Modern Genocide: Procreation has Become a Luxury Item! By Richard Miller (London)

 This is a measure of how far we have fallen as a civilisation. According to the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) the "total fertility," calculated based on the birthrate across different age groups, fell to 1.49 children per woman in 2022, the lowest since records have been kept, and far below the 2.1 replacement figure, needed to main...

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The Danger of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) By James Reed

Leading US fund manager, Daniel Lacalle, has put the case why Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are dangerous. He compares it to the present situation of having, say, police patrolling the area, to having police stationed in your home watching your every move. In a nutshell: "A central bank digital currency would be directly issued to your acc...

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Google: Just be Evil By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from Google's Gemini which erased Whites, there has been telling criticism of Goggle's agenda. Before Trump the motto of Google was "don't be evil," but they abandoned that in 2018. No doubt it was hard to keep to that even on a computer screen, while in the quest for ever higher profits, as Ross LaJeunesse, who joined Google in 2008 a...

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The Great Australian Political Donation Mystery By James Reed

The old saying, he who pays the piper calls the tune certainly rings true for Australian politics. But who is it that is calling the tune? Well, we will have trouble running all of this to ground, as according to a report from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), between 21 percent to 27 percent of donations and other receipts to the Labor Pa...

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Paul Craig Roberts: The Anti-Free Speech World By Chris Knight (Florida)

Political critic, Paul Craig Roberts, whose opinion pieces usually get widely reprinted as they are so concise and hard-hitting, has noted that in the US, there has been as movement by the power elites away from the protection of basic liberties and freedom under the constitution, to the protection of "institutions," which is just a code word for t...

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The Tale of the Embalmers By Brian Simpson

The issue of the large fibrous clots that embalmers have encountered, almost always in people who have had the Covid vaxxes (and most people have), has not been given a mainstream scientific investigation. The comments below from one US embalmer are alarming, as nowadays he seldom sees a corpse without the clots, which has massively increased the t...

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The Australian Greens are Not a Party for the Environment, but Woke Leftists By James Reed

Leith van Onselen, an economist writing at, a site I like almost as much as, has produced some tremendous work showing that the housing and accommodation crisis is a product of our present insane mass immigration program. He is one of the few mainstream critics to nail the universities as being part of this traves...

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The Anti-White Wokeness of Google’s AI Chatbot, Gemini By Brian Simpson

This story has got extensive coverage internationally, but not much in Australia, so here we go.Google's new chatbot, Gemini was tested by the media, such as Sky News, and delivered material which was over-the-top anti-White. Indeed, the chatbot wrote Whites out of existence, as its image generator gave images of the Popes as women, Black and Chine...

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AI Gurus Predict a Terminator Style Apocalypse By Brian Simpson

There are a number of AI experts, some founding fathers of AI such Eliezer Yudkowsky, who are predicting an apocalyptic disaster from AI developments, happening in a few years' time, the doom soon hypothesis. This does not merely relate to the social impacts of general AI advancing replacing humans in workplace, but more by super intelligence devel...

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All you Need to Know to be Up to Date on the Gender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

Thanks to journalist Ben Bartee, here are the last gender agenda/trans items, hot from the press. Gen Z adults, those between the ages of 18 to 25, are the gayest generation yet, according to a report released by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ +. That contrasts with 10 percent...

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Judge, and Executioner, Engoron By Chris Knight (Florida)

For Australian readers, who do not seem to get a coverage of some vital news from the US, here is the latest on the lawfare against Donald Trump. Slammed with a $ 355 million fine for alleged fraud against banks, which the banks themselves deny (the issue is Trump's assessment of his property values, which was accepted by the banks with independent...

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The Truckers Fight Back! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from the alarming New York lawfare decision against Donald Trump, where he is essentially bankrupted, to destroy his electoral bid, financial organisations and corporations have seen the writing on the wall, and concluded that they too are vulnerable to the ruling, if it stands. And the court is doing everything to prevent the natural ...

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Clear and Present Danger: The Covid Vaxxes, and Their Risks By Brian Simpson

The largest study of its kind yet conducted, the Global Covid Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) Project, involved the international team of researchers examining 13 medical conditions among 99 million people who received the vaxxes. The claim made in conclusion was that the vaxxes were linked to "small" increases in heart, blood, and neurological disorders, s...

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The Next Level of Horror: Self-Spreading Vaccines By Brian Simpson

 During the Covid plandemic, reports circulated about the next big thing from Big Pharma to deal with vaccine hesitancy, people who did not want the jab because of many reasons, including its experimental nature, but ranging to a belief that the vax was potentially harmful. Research was underway about how to put the vax into food. But people c...

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There is No Climate Emergency: Professor Guus Berkhout By James Reed

Another professor has come out swinging arguing that there is no climate change emergency. Dutch Professor Guus Berkhout of Climate Intelligence (Clintel), a global climate change and policy foundation, sees the climate change alarmist narrative as having civilisation-wrecking capacities: "Sadly, that [which] was carefully built up by past generati...

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Rubber-Stamping the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, has been concerned about the hesitancy of some countries to come on board with the WHO international health regulations and pandemic treaty. He has been saying that in no way does signing the treaties destroy national health sovereignty. It is all just a friendly p...

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The Overton Window and the World-Wide Attack on Free Speech By James Reed

Alex Berenson, social critic, makes some interesting points about the attack of the globalists upon free speech. He refers to the idea of the Overton window, the window of discourse, the range of socially acceptable policies available at a time. In general, the elites set the game rules and boundaries of this, and carefully manage things. Thus, vie...

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New York, a City of Demons By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I never felt at ease when in New York; there was something evil, sinister about the place, a presence. After reporting on the lawfare attacks on Donald Trump, I am sure of that. The latest is that New York Attorney General Letitia James is prepared to seize Donald Trump's assets if he is unable to pay the $ 354 million fine, designed to bankrupt hi...

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Anything but Reducing Immigration By James Reed

I read an article at Their ABC about the serious challenges the Tweed Mayor is facing. The Tweed Shire, just below the Queensland border has almost 100, 000 people, but by 2041 could add another 30,000 people. Housing and even supplying enough water are big problems. The Tweed Shire Council will not be able to meet water demand after around 2028. T...

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The World-Wide Decline of the Chinese Birth Rate By James Reed

This may be surprising. While we are used to hear by now about the radical crash in births in the advanced industrial countries of East Asia, this birth dearth, according to Dr Wee Ka Siong is happening to Chinese populations in the West as well, and Malaysia. "The Chinese in many parts of the world don't have many children." "This is the trend tha...

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