Trump Fights Back! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump has been hit by a legal judgment which almost defies comprehension, that he committed fraud against banks who testified that he did not, and that they in fact made substantial profits from his loans. The alleged crime is thus a victimless crime. But we know it was lawfare, constructed to financially destroy Trump. The fine is for $ 354...

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Men and Women’s Brains Work Differently By Mrs Vera West

Findings, to be published in the February 19 2024 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, have allegedly shown for the first time that sex differences have a determining role in cognition and brain organisation. Hence, men and women think differently. The Stanford University researchers are saying that they are the first to show...

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We Need More Cows, Not Less! By James Reed

The World Economic Forum, as has been extensively covered at the blog, has been leading the charge in the attack upon farming and meat, and that means less of our friendly cows. But there has been a counter-movement, with some soil scientists seeing ruminants such as cows playing an important role in rebuilding soils, and hence reducing carbon emis...

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Letter by Britain’s Health Advisory and Recovery Team Review of excess Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

Britain's Health Advisory and Recovery Team co-chair Dr. Claire Craig supported by the UK Medical Freedom Alliance, and Children's COVID Vaccine Advisory Council issued this joint open letter to Victoria Atkins, MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on February 6, 2024, which was appended with dozens of physician-scientist signatures. I...

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The Global Managerial Gambit By James Reed

 As noted by journalist Rebekah Barnett, the Director General of the World Health Organisation (WHO), has explained at an address to the World Governments Summit, on 12 February 2024, the operation of the global managerial gambit, which he says will not erode national sovereignty: "Let me be clear: WHO did not impose anything on anyone during ...

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There are No 15-Minute Cities, Only 15-Minute Prisons By Richard Miller (London)

The following article which the person wants circulated, is a little choppy, but still gets the message over, regarding 15-minute cities, taking the example of Bath in the UK, given as a poster child for the15-minute city, which is supposed to create a liveable space without cars, and reduce carbon emissions. What the proposals have done is as foll...

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The New Zealand Defence Force Covid Mandate Case Decided: Lessons for Australia - A Legal Opinion Sought Out By Arnis Luks

The New Zealand Court of Appeal has ruled that the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDEF) had acted illegally with its Covid-19 vaccine mandate. A government public order had required New Zealand defence persons and police to receive the Covid-19 vaccine or be terminated. Three unvaccinated NZDEF challenged the order seeking a judicial review. Various g...

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Cultural Marxism, Eroding the Common Law - A Legal Opinion Sought Out By Arnis Luks

Following on from the article outlining the New Zealand climate change case, a case which is set to see the High court consider issues of traditional Māori lore as this is interpreted to relate to climate change issues, it is relevant to reflect upon the wider agenda which is impacting upon law in the West. Cases like this are no coincidence and Au...

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The New Zealand Climate Change Tort Case - A Legal Opinion Sought Out By Arnis Luks

A recent climate change case from New Zealand raises important political and jurisprudential (legal) issues, that are relevant to not just New Zealand but other Western countries, especially Australia and the United States. First, by way of general background, before going into details, the climate change case involves the applicant, Mike Smith, wh...

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Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, has given his usual informative summaries of important issues, in this case new evidence relating to the lab origin of Covid-19. He notes that science writer Nicholas Wade, who earlier wrote a widely respected critique of the natural origin hypothesis of Covid's origin, published another piece on January 25, 2024,...

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Lessons From the Great Covid Cover-Up By Brian Simpson

       With the new compelling evidence of the Covid-19 virus as a lab creation involving the joint activities of the US Deep State and the CCP, through the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the question of guilt naturally arises. It is to be expected that a totalitarian communist regime will have no accountability, and China did not...

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Fraud Everywhere: The Sham of Research By James Reed

Here is another reason why it is necessary to begin a movement to control the universities, given as I have argued, almost every evil we face comes from them, as these are the training grounds of the globalists and communists. It may be still argued that universities are needed to produce intellectual and scientific research. But, the very institut...

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The Problem of the Pill By Mrs Vera West

The contraceptive Pill ushered in the sexual and women's liberation movements of the 1960s. Before the Pill, traditional society disapproved of sexual relations outside of marriage because of the risk of unwanted pregnancy, and this was at a time when abortion was rightly a criminal offence across most of the West, including Australia. Looking back...

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The Covid Plandemic Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize! By Brian Simpson

A thoughtful piece was published at, arguing that the Nobel Peace Prize should ideally be given to the Covid resistance movement. Given the multitude of dangers posed by the vax, and the unjustified lockdowns, those leaders opposing this have a good case for sharing a Nobel Peace Prize if it was administered the way Alfred Nobel's wi...

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France’s Article Pfizer By Richard Miller (London)

I previously reported on France's proposed introduction of a Bill which openly protects Big Pharma from scrutiny, now called by critics, "Article Pfizer." While this from initial descriptions sounded like false news, a paranoid over-reaction, Dr Peter McCullough, a sound and respected Covid vax critic, has investigated the matter in more detail, an...

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The Weaponisation of Censorship Technologies By Chris Knight (Florida)

In a recent Tucker Carlson interview with social critic Mike Benz, the obvious for us, but perhaps not so for most people, was stated. The US Department of Defense used censorship technologies developed by DARPA to deal with terrorist organisations during the 2020 election against Donald Trump. These are weapons of "mass deletion" that censored ten...

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Green Insanity: Now it Will be Jail for Defending Fossil Fuels! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This story comes from Canada, which is arguably one of the most woke and oppressive regimes in the West, but of course, deciding which globo commo cesspool is the worst is a moot point. Still, here is the latest madness, where Charlie Angus, a leading member of the NDP party which has 25 seats in the Canadian Parliament, a Left party supporting Jus...

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Frequent Covid Jab Boosters May Impair the Immune System By Brian Simpson

This has now been stated by mainstream science: frequent mRNA Covid boosters may impair the immune system, leaving people more susceptible to a range of diseases, including cancers, particularly fast-acting aggressive types. An article in the January 27 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Clinical and Experimental Medicine, showed this by epidemio...

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Russian Nuclear Weapons in Space? By James Reed

Following on from the latest round of Russian threats of nuclear annihilation of the West, the US Congress was alarmed about the reports that Russia intends to put nuclear weapons in space. There has been much speculation about this, ranging from it being a false flag report, to being a genuine threat. Suppose it was a genuine claim, what purpose w...

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Iran and China Move on Antarctica By James Reed

There are reports that Iran is claiming that it has ambitions to claim Antarctica and build a military base at the South Pole, according to Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani. He believes that Iran has property rights the region, but no basis was detailed. The Biden regime, best know for acts of treason, released $ 6 billion in froze...

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