A movement against this postmodern monster world is well welcome, and would if su...

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Open Borders and the Collapse of America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Andrea Widburg always has insightful and hard-hitting pieces about the decline of the US and the West. She reflects upon the case of economist Milton Friedman, who believed in open borders and the free movement of people, just like any other goods and services in the globalised economy. But Friedman did not support giving welfare or citizenship to ...

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Climate Change and the New World Order By Chris Knight (Florida)

The program to dismantle the industrial base of the US began in earnest under President Barack Obama in 2009. Apart from his anti-White race agenda, the main reason for the elites like George Soros appointing him, according the American author and political commentator Thomas Sowell, was that "Obama imposes draconian restrictions on industrial acti...

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Zero Net is a War Against the Ordinary People By James Reed

The UK Institute for Community Studies (ICS), has released a report, Our Journey to Net Zero, which undertakes a devastating critique of the UK government's climate change policies, relevant to Australia as well. The conclusion is stark, with the policies set to "make the poor poorer, and push struggling communities further into deprivation and exc...

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The Labor Party, the Party of Partying By James Reed

Great hard-hitting comments by Malcolm Roberts about PM Albo's jet setting lifestyle, while proclaiming climate change purity, much like all of the globalist tribe from the World Economic Forum to Bill Gates. As Roberts says, Albo spending much of his time partying with rock stars and other elites, has put him out of touch with the plight of ordina...

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Mattias Desmet: Speech at the US Senate By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mattias Desmet is author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022), which explains the process by which people surrender their freedom by mass formation, a collective form of mass hysteria or hypnosis. Fear is the key, leading to the road of loss of freedom, privacy and ultimate censorship and cancellation. This is exactly what was experienced wi...

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The WHO’s Quest for Global Dominance By Brian Simpson

David Bell is a former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), so he is an insider to the workings of the WHO. In his paper at he gives his assessment of the two main agreements that will greatly expand WHO's powers and role in declared health emergencies and pandemics, the International Health Regulatio...

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A Country Run by the Deep State By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Military historian Victor Davis Hanson, has expressed the point of view that senile Joe Biden is not running the US, so there must be someone behind him, pulling the strings. He suggests that Obama is doing this, serving his third presidency. The point I would make in reply is of course Biden is being directed, he cannot even find his way off...

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Google AI is a Communist! By James Reed

 The story about Google's AI Gemini eliminating White people in its image search led to ridicule by the mainstream press, so Google closed it down and now is reworking it, so it will probably still be biased, but not so obvious. However, apart from the image issue, it has been noted that Gemini when asked to generate an image about the evils o...

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China Shows the Shape of the 15-Minute City: Human Ant Hills ! By James Reed

The 15-minute city concept is supposed to deliver to people some sort of comfortable urban environment, Green and 'ecologically sustainable,' through saving on energy use, as people no longer have to travel to get what they need to live. Or, so the story goes. But the reality is that the 15-minute city concept is about taking away the liberty of tr...

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The Unnamed Traitorous Security Risk, a Former Politician By James Reed

According ASIO director-general Mike Burgess, a former politician, who was labelled a traitor, for spying, had sold out his country. But, Burgess will not be releasing the name, as the traitor is no longer a threat to security, and thus the issue is 'historical.' Peter Dutton demanded the name of the traitor be released, but was ignored, it seems. ...

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Meta AI Makes Donald Trump Disappear Down the Memory Hole ! By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to the history books, while they still exist, Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States, from 2017 to 2021. However, it has been noted that Meta, formerly known as Facebook, in its Meta AI, lists Joe Biden as the 45th president, with no mention of Donald Trump at all ! Yes, part of history, an inconvenient part for the glob...

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Growing Male Reproductive Parts in a Lab? The Great Replacement of Men By Brian Simpson

When I first saw the story about lab-grown testicles in a mainstream media site, I thought it was likely false news. However, with further fact checking, it seems to be a correct report, at least an accurate report on what the scientists at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have claimed. What has been produced are tiny artificial organs that mimic the ...

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