Feminism Blamed for Birth Dearth By Mrs Vera West

Is feminism responsible for the radical decline in births seen across the developed world? This question is being asked now, especially in East Asian countries such as South Korea, which on its present demographic path of having the worst fertility rate in the world, of 0.8 births per woman, is on the road to extinction. The case has been put that ...

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Out of Africa, Back to Europe By Brian Simpson

The "Out of Africa" archaeology idea is that the human species evolved in "mother Africa," and moved from there across the world. According to this ideology, based upon scattered fossil findings, human races are only relatively recent developments, so are not of biological significance. It is one of the ideologies behind multiracialism and multicul...

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Impeachment Time Bomb for Eternal Ukraine Funding By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Not only are we seeing the greatest amount of lawfare ever unleashed upon a political candidate, with Trump facing nearly half a billion dollars in fines, and the prospect of eternity in jail, for basically just daring to run, but the globalist elites have even put an impeachment time bomb in sacred legislation, such as funding for the Ukraine. Sen...

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Russian Threats of Nuclear Armageddon By James Reed

I have been following quite diligently the proclamations being made by Russian elites about how nuclear Armageddon could arise. Many of these claims have been made by Putin's ally, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council and a former Russian president and prime minister. Medvedev's latest claim is more extreme than others ...

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Black Activist Lawyer: Stop Crime by Legalising It! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Some proposals for dealing with crime are stunning in their sheer ignorance. Like the idea canvassed by Black activist lawyer Ben Crump, who was the civil liberty lawyer for Saint George Floyd, whose untimely death led to the left burning down America. His "brilliant" idea is to solve the problem of Black crime (he admitted, "They made the laws to ...

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Australian Defence Force; Too Weak to Fight a War By James Reed

Didn't the populate or perish multicult, Anti-Anglo Saxon mass immigration elites tell us that replacing Anglo Saxons by the diverse multicult would lead to population growth that would make us safe in an age of nuclear weapons, as migrants are super beings? The reality is that this was all fearmongering to an ill-informed population at the time, t...

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Stories of Cultural Decay By Mr Abigail Knight (Florida)

Here are two stories, one from Spain, and the other from the US, and both illustrate the common theme of cultural decay. A carnival in the Spanish city of Torrevieja, has dressed up teenage girls as prostitutes while they carried LGBT rainbow flags. No, they couldn't have been filmed carrying say science books, while carrying those flags, which in ...

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Australia Rife with International Student ‘Ghost Colleges’ By James Reed

As detailed below, the Albo government lifted the cap on international student work hours, extended the length of time VET graduates could stay in Australia after finishing their courses, signed migration treaties with India, giving Indians five-year student visas and eight-year post-study work visas. The Albanese government had already increased t...

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Why Australians Need to Oppose State-Based Treaties By James Reed

While the Voice referendum was decisively defeated, the elites had already a plan B in place, to achieve most of the same results at the state level. South Australia already has a state treaty, and this was established even before the Voice referendum. One part of the treaty process may be reparations of some sort. At present we do not know the exp...

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Alarming Story of the Day: Are Fertility- Lowering Chemicals in Australian Grains as Well as US Ones? By Mrs Vera West

A recent scientific study has found that four in five Americans tested positive for chlormequat chloride, a plant growth chemical. The chemical was found in a number of wheat and oats products. The chemical can result in lower fertility and harm developing foetuses. This can occur, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which conducted...

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Planned Civilisational Suicide By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An article at American Greatness.com, a site which I think begs the key question, but I continue, has an article that raises the idea that what is reported by most conservatives as chaos arising from failed Leftist social policies, is not really that at all. Instead, the policies are intentional civilisational suicide, self-destruction, or in the a...

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Tyranny Overload in France: Protecting Big Pharma at All Costs By Richard Miller (London)

It is important for an Australian blog, in a country a bit isolated from the rest of the world, especially Europe, to keep track on what the globalist elites are up to. With a strong Covid vax critique movement, and now even some mainstream scientists exposing the harms of the Covid vaxxes, Big Pharma is disturbed by falling profits. Despite the cr...

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Ballot Fraud Study Confirms 2020 Victory for Trump! By Chris Knight (Florida)

While it is hard times for Donald Trump with present lawfare judgments against him by biased judges and juries, one big story that did not see the light of day in the mainstream media, was the report that Trump most likely won the 2020 election. This was a ballot fraud study by the Heartland institute. They concluded that: "After analyzing the raw ...

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Next Level in the Lawfare Against Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A New York judge has delivered the verdict, from a New York jury, in the Trump fraud case, fining Trump more than $350 million and barring him from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years. This was done as a political act to bankrupt Trump by manic Democrats. The case was based upon allegations by the state tha...

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Big Tech’s Big Plans for the 2024 Elections By Brian Simpson

What should be our reasoned response when Big Tech companies, who have been shown to engage in electoral interference for the Left, by many means, including manipulation of the algorithms and search engines, now say that they are going to stop deceptive artificial intelligence interfering with elections this year? I say that they are up to their us...

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Be Careful What Jokes One Make! By Richard Miller (London)

A man who was 18-years at the time, made a stupid joke that he was going to blow up a plane on a flight from London Gatwick to Menorca. Two F-18 Spanish fighter jets then took to the air, although it was unclear what they could have done if the threat was serious. Maybe the intent was to shoot down the jet if it looked like it was set to explode ov...

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The Environmentalist Attack Upon Procreation By Mrs Vera West

Below is material detailing the environmentalist case against people in the West, there is no reference to Africa for example, having children. Children, it seems are carbon-producers, and thus a climate change cost. The article quotes philosophers, an academic disciple I have grown to be highly suspicious of, who put this case, with all the argume...

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1.5 Billion Abortions in the Last Two Decades By Mrs Vera West

The number of abortions worldwide in recent times is astonishing and is not usually contemplated. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are around 73 million abortions performed in the world annually. Six out of 10 (61 percent) of all unintended pregnancies, and 3 out of 10 (29 percent) of all pregnancies, end in induced abortion....

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The Great Divide: The People vs the Elites By James Reed

One of the themes that I pursue here at the blog in focussing my articles, is that of the ordinary people versus the elites. This great divide can be seen right across the West, and characterised the Voice referendum, where the inner-city university-trained elites voted for Yes as a matter of ritual. Their education had programmed them to think in ...

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China’s Population Crash By James Reed

It seems that demography could be the limiting factor to China's quest for world domination. According to predictions from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), China's population, presently around 1.4 billion, with drop by an incredible 60 percent by the end of the 21st century, to 525 million. Of course, this is a process of gradual dem...

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