The Collapse of the Economic Argument for Mass Immigration By Richard Miller (London)

The UK, has a tremendous article putting the case that the economic argument for mass immigration has collapsed. Report after report has shown this, with the latest being from the Institute for Fiscal studies. Previous studies have shown that non-Eu migrants were a fiscal drain. The present study shows that "the "fiscal headroom" ge...

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The Communist Chinese Fentanyl War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has been mentioned by both Trump, and DeSantis, that communist China has been active in promoting the fentanyl crisis in America, which kills tens of thousands of people each year. The drug, like illegal migrants, comes in through the open southern border. As a measure of just how lethal the drug is, and how much of it is getting in to the US, e...

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The Transgender Space Force! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Stories like the following do not inspire any confidence in me that we can seriously defeat the communist Chinese, unless the aim is for the communists to laugh themselves to death. Transgender Space Force Col. Bree Fram, during a speech to the US Air force argued that using pronouns in emails was a way to enhance "winning war fighting strategies."...

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Woke, Anti-White Racist AI By Chris Knight (Florida)

Much ridicule was thrown, and rightly so, against Google's Gemini AI which has written White people out of history. Thus, there were no Founding Fathers of America, but rather Black Founding Feminists. Vikings were all Black. And so on; even Nazis were Black! Google removed the AI to work it over so its racial biases would not be so over-the-top. H...

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The Mechanisms of Covid Vax Injury By Brian Simpson

Mike Adams at has an interesting interview with Dr Sherri Tenpenny, who has conducted extensive research into the dangers of the Covid-19 mRNA vaxxes. She has listed 40 mechanisms of injury caused by these vaxxes, including not only the more familiar cardiovascular assaults and neurological degeneration, but as the blood-brain barrier...

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Communist Chinese Blood Money By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Peter Schweizer has a new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. Revelations from the book have been published in over the last week or so, indicating the treason that has occurred in the political class, with some items being truly startling. Thus, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, wh...

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War with China is Inevitable By James Reed

Why is war between the US and China inevitable? Can China's war preparations with Taiwan be dismissed as sabre-rattling? Assuming that god emperor Xi does not want to be seen as a paper tiger, we should accept his words on the face of it. Xi did tell senile US president Joe Biden that China will reunify Taiwan with China, come what may. A peaceful ...

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Covid Vax Deaths in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

Around 30 percent of the UK population has not had even one Covid mRNA vax, but according to the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA), as of July 2022, 34 percent of the UK population was not double vaccinated and 50 percent was not triple vaccinated. However, the vaccinated population as a whole accounted for 95 percent of all Covid deaths between ...

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Shonky UK Temperature Measuring Stations By Richard Miller (London)

This article was referenced at the blog yesterday in relation to the claim made by some scientists that the methodology employed by mainstream climate scientists, who champion the climate change alarmist position, such as the UN and World Economic Forum, is fundamentally flawed. To add further to this debate, this item will discuss the revelation o...

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Leftism: The Philosophy of Weakness and Degeneracy By James Reed

Luis Miguel has put the case that Leftism is based upon a politics of weakness, and the philosophy of weakness has been responsible for the decline of the West. We need only view the mainstream Leftist academic to see this weakness, not just physically, but metaphysically as well. The cultural Marxism that they embrace has produced a narrative of v...

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The Myth of the Gender Pay Gap By Mrs Vera West

The Australian gender pay gap issue is back in the mainstream media, this time with angst expressed that some of Australia's biggest corporations have a gap greater than the national average of 19 percent. According to the Minister for Women, Kathy Gallagher, "There is a substantial problem in this country when you've got essentially two thirds of ...

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Progress Towards Nuclear Fusion, the Everlasting Fuel By Brian Simpson

 Here is some good news in opposition to the climate change alarmist movement against advanced civilisation. It is generally accepted that nuclear fusion, the same process that goes on in the sun would be a real game changer if it could be done on Earth. It would mean limitless energy, with no dangerous radioactive pollutants as in fission rea...

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Climate Change Alarmism, a Castle built Upon Sand By James Reed

 The mainstream, climate change alarmist position of our Albo Labor government, the Biden administration and the UN, holds that dangerous manmade climate change is occurring, and is in fact now accelerating due to economic activities, in the West of course. This is the offered "justification" for utterly radical policies that are set to overtu...

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Sex is Binary! By Mrs Vera West

A survey of around 200 British scientists has concluded that with the exception of a very small number of intersex people, sex is binary, divided between male and female. The figures are important: 58 percent of the scientists believed that, but 29 percent believed that sex was not binary, and 22 percent did not respond. On the gender issue, 64 per...

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Who Would have Guessed? China Targeting Australians By James Reed

ASIO is not telling us who the traitor was, who was in parliament, and working with a foreign power, name of the power not given. However, in its annual threat assessment ASIO has at least implied, and the Sydney Morning Herald found out independently, that it is China, our leading trading partner, who is behind an "aggressive" targeting of Austral...

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The Great Gas Scam By James Reed

The gas situation is enough to get any loyal Aussie hot under the collar and want to let off steam. Consider: Australia is a gas-producing giant, but the East Coast Gas Cartel has set local prices at 10-20 percent above export netback prices to Europe and Asia, as, reports. To rub salt into the wound, while this has led to elec...

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New Levels of Tyranny in Lawfare By Chris Knight (Florida)

Ezra Levant, Rebel News, has made a Tweet/X, stating that Canada is moving into new levels of woke Leftist tyranny, with a new law, C-63, which would permit anyone to take White conservatives to the Canadian inquisition (Whites cannot be discriminated against), the Human right Tribunal, basically for anything critical of the system they have put on...

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Putin’s Immigration Weapon, Worse than Nuclear By Richard Miller (London)

Putin really knows the weakness of the West and Whites. Immigration of coloured people is irresistible. Just the thought of being "racist," makes the educated classes, who are now bathed in the institutional structural anti-White racism produced since the 1950s UN-based attack upon racial science, go to water. Thus, Russia's private militias are or...

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Opposition Immigration Minister Plays Hide and Seek on Immigration Numbers Question By James Reed

The Opposition Immigration Minister Dan Tehan has slammed Albo's immigration policy which has allowed 1.6 million people to come into the country over the present term of the Labor government. Immigration, fuelled by the international student scam, as shown by sites like, has led in the main to the present accommodation crisis,...

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NeuroStrike: China’s Advanced Brain Warfare, Against the West By James Reed

China is leaving no stone unturned in its quest for world domination, economically and militarily. Not only is it moving to "Star Wars" technology for war in space, but there are also developments to use advanced brain warfare technology, presumably against enemy soldiers. A report about the PLA developments was published some weeks back by the CCP...

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