Anything but Reducing Immigration By James Reed

I read an article at Their ABC about the serious challenges the Tweed Mayor is facing. The Tweed Shire, just below the Queensland border has almost 100, 000 people, but by 2041 could add another 30,000 people. Housing and even supplying enough water are big problems. The Tweed Shire Council will not be able to meet water demand after around 2028. T...

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The World-Wide Decline of the Chinese Birth Rate By James Reed

This may be surprising. While we are used to hear by now about the radical crash in births in the advanced industrial countries of East Asia, this birth dearth, according to Dr Wee Ka Siong is happening to Chinese populations in the West as well, and Malaysia. "The Chinese in many parts of the world don't have many children." "This is the trend tha...

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Potassium Deficiency in Agricultural Soils By Bob Farmer, Dairy Farmer

 Forget about climate change as a threat to food production. The limiting factory to agricultural plant growth could well be a deficiency in the element potassium, and this is all a result of power politics. There is a world-wide problem emerging, of a potassium deficiency in agricultural soils, as more potassium is being removed than added. P...

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The UN, World Economic Forum and CSIRO, Really do Want You to Eat the Bugs! By James Reed

Malcolm Roberts has a great article at the, "Cockroaches in the Halls of Power, Crickets in the Press." We have covered the agenda of the UN and the World Economic Forum on the elimination of meat and farming in aid of climate change hysteria. What is new to me is that the "eat the bugs" ideology has been taken up in Australia by o...

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What is the Albo Government Hiding? By James Reed

 In response to questions from One Nation's Malcolm Roberts, about whether the Australian government is set to surrender its national sovereignty over health to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Health Minister responded: "The World Health Authority is exactly that. The World Health Organisation can give advice, but it has no legal mech...

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A Critique of Dr Mercola on the Lack of an AI Threat By Brian Simpson

I have covered numerous articles where authorities ranging from academics, computer scientists to organizations such as the IMF, have warned that advances in AI will lead to massive job losses. Dr Mercola in a surprisingly disappointing piece disagrees and puts his case that AI will help us, just like a calculator will. He is clearly enthusiastic a...

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Toxic Masculinity, or the Foundations of Civilised Order? By Mrs Vera West

Bob Livingston Alerts, available by email usually has some powerful social critical commentary on the cultural madness, and badness of the Left. In a recent email I received, he addressed the feminist issue of "toxic masculinity." By this terminology the feminist elites are objecting to what they see as a patriarchal male. Such beings are heterosex...

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The Next Level of Lawfare Against Donald Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The next Leftist judge lining up for the destruction of Donald Trump is Juan Manuel Merchan, presiding in another New York criminal trial. You only need to mention the place of New York and courts, to see where this one will go. Corrupt juries would prosecute Trump for the extinction of the dinosaurs, if that was a case. What has evindence got to d...

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The Ukraine Border, or the Home Front? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For a fraction of the tens of billions of dollars spent defending the Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe, the US border could be secured, and even homelessness eliminated. So, the elites must really have something in the Ukraine that they want to protect. But, a survey Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that "64% ...

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The Racial Agenda Behind Climate Change Alarmism By Chris Knight (Florida)

       Andrea Widburg, "As Climate 'Science' Collapses, the Biden Administration Doubles Down on it for Racial Purposes," has given a good summary of the failings of the climate change agenda, including a recent paper that hammered the mainstream models for their inability to adequately model water vapour, a more important green...

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The Economic Cost to the UK of International Students By James Reed

It is orientation week at most Australian universities and one needs to visit one's local university to see the Great White Replacement in action. Don't trust the government's released figures of the number of international students, trust your own eyes. I did and by my count of the main enrolment area saw Whites totally outnumbered. As well, a lad...

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The Late Roman Empire Solution, before the Fall By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime, having created the problem of allowing hundreds of thousands of military age males to walk through the open US border, is now taking the path that ancient Rome took, which was one factor leading to its fall, putting these males in the military. This is supposed to deal with the immigration problem, and that of Whites not enlisting...

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The Orthodox Church Stands Against Woke Pope By Peter West

Traditional Catholics have been in revolt against the decision made by the Pope to bless same-sex couples. We have argued that this is contrary to Christian tradition, and is a major step in the Church openly accepting homosexuality. The African cardinals objected, but until now the Russian orthodox Church has not responded. But that has now change...

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Climate Change to Target Fashion Industry; This will be Interesting! By Mrs Vera West

The thought had occurred to me that the climate change alarmist agenda after going after fossil fuels and meat must one day tackle the fashion industry and cosmetics, girl stuff. Notice how all the big department stores have a cosmetics section at the entrance? It is big business, and women love it. Likewise for clothes. But if cars and meat are a ...

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The Banker By James Reed

Here is a great poem and link to the performance by Mike Daviot, written, directed and produced by Craig-James Moncur, which tells the story as concisely as possible about how the unseen financial elites rule the world, and still seek additional power. This is well worth circulating for as long as it remains up on YouTube.

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Aussies Struggle to Afford Groceries While Their Country is Deconstructed By James Reed

It is hard time for the ordinary Aussie. The first bad news is that according to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), real household disposable income per capita collapsed by around 6 percent in the year to September 2023 to fall to 2012 levels. And Albo crows about economic progress, indeed, a boom! Deloitte Access Economics partner Stephen Smit...

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The Greens Also Make Aussies Homeless By James Reed

Labor is going to let the "Help to buy" shared equity scheme for housing scheme die rather than undertake property tax reform. Thus, the proposal will be put to the vote without securing any commitment from the Greens. Here is an outline of the scheme which would have given Aussies 10,000 more houses, a drop in the ocean to be sure with mass replac...

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Malcolm Roberts: Update on World Health Organization’s Power Grab By James Reed

This is an update via email from Senator Malcolm Roberts, detailing the present fight against the World Health Organization international health regulations and pandemic treaty. Senator Roberts does magnificent work, and would make a far better PM than what is on offer. "This is an update on my campaign against the World Health Organisation's power...

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Trump Fights Back! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump has been hit by a legal judgment which almost defies comprehension, that he committed fraud against banks who testified that he did not, and that they in fact made substantial profits from his loans. The alleged crime is thus a victimless crime. But we know it was lawfare, constructed to financially destroy Trump. The fine is for $ 354...

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Men and Women’s Brains Work Differently By Mrs Vera West

Findings, to be published in the February 19 2024 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, have allegedly shown for the first time that sex differences have a determining role in cognition and brain organisation. Hence, men and women think differently. The Stanford University researchers are saying that they are the first to show...

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