Mattias Desmet: Speech at the US Senate By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mattias Desmet is author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism (2022), which explains the process by which people surrender their freedom by mass formation, a collective form of mass hysteria or hypnosis. Fear is the key, leading to the road of loss of freedom, privacy and ultimate censorship and cancellation. This is exactly what was experienced wi...

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The WHO’s Quest for Global Dominance By Brian Simpson

David Bell is a former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), so he is an insider to the workings of the WHO. In his paper at he gives his assessment of the two main agreements that will greatly expand WHO's powers and role in declared health emergencies and pandemics, the International Health Regulatio...

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A Country Run by the Deep State By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 Military historian Victor Davis Hanson, has expressed the point of view that senile Joe Biden is not running the US, so there must be someone behind him, pulling the strings. He suggests that Obama is doing this, serving his third presidency. The point I would make in reply is of course Biden is being directed, he cannot even find his way off...

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Google AI is a Communist! By James Reed

 The story about Google's AI Gemini eliminating White people in its image search led to ridicule by the mainstream press, so Google closed it down and now is reworking it, so it will probably still be biased, but not so obvious. However, apart from the image issue, it has been noted that Gemini when asked to generate an image about the evils o...

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China Shows the Shape of the 15-Minute City: Human Ant Hills ! By James Reed

The 15-minute city concept is supposed to deliver to people some sort of comfortable urban environment, Green and 'ecologically sustainable,' through saving on energy use, as people no longer have to travel to get what they need to live. Or, so the story goes. But the reality is that the 15-minute city concept is about taking away the liberty of tr...

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The Unnamed Traitorous Security Risk, a Former Politician By James Reed

According ASIO director-general Mike Burgess, a former politician, who was labelled a traitor, for spying, had sold out his country. But, Burgess will not be releasing the name, as the traitor is no longer a threat to security, and thus the issue is 'historical.' Peter Dutton demanded the name of the traitor be released, but was ignored, it seems. ...

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Meta AI Makes Donald Trump Disappear Down the Memory Hole ! By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to the history books, while they still exist, Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States, from 2017 to 2021. However, it has been noted that Meta, formerly known as Facebook, in its Meta AI, lists Joe Biden as the 45th president, with no mention of Donald Trump at all ! Yes, part of history, an inconvenient part for the glob...

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Growing Male Reproductive Parts in a Lab? The Great Replacement of Men By Brian Simpson

When I first saw the story about lab-grown testicles in a mainstream media site, I thought it was likely false news. However, with further fact checking, it seems to be a correct report, at least an accurate report on what the scientists at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have claimed. What has been produced are tiny artificial organs that mimic the ...

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Dr Robert Malone on the Psychological and Cognitive War on Citizens By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone has recently delivered a speech on the theme of "Psychological and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens." The transcript is reproduced below. The key point made is that his main concern as far as freedom goes today is the emergence of the censorship industrial complex, which is based around IT and social media. As he outlines, the main so...

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Another Call for Australian Conscription By John Steele

As an ex-service man I would in general support the program of national service and conscription, as part of nation building, national defence, and to put young people on a better track than going straight into more brainwashing by the universities. Thus, the call has recently been made by South Australia Independent MP Frank Pangallo, who says Aus...

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Assassinations, Lies and Conspiracies from the Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

In the last manic news cycle, the mainstream media told us that it was virtually certain that Putin had political dissent and prisoner Alexei Navalny murdered. That would be odd, because why do the foul deed now, rather than years' ago? The Kremlin said that Navalny died of a blood clot, which would not be unusual for an old guy. And, low and behol...

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Being a Woman Will Soon be Seen as a “Disability” by the Woke! By Mrs Vera West

This one is more directed to our female readers, so men folk may want to go outside for a few minutes, to perhaps have a cigar, or puff on their granddaddy's old pipe. Not only do we live in a time, where traditional masculinity has been degraded, then cancelled as "toxic masculinity," but moving right along, the elites in the gender agenda then be...

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Green Billionaires, Financing the Cinema Apocalypse Narrative By James Reed

The latest in the climate change alarmist propaganda wars is the story that Green billionaires are putting up hard money for Hollywood writers to work climate change alarmist themes into films and TV programs. One entity, with the loot is the Los Angeles-based Good Energy, funded by the elites such as the Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Sierra Club a...

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An Imported Army to Kill the Locals By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is presently a Bill before the US Congress to fast-track illegal migrants into the military, giving them US citizenship. It is odd, as why would the military age migrants do this, as they are given a free ride and the best of everything now? But, as observed by U.S. Army Col. Ret. Combat Veteran Douglas Macgregor, one of many to make the foll...

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Communist China, Machine-Gunning the Country By Charles Taylor (Florida)

What does communist China get up to with steel and coal from Australia and other places? Well, it makes things, like machine gun parts, and according to a new book, by Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, this is communist China's "disintegration warfare" stra...

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Malcolm Roberts on Australia’ Imported Crime Wave By James Reed

Don't we have enough home-grown criminals? As Malcolm Roberts notes in a tweet/X, Australia has also an imported crime wave, with illegal migrant rapists, murderers and child molester monsters, being released onto the streets, with the public not even being warned about where these criminals are. Of the 149 detainees released, 24 have already re-of...

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Malcolm Roberts on Vacant Foreign Owned Homes By James Reed

Another good tweet/X by Malcolm Roberts, noting that while Aussies face an accommodation crisis, there are masses of vacant homes that have been brought by rich overseas Chinese, mainly. The government plans to fine these owners, but does not know how many there are. So, they will do nothing. As Roberts says, it would be far better to ban foreign o...

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Queensland’s Mandatory Vaccination Order Held by Supreme Court to be Unlawful By Ian Wilson LL.B

The Queensland Supreme Court has held that Queensland paramedics and police officers who were penalised under the state's Covid vax mandates, were treated unlawfully, the mandatory vaccine requirements being inconsistent with their human rights under the Queensland Human Rights Act. They had thus been discriminated against "due to their political b...

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Clive Palmer to Fund Further Covid Mandate Class Actions By Brian Simpson

Very good news indeed for those of us still fighting for justice over the covid mandates. Ian Wilson LL. B has covered the decision of the Queensland Supreme Court, which has held that the Covid mandates applied against police and paramedics were unlawful, contrary to the Queensland Human Rights Act.It was immediately observed in the media that whi...

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The Clear and Present Dangers of 5G Technology By Brian Simpson

We are not hearing much about the dangers of 5G technology, it seems to be in the bag for the technocrats, and now the endless G's will be coming with more intensity. But, in the US, there has been some concern, and measures taken, but small starts. For example, while in many countries mobile communications base stations can be placed as close as 2...

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